HomeRacism and Anti-Semitism: global, national and local perspectives

Racism and Anti-Semitism: global, national and local perspectives

Racisme et antisémitisme : perspectives globales, nationales et locales

Research seminar 2020 / FMSH

Séminaire de recherche 2020 / FMSH

*  *  *

Published on Wednesday, January 22, 2020


The seminar of the International Platform on Racism and Antisemitism intends to approach racism and anti-Semitism as a global, national and local phenomena, resulting from numerous metamorphoses and historical evolutions. The old forms of racism have not disappeared, but they are now in institutional and systemic mode, and in so-called "cultural" or "differentialist" form. Hatred and rejection of the other are now to be found on social networks (conspiracy theories, often anti-Semitic) and in algorithms. At a time of increase in identity-based movements and competition amongst victims, racist and anti-Semitic prejudice is even developing in some minorities or in groups defending minorities.



The seminar of the International Platform on Racism and Antisemitism intends to approach racism and anti-Semitism as a global, national and local phenomena, resulting from numerous metamorphoses and historical evolutions. The old forms of racism have not disappeared, but they are now in institutional and systemic mode, and in so-called "cultural" or "differentialist" form. Hatred and rejection of the other are now to be found on social networks (conspiracy theories, often anti-Semitic) and in algorithms. At a time of increase in identity-based movements and competition amongst victims, racist and anti-Semitic prejudice is even developing in some minorities or in groups defending minorities.

This seminar will deal with racism and anti-Semitism in a way that allows for comparison, welcoming approaches from various disciplines of the humanities (sociology, history, biology, political science, anthropology, etc.). It will consider concrete experiences, field research, without neglecting theoretical and epistemological questions.


Philippe Portier et Michel Wieviorka

Scientific coordination

Régis Meyran


Seminar sessions will be held in room A3-35, at the 54 bd Raspail, Paris 6.


Wednesday, January 8

Race, racism and anti-Semitism: contemporary issues

  • Michel Wieviorka (FMSH),
  • Philippe Portier (EPHE)
  • Michel Veuille (EPHE)

Wednesday, January 22

Racism at school

  • François Dubet (Université de Bordeaux), 
  • Béatrice Madiot (Université de Picardie Jules Verne)
  • Céline Masson (Université de Picardie Jules Verne) 

Wednesday, February 5

  • Islamophobia, Tariq Modood (Université de Bristol)

Wednesday, March 4

  • History of the concept of race in France, Olivier Dutour (EPHE, pending) and Régis Meyran (Université Paris-Descartes)

Wednesday, March 18

Race, anti-Semitism and online violence,

  • Dominique Cardon (Sciences-Po, pending),
  • Gérald Bronner (Université Paris-Diderot, pending),
  • Jérôme Ferret (Université Toulouse 1),
  • Ghislaine Azémard (FMSH et Université Paris 8)

Wednesday, April 1st

Racism in law,

  • Emmanuel Debono (ENS Lyon),
  • Smaïn Laacher (Université de Strasbourg)
  • Odile Quintin (Ancien directeur général de l'Éducation et de la Culture de la commission européenne)

Wednesday, April 29

  • Benjamin Stora (Paris XIII) pending

Wednesday, May 6

  • Anti-Semitism in South America, Judit Bokser (Universidad nacional autónoma de México)

Wednesday, May 13

  • John Solomos (Université de Warwick)

Wednesday, May 27

  • White supremacism in North America, Brieg Capitaine (Université d’Ottawa)

Wednesday, June 10

Program to come


  • Salle A3-35 - FMSH | 54, bd Raspail
    Paris, France (75006)


  • Wednesday, January 22, 2020
  • Wednesday, February 05, 2020
  • Wednesday, March 04, 2020
  • Wednesday, March 18, 2020
  • Wednesday, April 01, 2020
  • Wednesday, April 29, 2020
  • Wednesday, May 06, 2020
  • Wednesday, May 13, 2020
  • Wednesday, May 27, 2020
  • Wednesday, June 10, 2020


  • anti-racisme, antisémitisme, discrimination, judaïsme, race, racisme


  • Gilles Desfeux
    courriel : communication [at] msh-paris [dot] fr

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Gilles Desfeux
    courriel : communication [at] msh-paris [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Racism and Anti-Semitism: global, national and local perspectives », Seminar, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, January 22, 2020, https://doi.org/10.58079/14dx

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