HomePerspectives on Governance by Non-State Armed Actors

HomePerspectives on Governance by Non-State Armed Actors

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Published on Monday, April 12, 2021


The workshop “Perspectives on Governance by Non-State Armed Actors” is the first event of the Workshop Series "Debating Transnational Governance", organized by the Scuola Normale Superiore and Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy. Given the current pandemic situation, the workshop will take place online on May 24, 2021. It welcomes a broad range of contributions on issues related to rebel governance and governance by non-state armed actors, with the goal of stimulating debate and interdisciplinary reflections, and potentially exploring new avenues for research in this field of study.


About the Workshop

We invite paper proposals for our upcoming Workshop “Perspectives on Governance by Non-State Armed Actors”, which will be held online on May 24, 2021. This is first event of the Workshop Series "Debating Transnational Governance", organized by the Scuola Normale Superiore and Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy.

The study of governance by non-state armed actors, including rebel groups, is an emerging field of research that has experienced greater scrutiny over recent years. Phenomena such as civil wars, in which insurgent groups or other armed groups might take control over swaths of territory and administer public life, have shown the limits of state-centered paradigms, thus stimulating the emergence of new approaches. Literature on rebel governance, and on governance by armed groups broadly speaking, has been enriched by comparative analyses encompassing a number of case studies both in the same geographical area and in different regions. In particular, scholarship has highlighted the diversity underlying the concept of governance by non-state armed actors, as a variety of governance styles, patterns, and characteristics have been observed, shaped by pre-conflict as well as wartime factors. For instance, a number of works have scrutinized the relationship between rebel groups and the local civilians, focusing not only on the strategies employed by such groups to engage the populations, but also on how civilians’ response might affect rebels’ behavior and choices in governance; and on the experiences, perceptions, and agency of local actors.

This workshop aims to foster and expand current debates in the field of rebel governance and governance by armed groups. The event is open to both theoretical and empirical contributions, and it especially welcomes interdisciplinary contributions combining insights from different fields of research, as well as those connecting different levels of analysis. We welcome proposals addressing a range of aspects including, but not limited to:

  • inter-group dynamics and governance by armed groups;
  • relations between armed groups and civilians;
  • women's roles and participation in rebel governance;
  • the contested role of political ideologies;
  • “hybrid actors” and external sponsors;
  • consequences of rebel governance in the post-war context.

Submissions and Dates

To send your proposal, please fill out this online form with your personal information (first name, last name, current position, and affiliation) and the details of your paper (title and a short abstract of max. 400 words)

by April 26.

Authors of selected proposals will be notified no later than May 2. The complete workshop program and time schedule will be circulated by May 15.


For any inquiries, do not hesitate to contact the two organizers of the workshop, Silvia Carenzi and Lydia Letsch (PhD Candidates at the Scuola Normale Superiore and Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna) at: silvia[dot]carenzi[at]sns[dot]it or lydia[dot]letsch[at]sns[dot]it


  • Arjona, A., Kasfir, N., & Mampilly, Z. (Eds.). (2015). Rebel governance in civil war. Cambridge University Press
  • Metelits, C. (2009). Inside insurgency: violence, civilians, and revolutionary group behavior. NYU Press
  • Arjona, A. (2016). Rebelocracy. Cambridge University Press
  • Barter S. (2014). Civilian strategy in civil war: Insights from Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Mampilly, Z. C. (2012). Rebel rulers: Insurgent governance and civilian life during war. Cornell University Press
  • Kasfir, N., Frerks G., & Terpstra, N. (2017). Introduction: Armed Groups and Multi-layered Governance. Civil Wars 19(3), 257-278, DOI: 10.1080/13698249.2017.1419611
  • Cambanis, T., Esfandiary, D., Ghaddar, S., Hanna, M. W., Lund, A., & Mansour, R. (2019). Hybrid Actors: Armed Groups and State Fragmentation in the Middle East. The Century Foundation


  • Monday, April 26, 2021


  • political violence, rebel governance, armed conflict, peace studies, conflict studies


  • Silvia Carenzi
    courriel : silvia [dot] carenzi [at] sns [dot] it
  • Lydia Letsch
    courriel : lydia [dot] letsch [at] sns [dot] it

Information source

  • Silvia Carenzi
    courriel : silvia [dot] carenzi [at] sns [dot] it


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To cite this announcement

« Perspectives on Governance by Non-State Armed Actors », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, April 12, 2021, https://doi.org/10.58079/16dp

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