PhD Student’s Day in Information and Communication Sciences
Journée jeunes chercheur·e·s en sciences de l'information et de la communication (JJC 2021)
15th Edition
Quinzième édition
Published on Monday, March 08, 2021
Since 2006, the organization of this PhD Student’s Day responds to the desire of PhD students of the Groupe d'études et de recherche interdisciplinaire en information et communication (GERiiCo) of the University of Lille, to communicate and exchange about their current research with PhD students in information and communication sciences from other universities, in a climate of trust and benevolence.
Michel Beaud states in the acknowledgements of his book L'art de la thèse (1985): "no mission is accomplished in solitude".
The thesis can be compared to a marathon that requires boldness and strength to move forward, especially nowadays. Being at the crossroads of sociology, anthropology and linguistics, PhD students in Information and Communication Sciences (ICS) are challenged by a variety of modern and contemporary subjects. The diversity of approaches, research subjects and fields are only a small part of what makes these disciplines so rich in their content.
The Journée des Jeunes Chercheur·e·s (JJC), has been held by PhD students of GERiiCO laboratory of the University of Lille for 15 years. It is made for PhD students of Information and Communication Sciences, who are willing to share the results of their research to better define their actual fields of study. The JJC is aimed at welcoming both newcomer PhD students and those who are about to finish with their thesis.
The objective of this day is to give PhD students the opportunity to discuss their different research subjects, to discover the diversity of ICS, to talk about their methodological approach and, of course, to question their work. The JJC promotes meetings and exchanges between PhD students and teacher-researchers of this vast discipline. Every year, two Professors of Information and Communication Sciences are invited to present their work on various research subjects.
Submission Guidelines
On the occasion of the JJC, PhD students of Information and Communication Sciences who are willing to share their work and reflections are invited. Papers, in English or in French, will focus on one or more of the following topics:
- Problem statement
- Creation of a corpus
- Main theoretical and conceptual achievements or work in progress
- Definition and implementation of the research protocol
- Presentation of mid-term results
- Feedback analysis of the investigation work
Editorial Guidelines
All PhD students of Information and Communication Sciences can take part in the event. There is no research subject or specific approach to the discipline to be privileged, the main goal is to be open-minded and to share.
Your speech proposal should include the following mentions:
- Contact details of the author (surname, first name, e-mail address, telephone...)
- The year of your subscription to the PhD
- The temporary title of your thesis
- The title of your speech
- A 500-words abstract presenting the content of this paper
- Three keywords that describe the content of your speech
The deadline for submitting those proposals is the 31st of March 2021.
Proposals should be sent to the following address: PhD students who sent a proposal will be informed on the 23rd of April 2021 on the specific conditions of the event (time limit, schedule, workshop concerned), which will be set according to the number of participants.
The steering group
- Amélie Daloz
- Joël Rusquart
- Lili Stéphanie Ngatse
- Marianne Duquenne
- Information (Main category)
- Mind and language > Information > Information sciences
- Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Attached files
- sciences de l'information et de la communication, SIC
- Amélie Daloz
courriel : jjc [dot] geriico [at] gmail [dot] com
Information source
- Comité d'organisation de la journée jeunes chercheur·es du laboratoire GERiiCO
courriel : jjc [dot] geriico [at] gmail [dot] com
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« PhD Student’s Day in Information and Communication Sciences », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, March 08, 2021,