HomeWording urban diffusion

Wording urban diffusion

Les mots de la diffusion urbaine

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Published on Tuesday, July 03, 2018


Drawing on different historical and geographical contexts, academic literature has produced since the 1960sa rich lexicon in various languages to analyse the global phenomenon of the territorial diffusion of urbanization. Just to mention a few: périurbain, sprawl (Gottman, 1967), suburbia (Fishman, 1987), desakota (McGee, 1989), exurbia (Nelson, 1992), Città diffusa (Indovina, 1990), post-suburbs (Phelps and Wu, 2011), Zwischenstadt (Sieverts, 2004). The reason of this prolific and bourgeoning literature in the field of urbanstudies is that the territorial diffusion of urbanization leads to reconsider the relationship between urbanismand territories. This workshop aims to examine this lexicon with the purpose of questioning the conceptual,disciplinary, and methodological frameworks that have oriented knowledge production on urbanization processesing different contexts and historical moments.



Drawing on different historical and geographical contexts, academic literature has produced since the 1960sa rich lexicon in various languages to analyse the global phenomenon of the territorial diffusion of urbanization. Just to mention a few: périurbain, sprawl (Gottman, 1967), suburbia (Fishman, 1987), desakota (McGee, 1989), exurbia (Nelson, 1992), Città diffusa (Indovina, 1990), post-suburbs (Phelps and Wu, 2011), Zwischenstadt (Sieverts, 2004). The reason of this prolific and bourgeoning literature in the field of urbanstudies is that the territorial diffusion of urbanization leads to reconsider the relationship between urbanismand territories. This workshop aims to examine this lexicon with the purpose of questioning the conceptual,disciplinary, and methodological frameworks that have oriented knowledge production on urbanization processesing different contexts and historical moments.

Contributions to this workshop can develop a range of issues, including, but not limited to:

  1. The theoretical background of words and concepts associated with the territorial diffusionof urbanization;
  2. Empirical research based on the use of meaningful words;
  3. Comparisons between two or more fieldworks based on the words that are used toanalyse them;
  4. Historical and epistemological perspectives on concepts & words;
  5. The regional and international circulation of words & concepts in academic literature,urban analyses, or policies;
  6. Cultural and political representations that are associated with the use of certain words.

Organised by: Diffuse cities and Urbanization Network (DCUN) &Research group « Vocabularies of architectural and urban design across time » (CNRS /UMR-AUSSER)

Submission Guidelines

Abstracts (max 300 words, English and French accepted) should be sent

before July 15th

(to the following email address: dcun.activities@gmail.com) and will be examined by the DCUN and AUSSER joint scientific committee.

Scientific coordinators:

Isabelle Chesneau (AUSser)

Adele Esposito (AUSser)

Joël Idt (Lab’Urba)

Scientific committee

Eric Chauvier (AAU)

Leslie Belton-Chevallier (IFSTTAR)

Delphine Callen (Lab’Urba)

Isabelle Chesneau(AUSser)

Valérie Dufoix (AUSser)

Adele Esposito (AUSser)

Charles Goldblum (AUSser)

Joël Idt (Lab’Urba)

Nathalie Lancret (AUSser)

Clément Musil (AUSser)

Vincent Négri (ISP)


Please find details for the call for contributions by following this link https://dcun.hypotheses.org/840





  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville (ENSA PB) 60, Boulevard de la Villette, 75019 Paris, FRANCE (Métro Belleville – Lignes 11 ou 2)
    Paris, France (75)


  • Sunday, July 15, 2018


  • Diffuse Urbanization, Urban Studies


  • Musil Clément
    courriel : dcun [dot] activities [at] gmail [dot] com

Information source

  • Musil Clément
    courriel : dcun [dot] activities [at] gmail [dot] com


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To cite this announcement

« Wording urban diffusion », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, July 03, 2018, https://doi.org/10.58079/10k1

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