HomeDisability in rural areas: between geographic exclusion and social insertion

Disability in rural areas: between geographic exclusion and social insertion

Handicap et espace rural : entre exclusion géographique et insertion sociale

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Published on Friday, January 18, 2019


Dans le cadre du VIIe congrès des Sociétés de géographie européennes, EUGEO 2019, qui aura lieu à Galway (Irlande) du 15 au 18 mai 2019 nous vous invitons à proposer une communication pour la session « Disability in rural areas: between geographic exclusion and social insertion » qui s'intéressera aux interactions entre le handicap et les processus d'exclusion ainsi qu'aux expériences favorisant l'inclusion dans les espaces ruraux, sur la base d'études de cas pouvant s'appliquer à tous les domaines de la vie quotidienne. (insertion professionnelle, accès à l'éducation, à la santé, aux services, aux loisirs, à la culture, etc.). Les propositions sont acceptées en anglais, français, espagnol et italien. 


7 th EUGEO Congress “Re-Imagining Europe's Future Society and Landscapes” 15–18 May 2019, Galway, Ireland


Building on the concept of capability (Sen, 1979), the disability rights movement, which emerged in the 1970s and 1980s, laid the foundation for the current development of disability studies. As defined by the Society for Disability Studies, research on disability "examines the policies and practices of all societies to understand the social, rather than physical or psychological determinants of the disability experience. Disability studies have been developed to dissociate impairments from the myths, ideologies and stigmas that influence social interactions and social policies”. A geography of disabilities has thus gradually emerged (Gleeson, 1996; Chouinard, 1997; Park, Radford, and Vickers, 1998; Borioli, 2010; etc.) that doesn't ignore rural areas, but doesn't explore all their dimensions. Indeed, in disability studies, while there is a literature on the interaction of disability and the rural world, most of the work is part of a limited number of epistemic frameworks and approaches (Philo, Parr and Burns, 2003; Mus, 2010; Rapegno, 2014).

However, people with disabilities living in rural areas may be physically and geographically excluded. Indeed, where essential services are few, they often face difficulties rarely encountered in urban areas. Access to adequate housing, transportation, employment, educational programs and specialized health care may be limited. The repetition, both physical and geographical, of difficulties in accessing activities and services can lead to further social exclusion. To contribute to "Re-Imagining Europe’s Future Society", this session encourages the submission of papers on the interactions of disability with exclusion processes and experiences promoting inclusion in the rural areas, based on case studies that can be relevant to all areas of everyday life (education, professional integration, access to health, services, leisure, culture, etc). 


In case of any queries regarding the session content and organization do not hesitate to contact the session convenors :

Mauricette Fournier and Meddy Escuriet, UMR Territoires, Université Clermont Auvergne. 


To submit an abstract of paper presentation either send it by e-mail directly to the session convenor or use the electronic form accessible on the congress website : https://www.eugeo2019.eu/submissions

Several languages will be accepted for this session: English, French, Italian, Spanish.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts to the session is February 15, 2019.

Answers will be given before March 1, 2019

Please note that the text of the abstract should have maximum 250 words and along the text supplementary information should be also provided (title of the paper, names and affiliations of the authors, keywords).

Please also note that when submitting your abstract through the conference website you have to register for the conference prior to submitting your abstract, whereas when sending the abstract directly to the session convenor you can do this prior to completing conference registration.

For more information on the EUGEO congress (https://www.eugeo2019.eu/) and themed sessions (https://www.eugeo2019.eu/list-of-proposed-themed-sessions) please visit the congress website.



  • Galway, Ireland


  • Friday, February 15, 2019


  • handicap, rural, disability studies, social inclusion


  • Mauricette Fournier
    courriel : mauricette [dot] fournier [at] uca [dot] fr
  • Meddy Escuriet
    courriel : mescuriet [at] gmail [dot] com

Information source

  • Mauricette Fournier
    courriel : mauricette [dot] fournier [at] uca [dot] fr


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Disability in rural areas: between geographic exclusion and social insertion », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, January 18, 2019, https://doi.org/10.58079/11vw

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