Greece, the land of exile and the land of salvation (19th-21st centuries): migration, discourse, representations and pratices
La Grèce terre d’exil et terre d’accueil (XIXe-XXIe siècle) : migrations, discours, représentations et pratiques
26th Francophone university Neo-Hellenist conference
XXVIe congrès des néo-hellénistes des universités francophones
Published on Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Le congrès biennal des néo-hellénistes francophones vise à rassembler des chercheurs dans tous les domaines des sciences humaines et sociales et se focalisera sur le phénomène migratoire en lien avec la Grèce. Pendant les deux dernières décennies, l’Europe a connu d’importants flux et déplacements des populations. La « crise » actuelle des réfugiés – couplée d’une crise de l’économie, de l’état-nation, et de l’Union européenne et de la montée de la xénophobie, attestée par la présence des parties d’extrême droite dans divers parlements européens – défie politiciens, chercheurs et société civile. L’idée d’un passage quasi linéaire d’une culture d’origine à une culture d’arrivée au travers de l’assimilation, idée développée pour approcher les migrations industrielles vers l’Europe occidentale au début du XXe siècle et dans le contexte de la reconstruction au lendemain de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, est progressivement abandonnée.
XXVIth Congress of Neo-Hellenists of French-speaking Universities
Strasbourg, 24-25 September 2020
The biennial congress of French-speaking neo-hellenists will be held from 24 to 25 September 2020 at the University of Strasbourg. It aims to bring together researchers in all areas of the humanities and social sciences.
Over the last two decades, Europe has experienced significant population flows and displacements. The current refugee "crisis" - coupled with a crisis in the economy, the nation-state, the European Union and the rise of xenophobia, as evidenced by the presence of far-right parties in various European parliaments - challenges politicians, researchers and civil society. The idea of an almost linear transition from a culture of origin to a culture of arrival through assimilation, an idea developed to approach industrial migration in Western Europe at the beginning of the 20th century and in the context of reconstruction after the Second World War, is gradually being abandoned. Simplistic approaches to unidirectional migration patterns have gradually given way to theories that seek to achieve the complex and intertwined processes of identification that result from varied trajectories and transnational networks, but also processes that lead to the isolation of individuals, groups and/or cultural practices.
Greece is at the center of the current refugee crisis due to its geographical position and current European asylum legislation. The sedentarization of a large number of migrants and refugees confirms the country's transformation, which began in the 1970s, but especially after the fall of the communist states, into a host country. Long considered a land of exile, having attracted scientific interest for its important diaspora throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, Greece enters the 21st century with part of its population leaving the country due to the economic crisis and an increase in its population due to the significant migratory flows into its territory due to the political situation in the East.
The XXVIth Congress of French-speaking Neo-Hellenists proposes to examine this reality and to engage in a dialogue on different approaches to the Greek diaspora and migration in modern Greece, as well as on the narratives and ways of perceiving people affected by these mobilities, from a historical or contemporary perspective. Participants are invited to share their research and field experiences around the following themes (non-exhaustive list):
- narratives of migration experiences and processes of integration, discrimination, racism, xenophobia; obstacles and challenges encountered, negotiation strategies and the resilience of migrant people;
- the (re)configurations of the relationship to space and time, to the Other, of the identification and memory of people, both of those who have moved and of the local society in which they have settled;
- representations of the migratory experience and the homeland in art, fiction and elsewhere;
- the construction of identity and representations of the Greek language and their evolution in ancient and new multicultural spaces;
- the multiple linguistic and cultural resources and their negotiation and implementation from a perspective of identity construction;
- the cultural, linguistic and artistic practices of the populations as well as the practices that result from the intercultural encounter;
- local societies: xenophobia or solidarity? Attitudes and representations, humanitarian aid networks and their impact on social life;
- the discourse of migration in the media;
- reception policies for migrants in Greece; issues, problems, opportunities and possible outcomes;
- educational practices related to migrant audiences carried out by formal and informal actors in Greece;
- the transnational spaces woven from networks and individual strategies;
- Greeks living outside Greece, their migration trajectories, educational practices for their children, their adaptation strategies in the host country; taking into account recent mobilities;
- return policies and state discourses on Greeks abroad;
- Greece – diaspora as well as migrant networks in Greece: economic, scientific, cultural and religious;
- terms, concepts, classifications, approaches: through the Greek case, raising new epistemological and methodological challenges in research on the representations and discourse of migration.
The Congress encourages interdisciplinary approaches and invites established and young researchers from different disciplines (literature, linguistics, history, anthropology, political science, sociology, educational sciences, literary analysis, cultural studies, etc.) to propose a paper.
Submission of proposals
Proposals for papers, in French, Greek or English, must be sent by e-mail to and
before 15 December 2019.
They will include the title, an abstract (500 words maximum), five keywords, a brief bio-bibliographic record and the authors' contact information. Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by the Scientific Committee. Authors will be informed of the selection of proposals by email in mid-March 2020.
Languages of the conference
French, English, Greek
Contact : and
Location: MISHA, Strasbourg, France
Organizing Committee
- Irini Tsamadou-Jacoberger
- Maria Zerva
Scientific Committee
- Panagiota Anagnostou (French School of Athens)
- Méropi Anastasiadou (INALCO)
- Georges Androulakis (University of Thessaly)
- Argiris Archakis (University of Patras)
- Constantin Bobas (University of Lille)
- Aspasia Chatzidaki (University of Crete)
- Christine Hélot (University of Strasbourg)
- Smaïn Laacher (University of Strasbourg)
- Vally Lytra (Goldsmiths University)
- Pierre Sintès (University of Aix-Marseille)
- Lida Stergiou (University of Ioannina)
- Irini Tsamadou-Jacoberger (University of Strasbourg)
- Sophie Vassilaki (INALCO)
- Maria Zerva (University of Strasbourg)
- Representation (Main category)
- Society > Sociology
- Society > Ethnology, anthropology
- Mind and language > Language
- Society > Geography
- Society > History
- Mind and language > Education
- MISHA Strasbourg - Allée du Général Rouvillois
Strasbourg, France (67)
- Sunday, December 15, 2019
- migration, Grèce, représentation, discours, pratique
- Maria Zerva
courriel : mzerva [at] unistra [dot] fr
Information source
- Maria Zerva
courriel : mzerva [at] unistra [dot] fr
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Greece, the land of exile and the land of salvation (19th-21st centuries): migration, discourse, representations and pratices », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, September 10, 2019,