HomePopulisms in the Americas

Populisms in the Americas

Populismes dans les Amériques

Populismos en las Américas

Os populismos nas Américas

IdeAs journal n°14

Revue IdeAs n°14

Revista IdeAs n°14

Revista IdeAs n°14

*  *  *

Published on Wednesday, November 07, 2018


Issue no. 14 of IdeAs. Idées d’Amériques (September-October 2019) will focus on “Populisms in the Americas”. This issue’s main purpose is to help identify the criteria according to which populism can be defined, through examples from North and South America, at a time when populism has become a key notion when analyzing political and social evolutions of most American and European countries. We receive article proposals about all North and Latin American countries, written in French, English,  Spanish or Portuguese.



IdeAs. Ideas of the Americas is the open access, peer-reviewed, electronic journal of the Institute of the Americas. Taking a multidisciplinary approach to the human and social sciences, the journal is dedicated to the study of the American continent as a whole. It publishes two thematic issues per year with high-quality scholarly articles — in French, English, Spanish or Portuguese — in the fields of comparative and transnational studies. IdeAs aims to be a forum for lively debates concerning the issues related to the study of the Americas and to promote scholarly translation.

Each issue includes three different sections, one of which is a dossier that focuses on a main theme and comprises:

  1. Solicited articles related to the theme issue — after its initial approval by the Editorial Committee;
  2. Call for papers submissions reviewed and approved by the Editorial Committee and the issue’s Guest Editor.

Issue no. 14, “Populisms in the Americas” (September-October 2019), will focus on populism in North America and Latin America. Please note that the journal does not contain a Varia section.


In the last ten years, populism has become a key notion when analyzing political and social evolutions of most American and European countries. In the Americas, populism has been evoked these last years to qualify very different political movements, from Occupy Wall Street, to the Tea Party, to Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump. It is equally true in Latin America, where national-popular leftist regimes (Chavez’ Venezuela, Evo Morales’ Bolivia, Kirchner’s Argentina, etc.) are also qualified as populist, while the same word is used to refer to ultra- conservative political currents, embodied today, for example, by Brazilian presidential candidate, Jair Bolsonaro.

Such a ubiquitous concept is bound to create conceptual confusion (Mudde 2007, Hermet, 2001, Taguieff, 1997, Laclau, 2008), especially since populism follows democracy like its shadow (Arditti, 2004, Canovan, 1999). Using anti-elite rhetoric, current populist streams emerge as a response to the feeling that democracies are faltering due to economic, social and identity crisis. But its substance remains for the most part blurry, if not undefined, because, on the one hand, two narratives coexist ––that of actors and that of analysts whether they are social scientist or politicians––, and, on the other hand, because it is such a diverse and international phenomenon. European populism usually refers to far right political streams (Mudde, 2007) or, as George Lavau (1970) would say, to leftist parties’ “fonction tribunitienne”, whereas in the US, birthplace of the Populist Party (1891-1908) it often refers to a certain political language imbued with a sense of egalitarianism originating in the American revolution (Kazin,

1995, Muller 2004). In Latin America, its history dates back to the 1930, and includes a wide range of social and political transformations engaged by Perón in Argentina, Vargas in Brazil, the MNR revolution in Bolivia, or Cárdenas in Mexico, to name but a few (Marques-Pereira, Garibay, 2011).

IdeAs 14 intends to shed some light on this subject in an original way, by showing through localized case studies how historians, sociologists and politists who work on North and South America use the notion of populism to analyse social,  political and economic phenomena taking place in American countries. Within a democracy, what exactly differentiates populism from a politician urging the people ––especially working classes–– to vote? Yves Mény and Yves Surel (2002) explain that populist movements act as if democracy could be reduced to merely giving power to the people. But this general diagnosis needs to be further specified, because rather than being radically opposed (Manin, 2005), populisms and sophisticated liberal and representative democracies are actually part of a continuum. This IdeAs issue’s main purpose is to help identify the criteria according to which populism can be defined, through examples from North and South America.

Submissions procedure

All proposals — in French, English and Portuguese or Spanish — should take the following form:

  • Title
  • Short abstract (400 characters maximum, including spaces)
  • 5 keywords
  • A brief author biography (10 to 15 lines maximum)

Proposals should be emailed to the General Editor by e-mail by 15 November 2018

at both these addresses:  isabelle.vagnoux@univ-amu.fr and gt- recherche@institutdesameriques.fr


Proposals are reviewed by our editorial board as well as by the issue’s Guest Editor. If your proposal is accepted, you will need to submit of your article electronically via the journal’s OJS platform by 31 January 2019 (you will be provided with a Guide to OJS). Your article will be reviewed anonymously by two experts in the field.

Le numéro 14 de la revue, à paraître en septembre-octobre 2019, portera sur les populismes dans les Amériques. Veuillez noter que notre revue n’a pas de rubrique Varia.


  • Thursday, November 15, 2018


  • populisme, démocratie, Amériques, transdisciplinarité, pouvoir


  • François Weigel
    courriel : gt-recherche [at] institutdesameriques [dot] fr
  • Laura Martin
    courriel : assist [dot] recherche [at] institutdesameriques [dot] fr

Information source

  • François Weigel
    courriel : gt-recherche [at] institutdesameriques [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Populisms in the Americas », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, November 07, 2018, https://doi.org/10.58079/118t

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