HomeTeaching and learning languages in the shadow of lingua franca
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Published on Tuesday, June 11, 2019


A new lingua franca influences policies, teaching methods and learning processes in all languages. This conference aims to define current state, map dynamic changes and address new challenges in plurilingual teaching and learning in higher education. Together, we are going to look for, and hopefully find, ways that will help teachers enrich their teaching repertoires and learners their learning techniques effectively.


Masaryk University Language Centre

15-16 November 2019, Brno, Czech Republic


In the last several decades, English language has become an essential tool for global communication. This fact, despite the absence of an overall consensus on conceptual and ideological positioning of English as lingua franca, has had a noticeable impact on English itself and a signficant impact on the other languages. The existence of the new lingua franca has caused a more frequent shift of other languages to the position of a second foreign or another foreign language. Moreover, research confirms the existence of a dynamic interrelationship between learning a language and using that language. (Seidlhofer 2018, Widdowson 2016). Complex consequences of those factors arise not only for the processes of learning and teaching, but also for language policies in general. From the learner perspective, they are manifested in changes in learners’ needs, their learning strategies and motivation (Dörnyei 2005, 2014), as well as in the notion that language learning processes are influenced by learner’s experience with other languages. Teachers need to take all those changes into consideration, work with them consciously and incorporate them organically in their teaching and in their approach towards learners.

This conference aims to define current state, map dynamic changes and address new challenges in plurilingual teaching and learning in higher education from a pedagogical perspective. Together, we are going to look for, and hopefully find, ways that will help teachers enrich their teaching repertoires and learners their learning techniques effectively.

The conference topics, structured along the following themes, should be approached from the perspective  of teaching or learning a second foreign or an additional foreign language. This conference is by no means limited to the conference communication languages. Contributions relating to any living languages are greatly welcome.


  1. Languages and cultures in contact
  • interference, code mixing, and exploiting the learner’s own language experience
  • the culture ‘behind’ the language, its role or metamorphosis
  • plurilingualism in the academic world
  • language policies in higher education in relation to the new lingua franca
  • possible roles of second and additional foreign languages in a specific culture
  1. The learner and the processes of learning
  • learning strategies
  • learner needs and objectives
  • motivation factors and strategies
  • the role of emotions
  • roles, possibilities and limitations of autonomous learning
  • tandem learning – its forms and future perspectives
  1. Teachers, their roles and methods
  • objectives and priorities concerning the new lingua franca
  • working with mixed groups
  • the learner as a content co-creator
  • possibilities and meanings of CLIL in teaching/learning other languages
  • ICT repertoire
  1. Evaluation and its challenges
  • What is being evaluated and why?
  • What skills and knowledge are targeted or not targeted?  
  • cultural influences in evaluation
  • types of evaluation
  • objectivity, subjectivity and transparency

Conference languages: French, German, Spanish, Russian and English as lingua franca.

Papers relating to any living language are greatly welcome.

Presentation format

Oral presentations: 30 minutes, i.e. 20-minute presentation + 10-minute discussion. Talks can be delivered in one of the conference languages or English. Supporting materials (slides, handouts and other visuals) should be bilingual, in English, or in the other language if the language of the talk is in English.

Round-table sessions: 60 minutes, i.e. 5-minute topic and question introduction + 55-minute discussion guided by the host. This session is designed for open discussion and active participation, to spark synergy and intensive exchange of ideas among peers while addressing one topic. The expected number of participants is five to ten. The discussion can be delivered in one of the conference languages or English, depending on the participants. Supporting materials (e.g. handouts) should be bilingual, in English, or in the other language if the language of the talk is English.

Abstract submission

Oral presentation proposal: must contain the title of the presentation, an abstract in the language of the presentation, an abstract in English (300-400 words each), a bio note (80-100 words), institutional affiliation, and a contact e-mail address.

Round-table session proposal: The round-table host should provide a brief description (300-400 words) of the intended discussion (topic and purpose of the discussion, list of main debatable questions), his/her name, a bio note (80-100 words), institutional affiliation, and a contact e-mail address.

Please, send your abstract to: konference@cjv.muni.cz

Organizing and scientific committee

  • Katerina Sedlackova, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
  • Ladislav Vaclavik, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
  • Monika Seveckova, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
  • Radim Herout, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
  • Jitka Zvackova, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

Important dates

  • Submission of abstracts: 31 August 2019

  • Notification of acceptance: 30 June 2019
  • Early bird registration: 31 July 2019

To register for this event, please go to https://is.muni.cz/go/registration-form

Conference fees:

Early bird:  €85

Standard: €95

For any questions, please, contact: konference@cjv.muni.cz

Conference website: https://www.cjv.muni.cz/cs/lingua-franca-2019-en 

Publication of selected texts:

Articles based on the presentations can submitted to the CASALC Review (CASALC - Czech and Slovak Association of Language Centres).


  • Komenskeho nam. 2
    Brno, Czechia (60200)


  • Saturday, August 31, 2019


  • language learning, language teaching, language acquisition


  • Sedlackova Katerina
    courriel : konference [at] cjv [dot] muni [dot] cz

Information source

  • Katerina Sedlackova
    courriel : katerina [dot] sedlackova [at] cjv [dot] muni [dot] cz


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To cite this announcement

« Teaching and learning languages in the shadow of lingua franca », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, June 11, 2019, https://doi.org/10.58079/12yi

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