Home(Un)ruling others and the self

Home(Un)ruling others and the self

(Un)ruling others and the self

Social innovation, critiques and resistances within global governance apparatuses

La gouvernance globale et ses dispositifs : innovations sociales, critiques et résistances

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Published on Tuesday, July 04, 2017


This PhD seminar wishes to bring into being a collective research aiming at producing transdisciplinar knowledges as we set an environment for social scientist to share their critical tools and methods. The goal of this seminar is to tackle the normativity of the global governance models emerging from neoliberal politics and policies and the manner it operates at different scales. We aim at bringing to the concept of "neoliberalism" fresh addendum from empirical datas, drawn from researchs currently being made among PhD from PSL institutions. 


PSL, EHESS, PhD Seminar


Has (neo)liberalism done its course? a multifaceted question to be understood under several aspects, that the collective research seminar (Un)ruling others and the self aims at unfolding. It offers an environment for social scientists to share critical tools and methodologies among disciplines, as they stimulate each other through their respective and common traditions. The goal of this seminar, through critical analysis of empirical data, is to target, connect and compare the normativity of the global governance models emerging from neoliberal politics and policies and the manner it operates at different scales.

This seminar focuses on the emergence of collectives based on political, social and economic alternatives observable worldwide. We will be interested in the analysis of social scientists focusing their research on the mechanisms of integration and of institutionalisation of these phenomena, from which we shall try to define their features. Can we identify processes of reproduction of the logics of neoliberal governance through these organisations and movements? What are the methods of resistance, accompaniment or action whose irruption is correlative with attempts in renewing the practices of the art of governing?

This open call call for papers is first proposed to PhD students working on these questions, whatever the discipline they come from. During each bi-monthly session, this seminar sets a debate between a PhD student and a social science researcher from PSL universities. A preliminary reading of a book or a scientific article shall help us for putting into perspective each speaker’s investigations and guiding the conversation. This large corpus of data will give rise to a round table discussion at the end of each session.

Submission guidelines

Send your proposals by email in PDF format including :

  • Name, Surname, Institution & research center.
  • Description of your current research, including survey of methodologies (2 pages)
  • Choice of a scientific book or article, drawn / inspired from our non-exhaustive bibliography https://goo.gl/g5eQ3g
  • Name of a researcher with whom you would like to debate during the seminar

The seminar will takes place at EHESS, 54 Boulevard Raspail, Paris, from October to December 2017 (bimonthly), 3 hours per session / 1 hour per speaker. It is supported by the iiAC (Institut Interdisciplinaire d'Anthropologie du Contemporain) and the IRIS Etudes Globales.

Deadline for submitting papers is 3rd of September 2017

Please send your project to stephane.blumer@ehess.fr et olivier.coulaux@ehess.fr

Scientific committee

  • Stéphane Blumer, doctorant EHESS, thèse menée sous la direction de Marc Abélès, rattaché au iiAC depuis 2016
  • Olivier Coulaux, doctorant contractuel EHESS, thèse menée sous la direction de Marc Abélès, rattaché au iiAC depuis 2016


  • 54 Boulevard Raspail
    Paris, France (75006)


  • Sunday, September 03, 2017


  • gouvernance, néolibéralisme, globalisation, dispositifs, innovation sociale, transdisciplinaire, capitalisme


  • Olivier Coulaux
    courriel : olivier [dot] coulaux [at] ehess [dot] fr
  • Stephane Blumer
    courriel : stephane [dot] blumer [at] ehess [dot] fr

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Olivier Coulaux
    courriel : olivier [dot] coulaux [at] ehess [dot] fr


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« (Un)ruling others and the self », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, July 04, 2017, https://doi.org/10.58079/y1n

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