Sustainable cities
First international network of Michelin cities
Published on Tuesday, July 25, 2017
The development of green, ecological city or Eco-city has been introduced as a mean to support sustainable urban development within a social, economic, environmental and demographic con-text (Tsolakis, Anthopoulos, 2015). The Eco-city concept was introduced by Urban Ecology, a non profit organization that was founded in 1975 by Richard Register (Roseland, 1997). An Eco-city ensures the well-being of its citizens via a holistic urban planning and management approach with the aim of eliminating waste and emissions (Register, 1987). From a systemic point of view, an eco-city can be described like a set of different complex sub-system that need to be associated or reconnected in order to deli-ver the desired outcomes (Diemer, Morales, 2016).
Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA) Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (MSH)
Michelin Group Ville de Clermont-Ferrand
The meeting pretends to become a forum where people from academia, industry and government meet and share knowledge, experiences and practical skills, attracting on this base a substantial number of contributions from participants from different backgrounds and countries, mainly those where the Michelin company have presence. The variety of topics and experiences is one of the main reasons behind the expected success of this Symposium
The development of green, ecological city or Eco-city has been introduced as a mean to support sustainable urban development within a social, economic, environmental and demographic context ( Tsolakis, Anthopoulos, 2015). The Eco-city concept was introduced by Urban Ecology, a non profit organization that was founded in 1975 by Richard Register (Roseland, 1997). An Eco-city ensures the well-being of its citizens via a holistic urban planning and management approach with the aim of eliminating waste and emissions (Register , 1987). From a systemic point of view, an eco-city can be described like a set of different complex subsystem that need to be associated or reconnected in order to deliver the desired outcomes (Diemer , Morales, 2016).
In the 90s, the term sustainable city replaced that of ecological city in response to the creation of the ICLEI (International Center of local environmental intiatives) in 1990, the European green book on urban environ- ment (1990) and the Rio Conference (1992) and the ICLEI was been established at the World Congress of Local Governments for a Sustainable Future, at the United Nations in New York. The mission was to build and serve a world- wide movement of local governments to achieve tangible improvements in global sustainability with special focus in environmental conditions through cumulative local actions (200 local governments from 43 counties were involved).
The Green Paper on the Urban Environment From European Commission was proposed in june 1990... One chapter was focus on the Future of the Urban Environment, the second was titled « Towards a Community Strategy for the Urban Environment». Dealing with the problems of the urban environment,
Conference Topics
1. Research on the concepts “Sustainable cities, Eco-cities, Smart Cities”
2. Research on methodology for sustainable cities. Papers can be focus on how to measure the ecological, social, political or economic performances of cities and territories. Methodologies associated to metabolism (stocks, flows, inputs, output), circles of sustainability , system dynamics or indicators (ecological footprint) are welcomed.
3. Comparative research on Cities or Mega-cities (Alger, Buenos Aires, Kinshasa, London, Mexico, New York, Paris, Quebec, Sidney...). Papers focus on results or questions regarding sustainable development: agriculture, biodiversity, climate, corruption, democracy, development in south cities, energy, governance, migrations, mobility, population, urban cities, transports, water...
4. Research linked to disciplinary (Arts, Archeology, Economics, Education, Geography, History, Law, Psychology, Sociology...), inter - disciplinary or trans-disciplinary and sustainability... A way to understand the different dimensions of the object “Sustainable city”.
5. Research on the different fields which are involved in the conceptualization of sustainable cities : indus- trial ecology, industrial symbiosis, political ecology, degrowth, urban ecology...
6. Research focus on social innovation in sustainable cities and specially on the actors (Communities, NGO, Foundations, firms, ...). How Education can change behaviours ? How to create new opportunities from sustainability ?
Benefits of attending
Publication of Papers
Papers presented at the conference 2017 will be published in book "sustainable cities"
Participants can present their research and interact with experts from around the world.
The First Symposium of International Network— Michelin cities face the challenges presented by the increasing size of the cities, the amount of resources required and the complexity of modern society
Submission information
The Scientific Committee and the Organization Committee encourage you to submit your abstracts (600 words). The abstracts should be written in English or in French, the official languages of the event.
The deadlines are:
- Abstract Submission: September 20th, 2017 (including: name, first name, institution, email, 600 words)
- Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: September 30th, 2017
- Final Paper Submission Deadline: November 25th, 2017
Jean Monnet Award 2017
Two prizes will be awarded by the Scientific Committee: a prize for an original work by a young researcher and a prize for an original work by a senior researcher. Those interested in submitting their work should send their paper before August, 30th. The two prizes will take the form of support for trip and accommodations for the symposium.
- Maja GÖPEL, Wuppertal Institute, Germany
- Paul JAMES, University of Western Sydney, Australia.
- Aleix ALTIMIRAS MARTIN, Universidad Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
International Scientific Advisory Committee
- Eric Agbessi (UCA, Communication et société, France)
- Claudio Araujo (UCA, CERDI, France)
- Frédéric Caille (University Savoie Mont Blanc, UMR Triangle, France)
- Eric Dacheux (UCA, Communication et Société, France)
- Henri Dicks (University Lyon 3, France)
- Arnaud Diemer (UCA, CERDI, France)
- Dominique Bourg (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)
- Stéphane Cadiou (Université Saint-Etienne, UMR, Triangle, France)
- Sarah Cornell (University of Stockholm, Sweden)
- Sylvie Ferrari (University of Bordeaux, France)
- Nicolas Buclet (University of Grenoble Alpes, France)
- Yang Fu (City University of Hong Kong)
- Maja Goepel (Wuppertal Institute, Germany)
- Ulrich Goluke (Blue way, Germany)
- Huanxiu Guo (Nanjing University, China)
- Jacqueline Klopp (Columbia University, USA)
- Paul James (University of Western Sydney, Autralia)
- Jean-Philippe Luis (MSH, Clermont-Ferrand)
- Aleix Altimiras Martin (Universidad Estadual de Campinas, Brazil)
- Guillaume Massart (BG Ingénieurs Conseil, EPFL, Switzerland)
- Amira Mersal (Alexandria University, Egypt)
- Constanza Parra (University of Leuven, Belgium)
- Francine Pellaud (HEP Fribourg, Switzerland)
- Marie Françoise Renard (UCA, UMR CERDI, France)
- Laurent Rieutort (UCA, UMR Territoires, France)
- Sébastien Rouquette (UCA, Communication et société, France)
- Tommaso Venturini (Université de Génève, Switzerland)
- Damien Talbot (UCA, CRGCM, France)
- Dominique Vollet (UCA, UMR Territoires, France)
Arnaud DIEMER Clermont Auvergne University, OR2D, France, rance
Organization Committee
- Florian Dierickx, UCA, France
- Geoffrey Volat, UCA, France
- Ganna Gladkykh, UCA, France
- Faheem Khushik, UCA, France
- Manuel E. Morales, UCA, France
- Patricia Coelho, UCA, France
- Julian Torres, UCA, France
- Abdourakmane Ndyiae , UCA, France
- Urban studies (Main category)
- Society > Sociology
- Society > Ethnology, anthropology
- Zones and regions > Europe
- Society > Geography
- Society > History
- Society > Economics
- Society > Political studies
- Amphi MSH, Polydome (Aubière) and Maison des sciences de l'Homme (Clermont Ferrand)
Clermont-Ferrand, France (63)
- Saturday, September 30, 2017
Attached files
- metabolism, resilience, energy, climate, migration, food, mobility, transport, building
- Arnaud Diemer
courriel : arnaud [dot] diemer [at] uca [dot] fr
Reference Urls
Information source
- Arnaud Diemer
courriel : arnaud [dot] diemer [at] uca [dot] fr
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To cite this announcement
« Sustainable cities », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, July 25, 2017,