Fantasy made in Japan
“Fantasy Art and Studies”
Published on Monday, March 26, 2018
Pour son cinquième numéro, Fantasy Art and Studies vous invite à explorer la richesse et la diversité de la Fantasy made in Japan. Quelle est la spécificité de la fantasy japonaise ? Comment les industries de la pop culture japonaise parviennent-elles à créer des franchises aptes à conquérir une large audience par-delà le Japon ? Vous pouvez aussi interroger la question des influences mutuelles entre les Fantasy japonaise et occidentale. À quel point la fantasy japonaise est-elle influencée par des œuvres occidentales ? Inversement, comment la fantasy japonaise (et, au-delà, le folklore, la culture et les coutumes japonaises, en particulier à travers la figure du samouraï et de son code d’honneur) influence-t-elle et inspire-t-elle la fiction occidentale ?
Though Fantasy is an English word, the kind of fiction it refers to has not only spread in the English speaking world but also far beyond its borders. Among the countries that have developed a local and very rich imaginative fiction, Japan has been able to export its own Fantasy into the rest of the world through its various popular media: manga, anime, light novels, and video games.From Ryo Mizuno’s novel franchise Record of Lodoss War to Studio Ghibli and the works of its famous directors Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata through Square Enix video game franchise Final Fantasy, Japanese Fantasy has proved to constantly navigate between western tropes of the genre and traditional Eastern Asian folklore.
If Miyazaki’s works are mostly based on western Fantasy children novels, the new generation of animation directors represented by Mamoru Hosoda seems more akin to blend contemporary daily life and a magical dimension rooted in Japanese lore.
Similarly light novels such as Fuyumi Ono’s Twelve Kingdoms series or Noriko Ogiwara’s Dragon Sword and Wind Child find their inspiration in Japanese mythology and Chinese traditional narratives.
For its fifth issue, Fantasy Art and Studies invites you to explore the richness and the diversity of the Fantasy production made in Japan. What is the specificity of Japanese Fantasy? How do Japanese pop culture industries manage to create franchises that can conquer a large audience beyond Japan?
You can also consider the question of the mutual influence between Japanese and western Fantasy. How much of Japanese Fantasy is influenced by western Fantasy works? Conversely, how does Japanese Fantasy (and, beyond, Japanese folklore, culture and traditions, especially through the samurai figure and his code of honour) influence or inspire western fiction?
Papers on Fantasy works from all areas of Japanese pop culture (manga, anime, light novels, video games, movies) are welcome.
Submission guidelines
Your papers (6 pages max.), in English or French, are to be sent in .doc format, Times New Roman 12pts, single-line spacing, to</a
before June 26th 2018
- Viviane Bergue, Docteur en Littérature Comparée, éditrice de Fantasy Art and Studies
- Justine Breton, Docteur en Littérature Médiévale, professeure agrégée détachée de Lettres Modernes à l’ESPE de Picardie
Kathrin Dreymüller, doctorante en Langues et Littératures scandinaves, Université de Cologne - Caroline Duvezin-Caubet, Docteur en études anglophones, Université de Poitiers
- Guillaume Labrude, doctorant en Littérature Comparée, LIS, Université de Lorraine
- Language (Main category)
- Mind and language > Language > Literature
- Tuesday, June 26, 2018
- fantasy, manga, anime, japon
Reference Urls
Information source
- Viviane Bergue
courriel : fantasyartandstudies [at] outlook [dot] com
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Fantasy made in Japan », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, March 26, 2018,