HomeTerritorial Development and Resource Management in Tropical zone

HomeTerritorial Development and Resource Management in Tropical zone

Territorial Development and Resource Management in Tropical zone

Aménagements des territoires et gestion des ressources en milieu tropical

International journal of geomatics, planning and resources management

Revue internationale de géomatique, aménagement et gestion des ressources

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Published on Thursday, January 04, 2018


Par le troisième numéro de la Revue internationale de géomatique, aménagement et gestion des ressources (RIGAGER), nous souhaitons recevoir les articles sur les politiques, les processus, les méthodes, les techniques et les outils de l’aménagement du territoire et de gestion des ressources naturelles, humaines et financières dans les pays tropicaux.



Since the early 1990s, the concepts of land use planning and management of natural and human resources are at the center of environmental concerns. These are "voluntarist processes seeking to increase the competitiveness of the territories by involving the actors in the framework of concerted actions, generally transversal and often with a strong spatial dimension".

We can not see, at fair value by the way, the speed of development in a country and stand out in relation to the future and the sustainability of its territories, than when we identify with the policies, the citizenship and governance based on transparency in the management of environmental objects. It is defined as "being both the natural environment and the concrete environment, constructed by man and all that affects the behavior of man" (George, 1993).

For us, therefore, we are convinced of the reciprocal and complementary relations between the planning, the management of the resources and the planning of the territory and it is even said, that any territory which wants to be attractive, accessible and competitive, must be first arranged developed and planned. It must also reconcile globalized politico-economic actors and societal recompositions in the process of citizenship and emergence.

In practice, spatial planning and resource management are operational, orderly and concerted actions of the different actors, across the different territories of a country, to mitigate territorial imbalances, propose the substitution of a new order better than the existing, according to a prospective vision, advocating the humanization of growth.

The objective, endogenous development, promoting a better territorial distribution of the population, activities and equipment ... for the proper functioning of the internal socio-economic system, in order to harmonize the growth, well-being and development of population. This must go through the political compromise, the social peace and the legitimacy of the actor-producer of territorial development on the basis of spatially referenced data.

This is what we call exogenous development, by a good integration and a good anchoring to the local, regional, continental and global system, favoring the development of exchanges of all kinds.

This new vision of spatial planning and resource management can only succeed in a democratic, decentralized, participatory, anticipatory, transparent and good governance environment in accordance with the expectations, wishes, requirements and / or needs of the stakeholders.

It is through sound spatial planning policies and good resource management mechanisms that tropical countries can correct imbalances and guide spatial developments from a holistic perspective and a comprehensive and forward-looking project. .

With the launch of this third issue of RIGAGER, we would like to receive articles on the policies, processes, methods, techniques and tools of land planning and management of natural, human and financial resources in tropical countries. .

Contrary to the tradition which requires to define in advance the axes of the number, it is the articles which will impose these axes.

Conditions of submission

The texts should have a format of approximately 35,000 characters (spaces, footnotes and bibliography included, as well as a short summary of about 800 signs presenting the subject, the method and the results, in French and English, and 5 keywords.

It should respect the recommendation to Authors as far as the Journal is concerned.

Information to the authors

  • Proposed articles before February 30, 2018

  • Authors will be notified of the decision of the Scientific Committee by March 30, 2018
  • The revised version of the texts is expected before May 20, 2018
  • Issue 03 of the Journal will be published end of June 2018

Submission Guide

Authors will send their contributions to the following e-mail addresses:

  • rigager2017@gmail.com;
  • ntalla@gmail.com;
  • ndjeuto@gmail.com

Proposals must comply with the following standards:

  •  Writing in French or English.
  •  The proposals must be presented in a Word document in Times New Roman format, font 12, the titles in bold in the same format, font 14.
  •  Abstract in French and English with keywords.


Submitted articles will be evaluated by 03 evaluators according to the so-called "triple-blind" procedure, ensuring the anonymity of the authors.

Scientific committee

  • AOUDOU DOUA Sylvain, aoudoudoua@yahoo.fr, Chargé de cours, Université de Maroua, Cameroun.
  • BALGAH Sounders NGUH, juniorsa2002@yahoo.co.uk, Associate Professor, University of Buea, Cameroon.
  • FAURE Jean-François, jean-francois.faure@ird.fr, Institut de Recherches pour le Développement, UMR ESPACE-DEV, France.
  • FOGWE Zephania NJI, nfogwez@yahoo.co.uk, Maître de Conférences, Université de Bamenda, Cameroun.
  • nguendoyongsi@gmail.com, Université de Yaoundé 2, Cameroun.
  • OKANGA-GUAY Marjolaine, m_okanga_guay@yahoo.fr, LAGRAC, Département de géographie, Université Omar Bongo, Gabon.
  • ONGUENE AWANA Nérée, nereeoa678@yahoo.fr, Directeur de Recherches, IRAD - Nkolbisson, Cameroun.
  • PINET Camille, cpinet@ignfi.fr, Project manager, Institut Géographique National, France.
  • RUDANT Jean Paul, rudant@univ-mlv.fr, Professeur, Université de Marne-la-valée, France.
  • SALEY MAHAMAN Bachir, basaley@yahoo.fr, Maître de Conférences, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Côte d’Ivoire.
  • SIMEU KAMDEM Michel, sodziwa@gmail.com, Docteur d’Etat, Institut National de Cartographie de Yaoundé, Cameroun.
  • TALLA TANKAM Narcisse, narcisse.talla@univ-dschang.org, Université de Dschang, Cameroun.
  • TCHINDJANG Mesmin, tchindjang.mesmin@gmail.com, Maître de Conférences, Université de Yaoundé 1, Cameroun.
  • TCHOTSOUA Michel, tchotsoua@gmail.com, Professeur, Université de Ngaoundéré, Cameroun.
  • TSAYEM DEMAZE Moises, moise.tsayem-demaze@univ-leman.fr, Professeur, Université du Maine, France.
  • KOUAME Fernand K, kouamef@yahoo.fr, Professeur, Université Félix Houphouët- Boigny, Cote d’Ivoire.
  • MAÂTOUK Mustapha, maatoukm@gmail.com, Professeur, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Tanger, MAROC.
  • MADJIGOTO Robert, rmadjigoto@yahoo.fr, Maitre–Assistant, Université de Ndjamena, Tchad.
  • MAPONGMETSEM Pierre Marie, piermapong@yahoo.fr, Professeur, Université de Ngaoundéré, Cameroun
  • MERTENS Benoit, benoit.mertens@ird.fr, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, France.
  • NGUENDO YONGSI Blaise, Chargé de cours,
  • WAKPONOU Anselme, wakponouanselme@gmail.com, Maître de Conférences, Université de Ngaoundéré, Cameroun.
  • YOUTA HAPPY, jyoutahappi@hotmail.com, Maître de conférences, Université de Yaoundé 1, Cameroun.


  • Baladji I
    Ngaoundéré, Cameroon (110 Ngaoundéré)


  • Wednesday, February 28, 2018


  • aménagement, gestion des ressources, télédétection, système d'information géographique, cartographie, environnement, économie.

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Michel Tchotsoua
    courriel : michel [dot] tchotsoua [at] ensb-univ-ndere [dot] cm


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To cite this announcement

« Territorial Development and Resource Management in Tropical zone », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, January 04, 2018, https://doi.org/10.58079/z7a

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