HomeThe gender of professions

HomeThe gender of professions

The gender of professions

Le genre des professions

Clomparative perspectives in the sociology of professional groups, the sociology of gender and the the sociology of migrations

Perspectives croisées en sociologie des groupes professionnels, sociologie du genre et sociologie des migrations

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Published on Tuesday, September 10, 2019


The object of this session is the sociological theorization of the relation between gender and profession. Today, the question is less the exclusion of women from work defined as professional, considering their feinization, than their routine inclusion in ill-defined support roles. The presentations could cross several approaches (of sociology of professional groups, gender, migrations, intersectionality...) to deal with issues like :inequalities in women's access to certain professions, male resistance to women's carrers, delegation of "dirty work", the specific and cultural construction of a masculinist vision of profession work, how professions professes gender, the effects of liberalisation of professions (in many sectors like Health, Culture or Law) on their feminization...



Despite the growing numbers of women entering the professions and substantial debates concerned with equal opportunity and barriers to women's advancement, attemps to theorise the relation between gender and profession within the discipline of sociology remain limited. Today, the question is less the exclusion of women form work defined as professional, considering their feminization, than their routine inclusion in ill-defined support roles. The presentations would mobilize social sciences (sociology, but also social history, anthropology, policial science) to address issues such as: inequalities in women's access to certain professions, or, on the contrary, the strong feminization of certain professions, male resistance to women's careers, delegation of "dirty work", the specific historical and cultural construction of masculinity and a masculinist vision of profession work, how professions professes gender... This session will also explore the relationship between profession, work and gender and the effects of the deregulation of professions but also, more broadly, of the contemporary changes (liberalisation, digitalization...) of economic sectors (such as law, health, culture, personal care services, etc.) on their feminization. The presentations could also deal with the persistance of male power in professions, and with the question of patriarchy, which is adaptable, dynamic and sustainable.

Submission Guidelines

The communications of this session of the 4th Forum of the International Sociological Association (ISA) organized by the RC 52 Sociology of Professional Groups, may be made in French or/and English.

Proposals are accepted until september 30, 2019

submission on : https://isaconf.confex.com/isaconf/forum2020/webprogrampreliminary/Session14416.html 

Scientific Committee

  • Corinne DELMAS, Université de Nantes, France – Centre nantais de sociologie (CENS, UMR 6025), corinne.delmas@univ-nantes.fr (Session Organizer) ; 
  • Debby BONNIN, University of Pretoria, South Africa, debby.bonnin@up.ac.za 
  • Lara MAESTRIPIERI, DASTU/Politecnico di Milano, Italy, lara.maestripieri@gmail.com (Program Coordinators, RC52 Sociology of Professional Groups)



  • Porto Alegre, Brazil


  • Monday, September 30, 2019


  • Groupes professionnels; Travail; Genre; Féminisation des professions; Sale boulot; Carrières; Inégalités; Intersectionnalité.


  • Corinne Delmas
    courriel : corinne [dot] delmas [at] univ-eiffel [dot] fr

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Corinne Delmas
    courriel : corinne [dot] delmas [at] univ-eiffel [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« The gender of professions », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, September 10, 2019, https://doi.org/10.58079/13cx

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