HomeChican@s studies

Chican@s studies

Contributions of articles for electronic journal Verbum et Lingua

Contribuciones de artículos para revista electrónica Verbum et Lingua

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Published on Friday, March 13, 2020


The electronic magazine Verbum et Lingua: Didáctica, lengua y cultura will dedicate its 16th edition (July-December 2020) to the topic of Chican@s studies. Grosso modo, for Ornelas, Ramírez and Padilla (1975), the Chican@s studies have made a great effort to integrate four main constructs: race, class, culture and gender/sexuality. These constructs are present in the work of different artists who express their ideology in order to politicize and lead their community(ies) to change. According to Macias (2018), the Chican@s field of study seeks to make research holistic and multidisciplinary, as well as inclusive, comparative, grounded, up-to-date and critical. At the same time, it seeks to apply the results to social justice, education, as well as to the change of the global Chican@ communities.



Contributions related to other topics may be considered as long as they are received by the stipulated date.

Grosso modo, for Ornelas, Ramírez and Padilla (1975), the Chican@s studies have made a great effort to integrate four main constructs: race, class, culture and gender/sexuality. These constructs are present in the work of different artists who express their ideology in order to politicize and lead their community(ies) to change. According to Macias (2018), the Chican@s field of study seeks to make research holistic and multidisciplinary, as well as inclusive, comparative, grounded, up-to-date and critical. At the same time, it seeks to apply the results to social justice, education, as well as to the change of the global Chican@ communities.

Submission Guidelines

The electronic magazine Verbum et Lingua: Didáctica, lengua y cultura will dedicate its 16th edition (July-December 2020) to the topic of Chican@s studies. Authors are invited to send articles to be considered in this edition.

The deadline to receive proposals is April 30th, 2020 to the email of the journal verbum.udg@gmail.com


  • Guadalajara, Mexican Republic (44260)


  • Thursday, April 30, 2020


  • estudios chicanos

Information source

  • Missael Vizcaino
    courriel : verbum [at] administrativos [dot] udg [dot] mx


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Chican@s studies », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, March 13, 2020, https://doi.org/10.58079/14mw

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