HomeThe presence of the absent: History, memory, post-memory

The presence of the absent: History, memory, post-memory

La presencia de lo ausente: historia, memoria, post-memoria

La présence de l’absence. Histoire, mémoire, post-mémoire

Europe-Latin America, 20th-21st centuries

Europa-América Latina, siglos XX-XXI

Europe-Amérique latine, XXe-XXIe siècle

*  *  *

Published on Friday, November 10, 2017


If History as a discipline evokes the past from the present, the activity of memory is the product of the eruption of the past in the present. The absent is made present according to this phenomenological difference, although this distinctive mark is not what has sparked the reaction of historiography. This workshop aims to delve into the links and differences between history and memory in order to approach new issues that allow us to reflect on historians’ activity in democratic societies where the past has ceased to be a monopoly of professional representation.



  • José Javier DÍAZ FREIRE (Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea),
  • Jesús IZQUIERDO MARTÍN (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)


  • École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid),
  • Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea,
  • Programa de Doctorado Interuniversitario en Historia Contemporánea (UAM- UCM-UNICAN-UPV/EHU-USC-UV-UZ)

Practical information

  • Registration required
  • Registration deadline: 25th november 2017 – 17h (Madrid time)
  • Workshop dates: 22nd-23rd january 2018
  • Venue:
  • Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Campus de Cantoblanco
  • C/. Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 1 28049 Madrid-ESPAÑA


If History as a discipline evokes the past from the present, the activity of memory is the product of the eruption of the past in the present. The absent is made present according to this phenomenological difference, although this distinctive mark is not what has sparked the reaction of historiography. Memory challenges history primarily because of its institutional quality: due to its supra or sub-intentional bias and its consequent democratic and pluralistic function, it is found outside the academic sphere; it is not completely  understandable or explicable within the canon of modern disciplines. However, historians contribute to creating social frameworks of memory and therefore have public responsibility in its elaboration, especially if it emanates from the traumatic experience of those who embody it. This is what scholars like Walter Benjamin, Paul Ricoeur Dominick La Capra, Enzo Traverso or Marianne Hirsch have come to demand, especially as a result of the traumatic impact of genocidal processes on both shores of the Atlantic.

This workshop aims to delve into the links and differences between history and memory in order to approach new issues that allow us to refect on historians’ activity in democratic societies where the past has ceased to be a monopoly of professional representation. The activity will be organised in the form of seven lectures given by distinguished specialists addressing issues such as the link between history and memory, political activism of memorial movements, crimes of genocide, feminist memory, testimony in literature and discussion of the post-modern concept. It is aimed at doctoral students, researchers and professors who wish to venture deeper into topics that directly affect their work as intellectuals and social leaders through active attendance at the conferences (in the morning) and discussion of texts (in the afternoons) chosen by the lecturers and distributed to the participants beforehand.

Guest speakers and trainers

  • Francisco FERRÁNDIZ (CSIC, Madrid)
  • Elizabeth JELIN (CONICET, Argentina)
  • Germán LABRADOR MÉNDEZ (Princeton University)
  • Marie-Claire LAVABRE (CNRS-Université Paris Nanterre)
  • Miren LLONA GONZÁLEZ (Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)
  • Antonio MIGUEZ MACHO (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
  • Pedro RUIZ TORRES (Universitat de València)

Sessions Organisation

Sessions are divided between theorical lectures (morning) and practical seminars (afternoon). Working lenguages are english, french and spanish.

Reading material will be distribuided prior the lectures and seminars to hel participants deppen their kwowledge ot the research topics and to spark discus

Openings: limited, maximum 25

Practical considerations

The registration deadline is 25th novembre 2017.

The online registration form is available at the Casa de Velázquez website.

Access to online form.

The 25 workshop participants will be selected based on their academic record, training background and language skills. Priority will be given to candidates who are working on a doctoral  thesis  or  a  Master’s  degree  in  felds  related  to  the  topics  addressed  in  the workshop. Therefore, applicants must submit a short text (maximum 500 words) summarising their reasons for applying for the course.

After 30th november 2017, selected candidates will be informed regarding how to make payment and enrol (by paypal). A certifcate of attendance will be awarded at the end of the course.

The price of the workshop is 50 Euros, and includes:

  • Accommodation at the Casa de Velázquez (double room), 3 nights
  • All lunches, 2 days

Travel expenses and dinners are not included.

Financial aid of mobility may be awarded to candidates who are enrolled in a university of Africa or America latina.



  • Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Campus de Cantoblanco - C/. Francisco Tomás y Valiente 1
    Madrid, Kingdom of Spain (28049)


  • Saturday, November 25, 2017


  • histoire, contemporaine, historia, contemporánea, mémoire, memoria

Information source

  • Matthieu Iandolino
    courriel : secdir [at] casadevelazquez [dot] org


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« The presence of the absent: History, memory, post-memory », Summer School, Calenda, Published on Friday, November 10, 2017, https://doi.org/10.58079/yra

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