Language learning and linguistics : theoretical and methodological issues
Sciences du langage : enjeux théoriques et pratiques méthodologiques
Published on Wednesday, July 07, 2021
CEDIL’22 (International Conference of Young Researchers inLanguage Teaching and Linguistics) provides the perfect venue to discuss and debate a wide variety of epistemological, theoretical and methodological issues in language learning and linguistics, in the areas of linguistic description, language teaching, language acquisition or sociolinguistics. These four Themes correspond to the recent restructuring in four sub-groups of the host research group LIDILEM.
The PhD students at the LIDILEM research group are proud to organise the 5th edition of the International Conference of Young Researchers in Language Teaching and Linguistics (CEDIL). This event is held every four years and is a precious networking opportunity for young researchers from all over the world.
CEDIL’22 provides the perfect venue to discuss and debate a wide variety of epistemological, theoretical and methodological issues in language learning and linguistics, in the areas of linguistic description, language teaching, language acquisition or sociolinguistics. These four Themes correspond to the recent restructuring in four sub-groups of the host research group LIDILEM.
Main themes
Contributions should address one or more these four broad themes :
Theme 1. Linguistic description and modelling, corpora & NLP (natural language processing)
Research in corpus linguistics and NLP revolves around the analysis of linguistic data from electronic corpora, whether monolingual or multilingual, spoken or written. The objective is to develop new theoretical and methodological approaches in order to combine syntactic, lexical, semantic and discourse organisation perspectives.
Contributions in this Theme will focus on NLP, phraseology, corpus linguistics, multilingual corpora queries, etc.
Theme 2. Language teaching: Analysis and evaluation of teaching & learning processes
Research on language teaching, in particular teaching practices and learning processes, is at the heart of Theme 2.
Contributions will explore the theoretical and methodological aspects of analysing and evaluating teaching and learning processes, for example topics such as the conception and evaluation of language teaching systems, multilingual approaches to language teaching and learning, literacy and the inclusion of specific populations, and the conception and evaluation of technology-enhanced learning design.
Theme 3. Language acquisition: Multimodality, variability & context
In this Theme, paper proposals will focus on the processes of language acquisition (L1, L2…), paying special attention to the relationship between such processes and the context in which they occur. We welcome contributions which emphasize the theoretical and methodological aspects of the following: acquisition processes of oral language, sociolinguistic development as revealed by learner corpora, or assessment of acquisition in language classes or in kindergarten. Proposals are also welcome on multimodal processes and the acquisition and usage of Sign Language, including aspects related to identity and to culture.
Theme 4. Sociolinguistics : Identities, cultures, interactions & language use
Paper proposals in this Theme will analyse contextualised sociolinguistic phenomena, consisting of the analysis of written or oral data from large corpora or corpora deriving from ethnographic or qualitative approaches.
A wide variety of sociolinguistic objects and themes may be studied, from variational or interactional analyses to discourse analyses or critical approaches, or reflections on the relationships between languages and/or language practices, identities, and discrimination.
For more information about the organization and the activities of the LIDILEM research group, please consult the following:
Oral presentations will be in French or in English. Presentation media will be in French, i.e. if you plan to speak in English your slides and/or handouts must be in French.
Paper submission
This conference is for young researchers only (doctoral students and young doctors having presented their thesis within the last three years). Paper proposals written in French or in English should be two pages maximum (including the bibliography) and should respect the style guidelines available on the conference website:
Papers should be submitted on this site no later than November 21, 2021.
- Submission deadline: November 21, 2021
- Notice to authors: March 1, 2022
- Registration deadline: May 30, 2022
- Conference: June 29 - 30, 2022
Presentations by young researchers will last 20-minutes, followed by a 10-minutes discussion.
Conference proceedings
A selection of papers might be published after the conference.
For further information, please contact us:
Organizing committee
PhD Students :
- Abouwarda Rim
- Afli Ibtihel
- Becerra-Valderrama Lizandro
- Benyacoub Gassiot Nejma
- Bosse Grâce
- Boucharechas Manon
- Chambre Judith
- Chen Ping-Hsueh
- Comotti Roxanne
- Fabry Iris
- Hong Wenjie
- Ji Yujing
- Kiatphotha Jirawan
- Ladreyt Alexis
- Lee ChaeYoung
- Li Qianyun
- Mariscalchi-Filliatre Aurélie
- Pallanti Luca
- Peuzin Marie
- Pirooz Azadeh
- Wang Lan
Full members :
- Gardelle Laure
- Gómez Vicente Lucía
- Henderson Alice
- Nissen Elke
- Trimaille Cyril
Scientific committee
More information soon
- Language (Main category)
- Mind and language > Language > Linguistics
- Bâtiment Stendhal - LIDILEM Université Grenoble Alpes
Grenoble, France (38)
- Sunday, November 21, 2021
Attached files
- linguistique
- Aurélie Mariscalchi
courriel : aurelie [dot] mariscalchi-filliatre [at] univ-grenoble-alpes [dot] fr - Roxanne Comotti
courriel : roxanne [dot] comotti [at] univ-grenoble-alpes [dot] fr
Information source
- Aurélie Mariscalchi
courriel : aurelie [dot] mariscalchi-filliatre [at] univ-grenoble-alpes [dot] fr
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Language learning and linguistics : theoretical and methodological issues », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, July 07, 2021,