HomeCan We Learn Democracy?

Can We Learn Democracy?

Peut-on apprendre la démocratie ?

Transnational Perspectives from the 19th-21st Century

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Published on Monday, November 16, 2020


By adopting an interdisciplinary and transnational perspective, we seek to decompartmentalize the different approaches to citizenship education, which are crossed by recurring questions: How to articulate the individual and the collective? How can citizenship education be promoted without prescribing it? Is it a matter of encouraging citizens to adhere to the democratic project with all its imperfections, or of making it possible to criticize it and, therefore, to achieve political emancipation? Initially scheduled for April 2020, this cycle, which includes a round table, workshops, an exhibition and an international conference, will take place entirely online in November 2020.



Thursday 19th November | 18:00-19:00

Prison Education and the Quest for Egalitarian Pedagogies

Workshop | Online | | in French and English

Inscription limited places

Prisons have long been used as classrooms. Since the 19th century, education in prisons have been tied with state projects of “rehabilitation.” Do prison education programs legitimize systems of oppression and exclusion? How can they work towards a broader project of emancipation? The three presenters in this workshop have been engaged in a prison education project at la Santé, where they have drawn upon egalitarian pedagogies pioneered in North America. They will introduce these pedagogical practices during the workshop, and they will also use the workshop to explore the links between civic education and prison education.

avec Michelle Kuo, Hannah Taieb, Albert Wu (American University of Paris)

Lundi 23th November | 18:00-19:00 |

Table ronde. L’éducation à la citoyenneté: un nœud de tensions démocratiques?

En donnant la parole à des expertes et experts du sujet ainsi qu’au public, cette table-ronde part de »moments critiques« de l’histoire de l’éducation à la citoyenneté pour discuter des tensions inhérentes à ce projet: quelle éducation pour quel modèle de démocratie? Est-ce possible de faire valoir des valeurs »démocratiques« ou »républicaines« sans les prescrire? Quelles tensions peuvent exister entre les différentes échelles de la citoyenneté (local, étatique, globale?) Quels types de relations entretiennent les différents acteurs de l’éducation à la citoyenneté (institutions scolaires étatiques, associations locales, nationales ou internationales, institutions internationales…)?

Cette table ronde fera le lien entre les enjeux contemporains de l’éducation à la citoyenneté et les perspectives historiques abordées lors du colloque Quelle éducation à la citoyenneté pour quelle démocratie? Perspectives transnationales du XIXe au XXIe siècle (IHA, 25–27 novembre 2020).

  • Olivier Chaïbi (université d’Evry),
  • Yves Déloye (Sciences Po Bordeaux)
  • Caroline Fayolle (université de Montpellier),
  • Charles Heimberg (université de Genève),
  • Sonja Levsen (université de Fribourg).

Modalités de participation

Table ronde | En ligne  en français




  • 8 rue du Parc-Royal
    Paris 03 Temple, France (75003)


  • Thursday, November 19, 2020
  • Monday, November 23, 2020


  • Zoé Kergomard
    courriel : zkergomard [at] dhi-paris [dot] fr

Information source

  • Nina Régis
    courriel : nregis [at] dhi-paris [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Can We Learn Democracy? », Lecture series, Calenda, Published on Monday, November 16, 2020, https://doi.org/10.58079/15lu

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