Cosmopolitanism revisited
Comparative Perspectives on Urban Diversity from the Gulf and Beyond
Published on Wednesday, September 13, 2017
This conference aims to revisit the notion of cosmopolitanism in Gulf cities and other regional areas from a comparative perspective. It will be a unique opportunity for scholars of the Gulf and other world regions to engage with cosmopolitanism or otherwise probe the intersection of global studies, urban studies and migration studies from a range of disciplines. More specifically, panels will be organized around the following research themes:“cosmopolitan canopy”, cosmopolitanism in theoretical and comparative perspectives, new geographies of cosmopolitanism in Gulf cities.
October 11-12, 2017
INALCO, Les Salons (2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris) CEVIPOF, salle G. Lavau (98 rue de l’Université, 75007 Paris)Attention: Inscription obligatoire pour la journée du 12 octobre:
Wednesday, October 11, INALCO
9h15 Introduction: Kathy Rousselet (SciencesPo-USPC / CERI), Delphine Pagès-El Karoui (INALCO-USPC / CERMOM) & Laure Assaf (EHESS / LAUM)
9h30 Keynote Conference 1: Ottoman Cosmopolitanism: Model or Myth?
Edhem Eldem (Boğaziçi University & Collège de France)
10h30-11h Coffee break
Panel 1: Cosmopolitan rhetorics and urban marketing
Chair: Claire Beaugrand (Institute for Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter)
- Universalism versus Cosmopolitanism? The case of theLouvre Abu Dhabi Museum Project, Anne Krebs (Service Etudes et recherche du Musée du Louvre) & Franck Mermier (CNRS / LAUM)
- The Art Milieus in Dubai and the Shaping of the Cosmo-Nationalist Man, Amin Moghadam (Princeton University)
- “Binary States”: An artistic endeavour to foster cosmopolitan and transnational rhetorics, Aurélie Varrel (CNRS / CEIAS)
- Transnational experiences, cosmopolitanism and visual arts in Kuwait before 1990, Anahi Alviso-Marino (CESSP / CRAPUL)
13h-14h30 Lunch Break
Panel 2: Cosmopolitanism in theoretical and comparative perspectives
Chairs: Sophie Body-Gendrot (Université Paris-Sorbonne / CNRS-CESDIP) & Hélène Thiollet (SciencesPo-USPC / CERI)
Cosmopolitanism as a nomadic concept: from India to South America, Pascal Sieger (EHESS / CEIAS)
Cosmopolitan urbanities in the Middle East: from colonial Alexandria to post-colonial Dubai, a travelling and contested concept, Delphine Pagès-El Karoui (INALCO-USPC / CERMOM)
The Cosmopolitan Canopy: Not lost in translation… A few remarks on the reception of the concept and its uses outside the US, Catherine Lejeune (Université Paris Diderot -USPC / LARCA)
Shopping malls as cosmopolitan canopies? Reflections on an urban form, Laure Assaf (EHESS / LAUM) & Sylvaine Camelin (Université Paris Nanterre / LESC)
16h30-17h Tea Time
17h Keynote Conference 2: The Cosmopolitan Canopy: Race and Civility in Everyday Life Elijah Anderson (Yale University)
Discussants: Philip Kasinitz (the City University of New York) & Anne Raulin (Université Paris Nanterre / Sophiapol)
19h Cocktail
Thursday, October 12, CEVIPOF, Sciences Po
9h30-10h30 Keynote Conference 3: Urban Enclaves: Scenes from Abu Dhabi and Dubai Yasser Elsheshtawy (independent writer, researcher and curator)
Panel 3: Cosmopolitan belongings, tensions and frictions in Gulf countries
Chair: Roman Stadnicki (Université de Tours / CITERES)
Uncelebrated diversity in Kuwait, Claire Beaugrand (Institute for Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter)
“Cosmopolitanism in denial. The illiberal politics of migration and everyday diversity in the Gulf cities”, Laure Assaf (EHESS / LAUM) & Hélène Thiollet (SciencesPo-USPC / CERI)
11h30-12h Coffee break
Analyzing cosmopolitanism through migratory paths among Abu Dhabi foreign residents, Clio Chaveneau (Université Paris-Sorbonne Abu Dhabi) & Hadrien Dubucs (Université Paris-Sorbonne Abu Dhabi)
Dubai Metro: A public transport infrastructure catalyst of cosmopolitan place making?, Clémence Montagne (Université Paris-Sorbonne / CEFAS)
“Outsiders” in France, “Westerners” in the Gulf, Martin Lestra (European University Institute / EHESS)
13h30-14h30 Lunch Break
Panel 4: Comparative ethnographies of cosmopolitanism
Chair: Philip Kasinitz (the City University of New York)
Experiencing aesthetico-cultural cosmopolitanism: a comparison of youth in Paris, Sao Paulo and Seoul, Vincenzo Cicchelli (Université Paris Descartes-USPC / GEMASS), Sylvie Octobre (Ministère de la Culture et de la communication / GEMASS), Viviane Riegel (ESPM São Paulo), Tally Katz-Gerro (University of Manchester) & Femida Handy (University of Pennsylvania)
What’s in a street? Exploring local stories of subaltern cosmopolitanism in Trikoupi, Nicosia, Karen Akoka (Université Paris Nanterre / ISP), Olivier Clochard (CNRS / Migrinter), Iris Polizou (École française d’Athènes) & Camille Schmoll (Université Paris Diderot-USPC / Géographie-cités / IUF)
Mooring super-diversity to a brutal migration milieu, Suzanne Hall (London School of Economics and Political Science)
16h30-17h Concluding remarks
- Urban studies (Main category)
- Society > Geography > Migration, immigration, minorities
- Society > Ethnology, anthropology > Cultural anthropology
- Zones and regions > Asia > Near East
- Periods > Modern > Twenty-first century
- Society > History > Urban history
- Society > Sociology > Urban sociology
- Periods > Modern > Twentieth century > 1945-1989
- CEVIPOF, Salle G. Lavau - 98 rue de l'Université
Paris, France (75007)
- Wednesday, October 11, 2017
- Thursday, October 12, 2017
- cosmopolitism, cosmopolitanism, canopée, Gulf, comparative perspective, race, urban, diversity, citizenship, artistic circulations
- Gabrielle Chomentowski
courriel : gabrielle [dot] chomentowski [at] univ-paris1 [dot] fr
Reference Urls
Information source
- Gabrielle Chomentowski
courriel : gabrielle [dot] chomentowski [at] univ-paris1 [dot] fr
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To cite this announcement
« Cosmopolitanism revisited », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, September 13, 2017,