HomeMobilisation of the youth in Ethiopian small urban settements

HomeMobilisation of the youth in Ethiopian small urban settements

Mobilisation of the youth in Ethiopian small urban settements

Mobilisation de la jeunesse dans les petites villes d’Éthiopie


Bourse de thèse CNRS/EHESS

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Published on Friday, June 05, 2020


The project aims to analyse social and spatial entrenchment of the recent political mobilisation in Ethiopia. By documenting the multifaced and continuously evolving contestation shaking the country, it addresses an unprecedent social and academic need.Mostly based on top-down analysis, existing works pay less attention to dissent's local and material dimensions. Territories are conceived as institutionally produced by an ethno-federal system that promotes some of them or leads to territorial disputes. On the contrary, rather mundane territorial patterns daily framing lives of millions of Ethiopians remain unknown. This project aims to disclose them, by considering that ordinary life also impacts political mobilisation.


Project presentation

The project aims to analyse social and spatial entrenchment of the recent political mobilisation in Ethiopia. By documenting the multifaced and continuously evolving contestation shaking the country, it addresses an unprecedent social and academic need.Mostly based on top-down analysis, existing works pay less attention to dissent's local and material dimensions. Territories are conceived as institutionally produced by an ethno-federal system that promotes some of them or leads to territorial disputes. On the contrary, rather mundane territorial patterns daily framing lives of millions of Ethiopians remain unknown. This project aims to disclose them, by considering that ordinary life also impacts political mobilisation.The small urban settlements change; the emerging employment areas and labour transformations as well as spatial and social mobilities rise as the result of a growing market-oriented regulation – even at local level. Youths are primarily concerned. Sons of farmers join new political activists; their motives are diverse and mostly under documented. This project thus seeks to anchor in ordinary spaces working classes politicisation.It focusses on the 'production' of spaces and of social groups stepping out rurality in the peripheral areas of small urban settlements without yet living there as urban dwellers nor even more so as rural dwellers. In these in-between spaces, daily social life is reinvented, people seem to free themselves from the Elders or regime domination that continuously governs the countryside. Party-State evolution offers new political commitment opportunities and local power relations evolve. Specific social and political dimensions of these small and mundane urban peripheries are still to be analysed.This project advocates for both material and localised approaches of the political. It seeks to go beyond a sole localisation into space of political phenomena to rather consider their entrenchment. It aims at analysing the production itself of space and the way it is mobilised to exert or to oppose State power. By placing space at the core of society and politics, the project wishes not to target only geographers, but rather to invite social scientists to consider the production of space as a truly political dynamic.To that end, the selected candidate will develop a fine-grained knowledge of his case study and will mainly resort to qualititative methods. He or she will conduct months-stays fieldworks in and around a small urban settlement. The selection of the study site will be done in collaboration with CFEE social scientists working on contemporary Ethiopia. Any previous knowledge on Ethiopia would be appreciated.

Practical information

  • Scientific Responsible name : Planel Sabine
  • Ph D. Program 286, "territories, societies and development", EHESS, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris
  • Type of Contract : PhD Student contract/ Thesis offerContract
  • Period : 36 months
  • Start date of the thesis : 1 October 2020
  • Proportion of work : Full time
  • Remuneration : 2 135,00 € gross monthly




  • Paris, France (75)


  • Monday, June 29, 2020


  • Sabine Planel
    courriel : Sabine [dot] Planel [at] ird [dot] fr

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Sabine Planel
    courriel : Sabine [dot] Planel [at] ird [dot] fr


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Mobilisation of the youth in Ethiopian small urban settements », Scholarship, prize and job offer, Calenda, Published on Friday, June 05, 2020, https://doi.org/10.58079/14z1

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