HomeWellbeing, Harm, and Religion
Call for papersReligion
Wellbeing, Harm, and Religion
International Religious Studies PhD Conference 2021
Published on Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Different conceptions of harm and wellbeing derived from different religious traditions retain their relevance in many locales across the globe even today, as they did in history. They intertwine(d) with “secular” medical practices; religious actors can formulate stances towards modern medical technologies, like vaccination and blood transfusion; and religion sometimes articulates alternative theories about the nature and origin of various diseases and about their treatment. With this conference, we aim to create a platform for the study of the intersections amongst religion, health, and diverse cultural conceptions of harm and wellbeing.
International Doctoral Conference in Religious Studies 2021, 9-11 September 2021 Brno, Czech Republic
About this Event
Specific ideas about what constitutes harm and wellbeing have been historically shaped by different religious traditions considerably. Throughout the history of the human species, illnesses, injuries, and diseases were often dealt with through religious rituals, as evidenced from the earliest Sumerian incantations from the 26th century BC to the contemporary evangelical faith healing. Some ritualized acts incorporate what can be seen as harm or violence, like genital mutilations or flesh hook insertions. Nevertheless, these same acts can be also perceived as leading towards wellbeing (of community, individual, deity, etc.). Alternatively, consider other practices more directly aimed at the wellbeing of mind and soul, that may even result in a feedback loop affecting the physical body, like shamanic trance induction, baptism, or meditation. But not only rituals – embracing of religious worldview as an interpretative framework may also substantially affect one’s wellbeing.
Different conceptions of harm and wellbeing derived from different religious traditions retain their relevance in many locales across the globe even today, as they did in history. They intertwine(d) with “secular” medical practices; religious actors can formulate stances towards modern medical technologies, like vaccination and blood transfusion; and religion sometimes articulates alternative theories about the nature and origin of various diseases and about their treatment.
With this conference, we aim to create a platform for the study of the intersections amongst religion, health, and diverse cultural conceptions of harm and wellbeing. We welcome applications from PhD students, as well as advanced Master’s students from all fields and across disciplines of humanities, social and life sciences.
Important dates
- Deadline for active participation:
30 April 2021
- Deadline for passive participation - 15 August 2021
We are planning the conference as an on-site event at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. However, due to the uncertainty of how long the Covid-19 Pandemic will last, for health and safety reasons, we may have to hold the event in a hybrid or on-line form. Please stay tuned for updates.
If you would like to participate as a member of the audience, please contact us with your query at the e-mail address provided below.
For more details, visit the official conference website: https://religionistika.phil.muni.cz/WHeRE2021 For further information, please contact student organizer Jan Trtílek by e-mail at WHeRE2021@phil.muni.cz.
- Department for the Study of Religions Masaryk University (MUNI), Brno https://religionistika.phil.muni.cz
- Center for Religious Studies Central European University http://religion.ceu.edu
- Department for the Study of Religions University of Pardubice https://ff.upce.cz/en/fap/drs.html
- Department of Religious Studies Charles University https://htf.cuni.cz
Selection Committee
Participant's papers for presentation will be selected by a volunteer group of PhD students, who currently make up the student organization of this event. Selection will not be subject to interference from the faculty or administrative assistance in this conference.
MUNI Team:
- Jan Trtílek
- Jana Nenadalová
- Terezie Dvořáčková
- Michal Puchovský
UPCE Team:
- Vilém Skopal
- Tadeáš Vala
CEU Team:
- Esther Holbrook
- Juan Manuel Rubio-Arevalo
- Victoria Fomina
- Brian Dougherty
CUNI Team:
- Matouš Mokrý
- František Válek
- Arne Nováka 1
Brno, Czechia
- Friday, April 30, 2021
Attached files
- Religion, Physical Health, Psychological Health, Wellbeing, Harm, Medicine, Law
- Esther Holbrook
courriel : holbrooke [at] ceu [dot] edu - Jan Trtilek
courriel : jan [dot] trtilek [at] mail [dot] muni [dot] cz
Reference Urls
Information source
- Esther Holbrook
courriel : holbrooke [at] ceu [dot] edu
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Wellbeing, Harm, and Religion », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, March 30, 2021, https://doi.org/10.58079/16bn