HomeLiteracies as culture, practices, or competences

Literacies as culture, practices, or competences

RedMIL 2018 doctoral summer school

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Published on Tuesday, July 31, 2018


RedMIL 2018 is a doctoral summer school which aims at contributing to the convergence between digital, media and information literacy research by bringing together researchers from all three communities, to foster the scientific debate and explore connections between them. The theme of the 2018 edition is: “Literacies as culture, practices, or competences”. 



UCLouvain, Belgium - September 11th-14th, 2018


We are pleased to invite you to the RedMIL 2018 doctoral summer school on September 11th-14th, 2018. RedMIL 2018 aims at contributing to the convergence between digital, media and information literacy research by bringing together researchers from all three communities, to foster the scientific debate and explore connections between them.

The summer school is an international training program that will alternate between framing presentations by senior researchers and the in-depth discussion of emerging research by participating PhD students.

It is organized on September 11th-14th, 2018 by the Groupe de Recherche en Médiation des Savoirs (Knowledge Mediation Research Group) at the Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium, in partnership with the Canada Research Chair in Media Education and Human Rights (Université TELUQ).

The theme of the 2018 edition is: "Literacies as culture, practices, or competences". Invited speakers and presenting PhD students will question the way they define digital/media/information literacy in terms of culture, practices, or competences, what it entails in terms of methods for their research, and how it shapes the usefulness of their research and how and where they can valorize its outputs. The Summer School will include six half-day workshops on the following topics:

  1. theoretical frameworks in the study of digital, media and information literacies (one workshop);
  2. epistemological issues in new literacies research (one workshop);
  3. methods for observing, documenting, and assessing literacies and their associated educational practices and policies (three workshops);
  4. designing research with social relevance and valorizing research results in society (one workshop).

Each half-day workshop will open with one or two plenary talks by invited speakers, followed by a session focused on the research work of the participating PhD students, exploring them from the perspectives developed in the plenary talks.

We are glad to welcome the following invited speakers:

  • Maria José Brites, Lusófona University of Porto, Portugal
  • Sirkku Kotilainen, University of Tampere, Finland
  • Normand Landry, TELUQ (Université du Québec), Canada
  • Olivier Le Deuff, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France
  • John Potter, University College London, United Kingdom
  • Leo Van Audenhove, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
  • Sheila Webber, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom


If you wish to attend ReDMIL 2018, please register here.

A registration fee of 75 € will be required, in order to cover the expenses of the lunches, coffee breaks and printed materials.

More information on: http://www.redmil2018.info/


11 September 2018

16:00 – 17:00 Welcome and registration 

Location : LECL93, Collège Jacques Leclercq, Louvain-la-Neuve

17:00 – 19:00 Poster session

Location : LECL93, Collège Jacques Leclercq, Louvain-la-Neuve


Posters presenting the research of all of the participating PhD students will be on display. The goal of the poster session is to create a basic shared knowledge of the doctoral work that will be discussed in more-depth during the summer school for all of its participants.

12 September 2018

  • 09:00 – 10:00 Plenary talk - John POTTER: Digital Media, Culture and Education: Using ‘Dynamic literacies’ and ‘Third Spaces’ as frameworks

Location LECL60, Collège Jacques Leclercq, Louvain-la-Neuve


Abstract: Everyday literacy practices with images and text onscreen are part of our lived experience from the earliest years, underscored by sounds, touch and movement at home, in school and through all the spaces in between in which they move. This talk will explore the use of some key terms employed in recent work in the field (Potter & McDougall, 2017). including Dynamic Literacies as a way of framing all ‘literacy’, Third Spaces as a way of conceiving its locations and possibilities for shared meanings; Porous expertise as a way to think about the changing relationships around learning throughout the lifecourse. The talk reflects on how these concepts could be mobilised in research to help us address the following key questions for researchers of digital learning lives: Where do we focus our attention as researchers of literacy, pedagogy and identity and which kinds of methods are appropriate for the work? What kinds of analytical language do we employ and which theoretical lenses do we place over the phenomena? What do we look for in attempting to account for the various phenomena in “third spaces” and of what value is it to teachers, parents, carers and learners?

Reference : Potter, J & McDougall, J, (2017) Digital Media, Culture and Education: Theorising this space literacies. London: Springer/Palgrave Macmillan

  • 10:00 – 11:00 Plenary talk - Leo VAN AUDENHOVE: Data Literacy. Part of media literacy or new form of literacy?

Location LECL60, Collège Jacques Leclercq, Louvain-la-Neuve

11:15 – 13:15 Parallel workshop #1A: Theorizing literacies in relationship to other concepts

Location LECL60, Collège Jacques Leclercq, Louvain-la-Neuve

  • Bihl, Julia
  • Fuechslin, Tobias 
  • Michelot, Florent

11:15 – 13:15 Parallel workshop #1B: Theorizing literacies in the context of education

Location LECL61, Collège Jacques Leclercq, Louvain-la-Neuve

  • Römer, Lucie
  • Préat, Charlotte
  • Wuyckens, Géraldine

14:45 – 15:45 Plenary talk - Olivier LE DEUFF: Literacies between Kultur und Bildung ?

Location LECL60, Collège Jacques Leclercq, Louvain-la-Neuve


Abstract: I want to show in this presentation that the question of literacies, and especially of information, media and digital literacies, is influenced by the definition of the concept of culture. I want to explain the tension between Kultur and Bildung in the definition of culture. The two faces of culture (Kultur and Bildung) explain the different skills of these literacies. I will try to show the path between cultural legacies and the necessity of a school formation. For that I will propose a European perspective and explain the US origin of Information Literacy and the necessity to explore a citizen way.

16:00 – 18:00 Parallel workshop #2A: Epistemology and interculturality

16:00 – 18:00

Location LECL60, Collège Jacques Leclercq, Louvain-la-Neuve

  • Bosler, Sabine
  • Chaiveeradech, Monsak
  • Koponen, Minna

16:00 – 18:00 Parallel workshop #2B: Epistemological issues in new literacies


LECL61, Collège Jacques Leclercq, Louvain-la-Neuve

  • Philippe, Sandrine
  • Aydoğan, Hediye 
  • Vallières, Amélie

13 September 2018

  • 09:00 – 10:00 Plenary talk - Sirkky KOTILAINEN: Methodological aspects on Practice- based Research: Case Somejam

Location LECL60, Collège Jacques Leclercq, Louvain-la-Neuve


Abstract: In media education has recently been seen an increase of practice-based studies involving the researchers and participants to the study activities. The presentation is highlighting the 'practice' and, discussing the frameworks of participatory action research (PAR) and design research (DR) together with their ethical dimensions. As an example, a media educational case study of a hackathon titled as Somejam is presented (https://www.somejam.fi/).

  • 10:00 – 11:00 Plenary talk - Norman LANDRY: Addressing curricula as policy: steps and methods for a critical assessment of media education content in school programs

Location LECL60, Collège Jacques Leclercq, Louvain-la-Neuve


Abstract: School curricula are at the heart of education policy. They establish educational priorities, define disciplinary orientations, assign responsibilities to school actors and outline evaluation measures. Yet scholars working within the field of media education have largely ignored these central documents over the last thirty years. This talk will provide a roadmap for studying curricular documents from a media education point of view. In doing so, it will demonstrate the type and value of knowledge generated by a critical assessment of the place and role held by media education in curricular documents.

11:15 – 13:15 Parallel workshop #3B: Digital media and literacies in educational settings: methodological issues

Location LECL61, Collège Jacques Leclercq, Louvain-la-Neuve


  • Préat, Charlotte 
  • Bosler, Sabine
  • Muhtaseb, Rami

11:15 – 13:15 Parallel workshop #3A: Studying literacies with participatory methods

Location LECL60, Collège Jacques Leclercq, Louvain-la-Neuve


  • Wuyckens, Géraldine
  • Vallières, Amélie
  • Muñoz, Estrella Luna

 14:45 – 15:45 Plenary talk - Maria Jose BRITES: Literacies and participations: From practice to (critical) reflection

Location LECL60, Collège Jacques Leclercq, Louvain-la-Neuve


Abstract: Connecting daily practices and reflexive thought is not a new idea since this was developed intensively by Paulo Freire (1977). However, there is a need to discuss this under current media perspectives and digital life. These challenges requests to be addressed also taking into consideration that it is easy and consistent to become media literate with the challenge of learning by doing. The digital environment gives almost all the chances for that to happen. What are the challenges in the media literacy field? What challenges for the research in this context?

16:00 – 18:00 Parallel workshop #4A: Literacies and participation to society: methodological challenges

Location LECL60, Collège Jacques Leclercq, Louvain-la-Neuve


  • Römer, Lucie 
  • Burton, Lara 
  • Schurmans, Dana

16:00 – 18:00 Parallel workshop #5A: Literacies and social media use: methodological issues

Location LECL61, Collège Jacques Leclercq, Louvain-la-Neuve


  • Michelot, Florent
  • Tilleul, Camille 
  • Sarwatay, Devina

14 September 2018

09:00 – 10:00 Plenary talk - Sheila WEBBER: Exploring people’s conceptions and experience of information literacy using phenomenographic and case study approaches

Location LECL60, Collège Jacques Leclercq, Louvain-la-Neuve


Abstract: Webber will start by outlining her research philosophy and contextualise this within her journey as a researcher. She will then summarise key aspects of phenomenographic and case study approaches: for example, appropriate types of research question for that approach, typical research design. Webber will finish by giving examples of information literacy research carried out using phenomenography or case study, focusing on studies undertaken in the Information School, University of Sheffield. These will include research studies focusing on populations in the UK, Syria, Thailand, Greece and Pakistan.

10:15 – 12:15 Parallel workshop #5B: Assessing literacies: methodological challenges

Location LECL60, Collège Jacques Leclercq, Louvain-la-Neuve


  • Bihl, Julia
  • Fuechslin, Tobias
  • Aydoğan, Hediye

10:15 – 12:15 Parallel workshop #5C: Observing practices and assessing literacies: qualitative methods

Location LECL61, Collège Jacques Leclercq, Louvain-la-Neuve


  • Philippe, Sandrine
  • Haineaux, Esther 
  • Ligurgo, Valèria

 13:45 – 15:15 Plenary Panel - Research results valorization

Location LECL60, Collège Jacques Leclercq, Louvain-la-Neuve



  • M.-J. Brites,
  • S. Kotilainen,
  • N. Landry,
  • L. van Audenhove,
  • S. Webber

Moderator: Thibault Philippette

15:30 – 16:00 One-on-one PhD-student / expert meetings


  • Room DUPR E 214: Catherine Bouko meets Camille Tilleul
  • Room DUPR E 205: Catherine Geeroms meets Estrella Luna Muñoz
  • Room DUPR D 268: Héloïse Rouart meets Esther Haineaux
  • Room DUPR D 262: Lapo Bettarini meets Lara Burton 
  • Room DUPR D 261: Patrick Verniers meets Devina Sarwatay
  • Room DUPR D 259: Paul de Theux meets Valèria Ligurgo
  • Room DUPR D.258: Sophie Lejoly meets Monsak Chaiveeradech
  • Room DUPR D 254: Thierry De Smedt meets Minna Koponen

16:00 – 16:30 One-on-one PhD-student / expert meetings


  • Room DUPR E 214: Catherine Bouko meets Valèria Ligurgo Room
  • DUPR E 205: Catherine Geeroms meets Rami Muhtaseb Room
  • DUPR D 268: Héloïse Rouart meets Estrella Luna Muñoz Room
  • DUPR D 262: Lapo Bettarini meets Esther Haineaux Room
  • DUPR D 261: Patrick Verniers meets Dana Schurmans
  • Room DUPR D 259: Paul de Theux meets Lara Burton
  • Room DUPR D.258: Sophie Lejoly meets Devina Sarwatay
  • Room DUPR D 254: Thierry De Smedt meets Monsak Chaiveeradech

16:30 – 17:00 One-on-one PhD-student / expert meetings


  • Room DUPR E 214: Catherine Bouko meets Estrella Luna Muñoz Room
  • DUPR E 205: Catherine Geeroms meets Camille Tilleul Room
  • DUPR D 268: Héloïse Rouart meets Minna Koponen
  • Room DUPR D 262: Lapo Bettarini meets Dana Schurmans
  • Room DUPR D 261: Patrick Verniers meets Monsak Chaiveeradech
  • Room DUPR D 259: Paul de Theux meets Esther Haineaux
  • Room DUPR D 254: Thierry De Smedt meets Rami Muhtaseb

17:00 – 17:30 One-on-one PhD-student / expert meetings

  • Room DUPR E 214: Catherine Bouko meets Lara Burton
  • Room DUPR E 205: Catherine Geeroms meets Devina Sarwatay
  • Room DUPR D 268: Héloïse Rouart meets Rami Muhtaseb
  • Room DUPR D 262: Lapo Bettarini meets Camille Tilleul
  • Room DUPR D 261: Patrick Verniers meets Valèria Ligurgo
  • Room DUPR D 259: Paul de Theux meets Minna Koponen
  • Room DUPR D 254: Thierry De Smedt meets Dana Schurmans

17:30 – 18:00 Plenary conclusion and send-off

Location LECL60, Collège Jacques Leclercq, Louvain-la-Neuve


  • Collège Jacques Leclerq, Room LECL 93 (ground floor) - Place Montesquieu 1
    Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (1348)


  • Tuesday, September 11, 2018
  • Wednesday, September 12, 2018
  • Thursday, September 13, 2018
  • Friday, September 14, 2018


  • literacy, culture, practice, competence, education


  • Géraldine Wuyckens
    courriel : geraldine [dot] wuyckens [at] uclouvain [dot] be

Information source

  • Géraldine Wuyckens
    courriel : geraldine [dot] wuyckens [at] uclouvain [dot] be


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To cite this announcement

« Literacies as culture, practices, or competences », Summer School, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, July 31, 2018, https://doi.org/10.58079/10p2

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