HomeTranslation: Ethical or political perspective?

HomeTranslation: Ethical or political perspective?

Translation: Ethical or political perspective?

La traduction : sous le prisme de l’éthique ou du politique ?

الترجمة: عبر منظار الأخلاق أو السياسة؟

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Published on Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Translators work for the globalisation of commodities, patents and services; for the electronics industry, pharmaceuticals, biotechnologies, etc. - more than they work for the sake of the free movement of people. They perceptibly offer their services to whoever pays them, even if by so doing they might in some instances breach their own ethics. However, is there really a choice between a translation for the food industry and a translation for child protection? Between a translation for the aeronautics industry and a translation about the degraded environment? Between interpreting for the police officer who expels a foreigner and interpreting for a refugee, seeking asylum? Can we not be accessories of the dominant order, which represses its contradictions and tries more and more to control the various expressions, to subjugate, to domesticate? Can we do more than merely attend to subtitling films and television programs that are more and more standardised?



League of Arab States
The Higher Arab Institute of Translation (HAIT Algiers) holds its third International symposium entitled: "Translation: Ethical or political perspective?" Algiers - 16 to 18 December 2017 

Translation and the Impact of Globalisation

Translators work for the globalisation of commodities, patents and services; for the electronics industry, pharmaceuticals, biotechnologies, etc. - more than they work for the sake of the free movement of people. They perceptibly offer their services to whoever pays them, even if by so doing they might in some instances breach their own ethics. However, is there really a choice between a translation for the food industry and a translation for child protection? Between a translation for the aeronautics industry and a translation about the degraded environment? Between interpreting for the police officer who expels a foreigner and interpreting for a refugee, seeking asylum? Can we not be accessories of the dominant order, which represses its contradictions and tries more and more to control the various expressions, to subjugate, to domesticate? Can we do more than merely attend to subtitling films and television programs that are more and more standardised (Internationalised)? Yves Gambier, Meta N ° 4, 2006

Key words: Translation, translation studies, terminology, multimedia, ethics, globalisation.

Yves Gambier’s quote, which was deliberately put forward, sheds some light on the issues facing translation today, as well as the societal impact this field has been subjected to.

The current deep technological, political and economic changes have undoubtedly been fraught with pitfalls for the academic activity of translation.

Indeed, while professionals in the field have been relieved by the advances achieved in the digital and language industries, and apart from this alluring finding, the fact is that the impact of these changes on translation is far from circumscribing all the snares inherent to this trade.

We have been witnessing the practice of a profession often subject to insidious strategies with political outlines which, to the detriment of a diversified cultural coexistence, modify the humanistic and humanising character of translation. The stakes of this discipline exceed without any shade of a doubt, and by far, the procedures of transferring texts from one language to another and turn into a linguistic weapon, provided it is not the field of a manipulation leading to heavy consequences.

All of these ethical questions, as well as the management of the linguistic/cultural diversity and the digital contributions are issues that the symposium plans to tackle.

The selected subjects will be analysed from several perspectives, both theoretically and empirically.

Topic proposals

The proposed contributions will address the following suggested, but restrictive, axes:

  • The erroneous translations of political addresses: From cultural incompetence to manipulation.
  • Cultural errors in machine translation (AT) or computer-aided translation (CAT).
  • The role of translation in the current context of migration.
  • The translation between ethics and deontology.
  • Arabic translation in view of the terminological challenges.
  • Arab translation policies.


  • Burger, M., « L’analyse linguistique des discours médiatiques », Paris, Nota Bene, 2008.
  • Chalvin, D., « Du bon usage de la manipulation », Top news, n°4, 2008.
  • Eco, U., « Dire presque la même chose. Expérience de traduction », Paris, Grasset, 2007.
  • Godard, B., « L’éthique du traduire : Antoine Berman et le virage éthique en traduction », www.erudit.org.
  • Gouadec, D., « Profession traducteur », La maison du dictionnaire, 2009.
  • Henri Meschonnic, « Ethique et politique du traduire », Verdier, 2007.
  • Peeters, J., « La médiation de l’étranger. Une sociolinguistique de la traduction », Artois presses université, 1999.
  • Pergnier, M., « Comment dénaturer une traduction » Meta, vol 35, n°1, 1990.
  • Pym, A., « Pour une éthique du traducteur », PU d’Ottawa, 1997.
  • Rastier, F « Arts et sciences du texte », Paris PUF, 2001.
  • Ricoeur, P., « Sur la traduction », Paris, Bayard, 2004.
  • Sayah, M. et Simeon, R., « La traductologie entre art et miroir », Synergies Monde Arabe, n°4, 2007.
  • Jean-Marc Gouanvic, « Ethos, Ethics and Translation Toward a Community of Destinies », The Translator,vol.7, n°2, 2001.
  • Mona Baker & Carol Maier, « Ethics and the Curriculum: Critical Perspectives (The Interpreter and Translator Trainer) », UK, Routledge, 2014.
  • Popper Karl, « The open society and its Enemies », Rutledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1962.
  • Venuti Lawrence, « The Translator’s invisibility, a History of Translation », London & New York : Rutledge, 1995.
  • Reiss, Katharina, « Possibilities and Limitations of Translation Criticism, Categories and Criteria for a Fair Evaluation of Translations », Manich: Hueber, 1971.
  • Hutchins W. J. and Lovtsky E., « Early Years in Machine Translation : Memoirs and Biographies of Pioneers », Amesterdam, J. Benjamins, vol.15 no. 3, 2000.
  • Semmar N., Essafi H., et al., Using a Cross-Language Information Retrieval
  • Approach to Improve Computer-Aided Translation Performance’, 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), IEEE (Ed), 2010.
  • Hilbert, M., & López, P., « The World’s Technological Capacity to Store, Communicate, and Compute Information », Science, 2011.
  • FARAHZAD, Farzaneh., « A Gestalt Approach to Manipulation in Translation », ERIC (Education Resources Information Center), 1998.
  • حجازي محمود فهمي، الأسس اللغوية لعلم المصطلح. مكتبة غريب، القاهرة، 1993.
  • باروخ سبينواز، علم الأخلاق. ترجمة جلال الدّين سعيد، مركز د ارسات الوحدة العربية، بيروت، 2009.
  • نورة بوحناش، الأخلاق والحداثة. أفريقيا الشرق للنشر والتوزيع، المغرب، 2013.
  • الشهابي مصطفى، المصطلحات العلمية في اللغة العربية في القديم والحديث. مطبوعات المجمع العلمي العربي، دمشق، 1965.
  • الزركان محمد علي، الجهود اللغوية في المصطلح العلمي الحديث، منشوارت اتحاد الكتاب العرب، دمشق، 1998.
  • الخويلدي زهير، شذ ارت فلسفية: العولمة وحالة الفكر في حضارة اق أر. دار النشر إي-كتب، لندن 2010
  • القاسمي علي، مقدمة في علم المصطلح، مكتبة النهضة المصرية، القاه رة ،1987.
  • الحم ازوي رشاد، المنهجية العامة لترجمة المصطلحات وتوحيدها وتنميطها، دار الغرب الإسلامي، بيروت، 1986. 
  • عتيق عمر، الترجمة والعولمة في سياق التواصل الثقافي، مجلة جامعة القدس المفتوحة، ع 25، 2011
  • حسيب الياس حديد، ترجمة الخطاب السياسي، دار الحكمة، بغداد-الع ارق، 2013.

Presentation language: Arabic, English, French and Spanish.

Guidelines for Participation :

Entries must be submitted to one of the following addresses

before October 01st 2017 

to colloque.isat@gmail.com / isatdz@gmail.com

The following information must be included in the submission:

  • A short bionote
  • Name (in capital letter) + first name
  • Home institution
  • Phone, postal address and e-mail address
  • The full title of your paper (20 words maximum)
  • A 400 / 500 word abstract, in the language of the presentation and in English including the keywords.

The Scientific Committee will evaluate the submissions and select the participating papers.

Deadlines :

Submission of abstracts : October 1st, 2017

Notification of acceptance : November 1st, 2017

Final programme : November 30th, 2017

Participation fees :

80€ including: publication of the proceedings, coffee break, certificate of participation and conference documents. 

Accommodation and travel expenses will be covered by the participants (A list of hotels contracted with the Institute will be communicated to the participants).

The fees will be paid on-site or transferred into HAIT’s account :

BADR (Agence Amirouche 00060) 17 Bd C. Amirouche, 16000 Alger

N° de compte : 060-063148-202-0-31-19 (swift : BADR DZ AL XX)

Additional relevant information can be found on the institute website:


Organising Committee :

  • Mrs. ASSOUANE Soraya, High Arab Institute for Translation (Algeria)
  • Dr. BEDJAOUI Meriem, National School of Political Science (Algeria)
  • Pr. BIOUD Inam, High Arab Institute for Translation  (Algeria)
  • Mrs. BOUSNADJI Lillia, High Arab Institute for Translation (Algeria)
  • Mrs. DENDENE Hanane, High Arab Institute for Translation (Algeria)
  • Mrs. DJEHICHE Meriem, High Arab Institute for Translation (Algeria)
  • Mrs. DJEHICHE Zineb, High Arab Institute for Translation (Algeria)
  • Mr. LAABED Toufik, High Arab Institute for Translation (Algeria)
  • Mr. MESSAMAH Mossaab, High Arab Institute for Translation (Algeria)
  • Mrs. MHENNI Fouzia, High Arab Institute for Translation (Algeria)
  • Mr. SAYAD Mohamed Lakhder, High Arab Institute for Translation (Algeria)

Scientific Committee :

  • Dr. BEDJAOUI Meriem, National School of Political Science (Algeria)
  • Pr. BIOUD Inam, High Arab Institute for Translation (Algeria)
  • Pr. BOUCHENTOUF- SIAGH Zohra, University of Vienna (Austria)
  • Dr. BOUZAR Madjid, ITIRI (Strasbourg)
  • Dr. El-HAKIM Rima, Higher Institute of Translation & Interpretation / Damascus University
  • Dr. FERCHOULI Fatma-Zohra, National School of Political Science (Algeria)
  • Dr. FLUHR Christian, Scientific Director – GEOL Semantics, France (France)
  • Pr. HADJ-AISSA Zohra, University of Algiers 2 (Algeria)
  • Pr. HAMIDI Khemissi, Dean of the University of Algiers 2 (Algerie)
  • Dr. JABBOUR Jean, Libanese University (Libanon)
  • Dr. Robin Clayton Ostle, University of Oxford (UK)
  • Dr. SEMMAR Nasredine, Research Engineer, CEA LIST, (France)
  • Dr. SHAFEI Nayel, Director and Founder of Marefa encyclopedia (USA)
  • Dr. SHAMMAS Nafez, Damascus University (Syria) / Petra University (Jordan)
  • Dr. TRESSO Claudia Maria, University of Turin (Italy)
  • Dr. YAHIAOUI Rachid, Translation and interpreting Institute-Hamad Bin Khalifa University (Qatar)
  • Pr. ZELLAL Nacira University of Algiers 2 (Algeria)


  • 01 Rampe Salah Gherbi, Alger
    Algiers, Algeria (16000)


  • Sunday, October 01, 2017


  • Traduction, traductologie, terminologie, multimédia, éthique, mondialisation


  • Lilia Bousnadji
    courriel : colloque [dot] isat [at] gmail [dot] com

Information source

  • Mossaab MESSAMAH
    courriel : colloque [dot] isat [at] gmail [dot] com


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To cite this announcement

« Translation: Ethical or political perspective? », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, July 25, 2017, https://doi.org/10.58079/y50

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