HomeSymbolic violence in socio-educational contexts

Symbolic violence in socio-educational contexts

Language, power and ethnicity

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Published on Thursday, February 15, 2018


Ce numéro thématique de Language, Discourse & Society se focalise sur le langage comme un moyen d'investiguer les enjeux de pouvoir, les discours, et les pratiques culturelles et sémiotiques. Les contritutions tant théoriques qu'empiriques sont bienvenues afin d'éclairer la violence symbolique perçue et cachée à travers les discours et les pratiques socio-culturelles. Les contributions peuvent être soumises dans les trois langues de l'Association Internationale de Sociologie (anglais, français et espagnol). Ce numéro est co-édité par Anna Odrowaz-Coates (The Maria Grzegorzewska Pedagogical University in Warsaw, Pologne) et Sribas Goswami (Serampore College in West Bengal, Inde). Les contributions font l'objet d'une évaluation en double aveugle.



This thematic issue of Language, Discourse and Society is dedicated to language as a tool to investigate power, discourses, and cultural and semiotic practices. Language is conceived per se and looking at its social functions entangled in hidden power structures and complex internal and external relations. This subject is closely connected to the issues of globalization and ethnicity crisis. The focus is on symbolic violence in socio-educational contexts. Symbolic violence refers to invisible mechanisms of power bestowed by not only verbal and written communication, but also as a tool for social engineering. In this framework, researchers are invited to submit papers on the dynamics of language and the linguistic norm negotiation, through globalization and localization processes in culturally diverse societies. Contributions which are related to children’s rights, human rights, issues of gender, governance, ownership, education and socialization are also welcome.

This thematic issue of Language, Discourse & Society welcomes both theoretical and empirical articles that produce an exhaustive monograph of perceived/hidden symbolic violence in endo-exo symbolic exchanges represented through language, discourse and socio-cultural practises.

The guest editors are notably inspired by the works of Norman Fairclough, Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida, Félix Guattari, Martin Heidegger, Henry Bergson, Jean Baudrillard, Michel Foucault, Slavoj Žižek, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Walter Mignolo, and Ramon Grosfoguel. Contributions which use other references are welcome to enrich the overall thematic issue. The interest of the guest-editors already lead to the publication of Symbolic violence in socio-educational contexts. A post-colonial critique (2017, published by Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej, Warsaw).

"Language, Discourse, & Society" is an international peer-reviewed journal, focused on advancing sociological knowledge concerning language, face-to-face interaction, and other language-related social phenomena. The objective is to investigate language from a sociological and/or a sociolinguistic perspective. This will be taken into account in the selection of articles for this upcoming issue “Symbolic violence in socio-educational contexts. Language, power and ethnicity."

In line with Language, Discourse, & Society policy, English, French and Spanish submissions will be considered.

Thematic issues of "Language, Discourse, & Society", a journal published by Research Committee 25 “Language and Society” of the International Sociological Association, ISSN:  2239-4192, indexed in ERIH Plus.

Guest Editors: Anna Odrowaz-Coates (The Maria Grzegorzewska Pedagogical University in Warsaw, Poland) and Sribas Goswami (Serampore College in West Bengal, India).

Submission Guidelines

Full original articles may be submitted to Anna Odrowaz-Coates ( and Sribas Goswami (

by the 10th of December 2018

If you have questions, authors are invited to contact the guest-editors.

This thematic issue will be published in June 2019.

Please follow the author guidelines indicated at the following URL, which includes a template for formatting:



  • Monday, December 10, 2018


  • Stéphanie Cassilde
    courriel : stephanie [dot] cassilde [at] ronininstitute [dot] org
  • Anna Odrowaz-Coates
    courriel : acoates [at] aps [dot] edu [dot] pl
  • Sribas Goswami
    courriel : sribasgoswami [at] gmail [dot] com

Information source

  • Stéphanie Cassilde
    courriel : stephanie [dot] cassilde [at] ronininstitute [dot] org


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« Symbolic violence in socio-educational contexts », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, February 15, 2018,

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