HomeSwiss Mobility Conference 2018
Swiss Mobility Conference 2018
Swiss Mobility Conference 2018
Published on Wednesday, October 24, 2018
The Swiss Mobility Conference (SMC) proposes to provide a place for discussion and debate for researchers in humanities and social sciences working on various forms of mobility.
The Swiss Mobility Conference (SMC) will take place on Monday the 19th of November and Tuesday the 20th of November, at the University of Lausanne - Geopolis Building.
The objective of SMC is to provide a place for discussion and debate for researchers in humanities and social sciences working on various forms of mobility.
Presentations will address the mobilities in their diversity (housing choices, modal practices, multi-local dwelling, tourism, etc.). They can register in the following research areas:
- theoretical debates (and in particular the contributions of social theories to the study of mobilities)
- methodological innovations (using mobile methods)
- public policy and decision making in mobility
- regulation of mobility and its tools
- the actors and their logics of action (residential choice, modal practices, multilocal living, etc.)
- the norms and values underlying mobility and social inequality
- temporality and spatiality of mobility
- mobility prospective
The keynote speaker of the 3rd edition of the SMC is Mimi Scheller from Drexel University. The title of her presentation is the following: “What is Mobility Justice?”
The provisional program of the conference is available online:
You can register on this page:
For more information:
Monday November 19th / Lundi 19 novembre
8h45 - 9h15 Welcome & coffee in front of room Géopolis 2129 / Accueil et café devant la salle
9h15 - 9h30 Introduction by / Mots d’introduction par Vincent Kaufmann & Patrick Rérat
9h30 - 11h00 Session 1 : Daily mobility / Mobilité quotidienne
- Luca Nitschke, Technische Universität München, Sharing beyond capitalism? An exploration into noncommercial mobility sharing
- Fernando Simas, Vincent Kaufmann, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Urban ropeways, a public transit alternative for the Swiss cities ?
- Dominic Villeneuve, Fernando Simas, Technische Universität München, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Urby-me a proof of concept for using smart phone GPS to gather quantitative and qualitative daily mobility data
- Mario Boffi, Matteo Colleoni, Matteo Tonoli, Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca, Temporal morphology of the daily mobility in social groups behaviour. An analysis of the Italian case
11h00 - 11h15 Coffee break / Pause café
11h15 - 12h45 Session 2 : Cycling practices / Pratiques du vélo
- Clément Dusong, David Sayagh, Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de l'aménagement et des réseaux, What factors influence the evolution of women's share among cyclists? Two pitfalls to avoid
- Patrick Rérat, Gianluigi Giacomel, Antonio Martin, Université de Lausanne The rise of the e-bike. , Towards an extension of the practice of cycling?
- Emmanuel Ravalet, Dimitri Marincek, Patrick Rérat, Université de Lausanne, Riding an e-bike in Lausanne, Switzerland Urban lifestyles and transport mode choices
12h45 - 13h45 Lunch break / Pause de midi
13h45 - 15h15 Session 3 : Mobility and migrations / Mobilité et migrations
- Suzy Blondin, Université de Neuchâtel, Understanding the mobility-immobility nexus in the Bartang Valley of Tajikistan through 'motility'
- Lucas Haldimann, Marieke Heers, Brian Kleiner, Patrick Rérat, Université de Lausanne, Temporary mobilities: motivations and barriers of mobile and non-mobile young Swiss adults
- Philippe Tchomga, Jianguo Du, Eike Schamp, Universität Bern, Crisis of bilingualism or anglophone crisis? The effectiveness of the English speaking graduates facing language barrier in Cameroon job market
15h15 - 15h30Coffee break / Pause café
15h30 - 17h00 Keynote : What is Mobility Justice ?
- Mimi Sheller : Director & Professor, Center for Mobilities Research and Policy, Department of Sociology, Drexel University, Philadelphia
19h00 Dinner / Souper
Meeting point : Restaurant Lausanne-Moudon, Rue du Tunnel 20, 1005 Lausanne
Tuesday November 20th / Mardi 20 novembre
Campus UNIL
8h45 - 9h15 Welcome & coffee in front of room Géopolis 2207 / Accueil et café devant la salle Géopolis 2207 Géopolis 2207
9h15 - 10h45 Session 4 : Automobility / Automobilité
- Eriketti Servou, Technische Universität München , Who governs the transition towards autonomous driving in cities: The example of Munich
- Carolin Schönewolf, Technische Universität München, What is the use of ethnography in mobility studies on autonomous driving?
- Thomas Le Gallic, Université Paris-Est, Anticiper les conséquences du déploiement des véhicules autonomes sur nos pratiques de mobilité et nos modes de vie : des méthodes à l'épreuve
10h45 - 11h15 Coffee break / Pause café
11h15 - 12h45 Session 5 : Rythms and mobility / Rythmes et mobilité
- Janody Pougala, Alexandre Machu, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Ville de Pully, Méthodes digitales et physiques pour le monitoring de la mobilité urbaine : l'Observatoire de Pully
- Guillaume Drevon, Alexis Gumy, Vincent Kaufmann, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Proposition pour une approche rythmique de la mobilité. Le cas de la Suisse
- Metaxia Markaki, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, ARCADIA. Tidal Inhabitations. An alternate portrait of a depopulating urban periphery based on mouvements, rythms and temporalities
- Gil Viry, University of Edinburgh, The contrasting perceptions of long-distance commuting mothers
12h45 - 13h45 Lunch break / Pause de midi
13h45 - 15h15 Session 6 : Policies and law / politiques et droit
- Jacinto Cuvi, université de Neuchatel, Between forced mobility and stabilization: the unintended consequences of licensing street vendors in São Paulo
- Audrey Chérubin, université Sorbonne-Nouvelle, La Loi de la Mobilité de la ville de Mexico (2014) : enjeux et conditions d'un changement de référentiel de politique publique
- Caroline Gallez, Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de l'aménagement et des réseaux, Dépendance à la mobilité et politiques urbaines. Réflexion sur les enjeux sociaux de la mobilité face à l'urgence climatique
- Mathis Stock, Université de Lausanne, Mobility regimes. Towards legal geographies of mobility
15h15 - 15h30 Coffee break / Pause café
15h30 - 16h30 Session 7 : National mobility panel / Panel national mobilité (PaNaMo)
- Alexis Gumy, Eloi Bernier, Juliana González Villamizar, Guillaume Drevon, Vincent Kaufmann, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Une mesure de la motilité pour analyser le choix modal
- Florent Lheureux, université de Franche-Comté, Comment se formulent les intentions de déplacement dans le quotidien ?
- Thomas Buhler, Université de Franche-Comté, Habitudes et pratiques modales
16h30 - 17h00
Concluding remarks by / Mot de la fin
- par V. Kaufmann & P. Rérat
- Geography (Main category)
- Society > Geography > Geography: society and territory
- Society > Political studies > Governance and public policies
- Society > Law
- Batiment Géopolis
Lausanne, Switzerland (1015)
- Monday, November 19, 2018
- Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Attached files
- mobilité, vélo, migration, justice
- Lucas Haldimann
courriel : lucas [dot] haldimann [at] unil [dot] ch
Reference Urls
Information source
- Lucas Haldimann
courriel : lucas [dot] haldimann [at] unil [dot] ch
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Swiss Mobility Conference 2018 », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, October 24, 2018,