HomeImportance of Minority Issues and Construction of Identity in the UK

HomeImportance of Minority Issues and Construction of Identity in the UK

Importance of Minority Issues and Construction of Identity in the UK

L’importance des enjeux minoritaires au Royaume-Uni et leur prise en compte politique dans la médiation par l’art

Socio-Political Discourses in Art as a Tool and Framework for Institutions

Pour une compréhension sociologique du processus de construction identitaire comme cadre et outil d’établissement

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Published on Monday, February 04, 2019


Les présentations des participants inviteront à réfléchir à l’intersection entre l’intégration des minorités au sein de la société britannique sous le prisme de l’art, qu’ils soient populaires ou impulsés par les pouvoirs publics et à nous interroger sur l’analyse filmique des minorités en compagnie de spécialistes tels que Rosalind Galt et Karl Schoonover. Nous nous efforcerons de comprendre dans quelle mesure la culture et les arts peuvent servir un processus social d’intégration et d’inclusion des minorités, ou au contraire essentialisent les différences de l’autre. Les propositions pourront éventuellement s’intéresser aux dimensions culturelles, socio-économiques et politiques de cette intersection complexe. 



Since the post-war period, British official policy has encouraged the cultural, especially the artistic, expression of different minorities in the society. For a long time, British multiculturalism was seen as a way to encourage different groups to coexist within the society in a peaceful atmosphere. However, since the late 1990s and especially after the urban riots in the summer of 2001, this model has fewer advocates. Recent mobilizations of the minority groups have highlighted an increased reflexivity of social consciousness in a structurally complex environment. British multiculturalism now seems to be in focus again, accused of undermining social cohesion and hence the nation is now looking for a social policy which will allow a greater integration of the minorities. A minority is defined according to a context, and is not fundamentally an absolute. It can be analyzed here in relation to the population of a nation, a geographical area, religion, language, culture, or a social category defined by stigma against groups such as homosexuals, women or traveler communities, for example. Furthermore, the definition of minorities also depends on the strategies of the minority itself, by its geopolitical, economic and/ or cultural role(s) and project(s).

The aim of this study day will be to reflect on the intersection between the integration of minorities in the British society and mediation through art. What does it mean for a society to open up to minorities through culture and art? How do they help create a dialogue, an exchange, a complicity and a sense of belonging? Can culture and arts foster processes of social integration and inclusion of minorities; mutual and intercultural understandings in a context of pluralism and diversity, or, on the contrary, focus on the aesthetic differences of the representation of the other? Do artistic productions, inspired or not by their experiences of discrimination, influence and enrich local artistic cultures through processes such as "cultural crossbreeding", fusion and invention? While cultural, political and social engagement and experimentation often seem to lead to various positive forms of inclusion and better social relations, they also have a determining role in the transmission of culture and values. To a large extent, art serves as a social process, facilitating encounters between different populations who share the same "space". Also, to what extent can the dominant discourses be questioned, since they lead eventually to challenging (yet essential) social conversations and political debates? The relationship between artistic expression and the inclusion of minorities and the disparate groups will therefore invite our attention to the cultural, social and political dimensions of this complex intersection which has inevitably transformed, and continues to model, the British society.


  • 9.00-9.15 Registration
  • 9.15-10.00  Keynote Address : Professor Rosalind Galt, King’s College London and Associate Professor Karl Schoonover, Warwick College, “The Politics of British Identities in Queer Cinema”
  • 10.00-10.30 Discussion
  • 10.30-10.45 Coffee break
  • SESSION 1  Chair : Professor Rosalind Galt, Professor Karl Schoonover 
  • 10.45-11.00 Anna Lloyd Hellier, Doctorante, Sorbonne Université, “Dramatising suffering : how the early Quakers brought accounts of perceived injustices into the public arena to seek constitutional reform”
  • 11.00-11.15 Marie-Pierre Vincent, Doctorante, Sorbonne Université, “Future Hackney : the role of a photographic project carried out in a threatened local community market in the inclusion of Afro-Caribbean ethnic and social minorities”
  • 11.15-11.30 Sophia Benmoussa, Étudiante en Master 2, Sorbonne Université, “The art of oral poetry in the British Somali community, a potential tool for integration in Great Britain?”
  • 11.30-11.45 Karine Reuillon, Professeure certifiée d’anglais au collège-lycée Sainte Cécile (inscription en doctorat 2019), “Music and dancing : popular tools to help integrate in British society or a hindrance to genuine integration?”
  • 11.45-12.30 Discussion
  • 12.30-14.00 P Lunch
  • 14.00-15.00 Table ronde :  Chair : Professor Claire Charlot, Sorbonne Université
  • 15.00 End of the Colloquium


  • Maison de la recherche - Salle D040 - 28 Rue Serpente
    Paris, France (75006)


  • Friday, February 08, 2019


  • minority, identity, sociopolitic, politic, art, visual art


  • Louisa Perreau
    courriel : louisa [dot] perreau [at] gmail [dot] com
  • Sarah Viel
    courriel : sarahviel [dot] 2000 [at] gmail [dot] com

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Information source

  • Louisa Perreau
    courriel : louisa [dot] perreau [at] gmail [dot] com


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To cite this announcement

« Importance of Minority Issues and Construction of Identity in the UK », Study days, Calenda, Published on Monday, February 04, 2019, https://doi.org/10.58079/11yg

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