HomeThe Faces of Garbo

The Faces of Garbo

Les visages de Garbo

The construction, circulation and appropriations of a global star image

Construction, circulation et appropriations d’une image de star internationale

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Published on Wednesday, March 04, 2020


Beyond the fascination that “Garbo’s face” inspired, which Roland Barthes compared to a “Platonic idea” in a famous passage from Mythologies (1957), this symposium wishes to study the different faces of Garbo, embedding her screen performances as well as the extra-filmic material which helped build her star persona within a range of social and cultural contexts. Contributions will address both the construction of her image (comparing, for instance, the promotional discourse surrounding her in different countries) and its reception, be it by critics or “ordinary” filmgoers.



12-13 mars, ENS Lyon

Organisé par Evelyne Coutel, Esther Hallé, Myriam Juan et Jules Sandeau

12 mars. Après-midi.

13h30. Ouverture du colloque

14h. Keynote 1 (1h) Lois W. Banner (University of Southern California). Greta Garbo and the Perils of Beauty.

15h. Discussion.

15h20.Milan Hain (Palacký University). Not Another Swedish Sphinx: Greta Garbo, Ingrid Bergman, and the Hollywood Star Machine.

15h50. Discussion et pause.

16h50. Corinne François-Denève (Université de Bourgogne). Two-faced Greta/ Greta a deux visages : Greta Nissen et Greta Garbo dans la presse française.

16h20. Évelyne Coutel (ENS Lyon). « Il faut éduquer nos actrices, leur faire cracher la Greta Garbo qu’elles portent en elles » : Greta Garbo dans l’Espagne franquiste, entre censure et convocation

17h20. Discussion.

19h. Cocktail et projection de Camille (G. Cukor, 1936)

13 mars. Matinée

9h. Keynote 2 (1h). Antje Ascheid (University of Georgia). Die Göttliche: Greta Garbo and German Fan Culture.

10h. Discussion

10h20. Anthony Rescigno (Université de Lorraine). Zarah Leander, l’autre visage de Greta Garbo.

10h50. Discussion et pause.

11h20. Maria Adorno (Université de Cologne). Versions multiples, voix multiples : Réceptions nationales d’une star internationale.

11h50. Daniel Wiegand (University of Zürich). “Whiskey! Aber nicht zu knapp!” The German language version of Greta Garbo’s first talkie Anna Christie (1930) and its reception in Germany.

12h20. Discussion.

13 mars. Après-midi.

14h. Keynote 3 (1h). Louise Wallenberg (Stockholm University). Scorned and Adored: the (Involuntary) Stardom of Garbo.

15h. Discussion et pause.

15h30. Paola Palma (Université de Vérone). Divina creatura. Greta Garbo en Italie : histoire d’une manipulation (vocale)

16h. Esther Halle (ENS Lyon). Madone aux deux visages. Garbo et le mélodrame italien

16h30. Discussion et fin.


  • Salle D2.128 - ENS de Lyon, 15 parvis Descartes
    Lyon, France (69)


  • Thursday, March 12, 2020
  • Friday, March 13, 2020


  • stars, réception, publics, Garbo, cinéma


  • Sandeau Jules
    courriel : jules [dot] sandeau [at] univ-montp3 [dot] fr

Information source

  • Sandeau Jules
    courriel : jules [dot] sandeau [at] univ-montp3 [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« The Faces of Garbo », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, March 04, 2020, https://doi.org/10.58079/14m5

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