HomeArabists and Hebraists (18th - 20th century)

Arabists and Hebraists (18th - 20th century)

Hamsa Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies

*  *  *

Published on Monday, October 04, 2021


Looking for new contributions about the theme within the universe of Arabic and Hebraic studies, the next volume of HAMSA will be dedicated to the topic Arabists and Hebraists (18th -20th century). It is intended to summon up Arabists and Hebraists whose activity was developed inside or outside the Academy, also encompassing those who work in a solitary way or in non-traditional more and less ephemeral groups, or alternative networks. The chronological range extends from the 18th to the 20th century, allowing the inclusion of the beginning of modern Arabic and Hebraic studies, in Europe, Middle East and new American states, as also others less obvious regions of the world.



The journal Hamsa aims to create a multi-disciplinary space in the fields of Jewish and Islamic studies in which all perspectives of Social and Human sciences can converge. In this context, Hamsa strives to be a privileged space for the dissemination of studies in these fields, fostering a comparative analysis of historiographical, philosophical, anthropological and sociological discourses ranging from medievality to contemporaneity.

Looking for new contributions about the theme within the universe of Arabic and Hebraic studies, the next volume of Hamsa will be dedicated to the topic Arabists and Hebraists (18th -20th century). It is intended to summon up Arabists and Hebraists whose activity was developed inside or outside the Academy, also encompassing those who work in a solitary way or in non-traditional more and less ephemeral groups, or alternative networks. The chronological range extends from the 18th to the 20th century, allowing the inclusion of the beginning of modern Arabic and Hebraic studies, in Europe, Middle East and new American states, as also others less obvious regions of the world.

Submission guidelines

The papers should be send to hamsa@uevora.pt before february 28th, 2022.

The articles must not exceed 45,000 characters and must include a 100 word abstract and 5 key words in both Portuguese and English.

The articles and other contributions should be sent in digital format, preferably in Word, attached to an email addressed to hamsa@hamsa.pt.


Deadline: 28th february 2022.


  • André Silva, Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar « Cultura, Espaço e Memória » (CITICEM);
  • Joana Gomes, Instituto de Filosofia da Universidade do Porto; Michel Kabalan, Instituto de Filosofia da Universidade do Porto.

Scope and policy

1. Description of the journal’s editorial policy

The main aim of the Hamsa Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies is to create a virtual multi-disciplinary space in which all perspectives of the History, Language and Literature of Jews and Muslims can converge, as well as themes on Judaism and Islam in general. In this context, Hamsa strives to be a privileged space for the dissemination of studies in these areas, with a special focus on Iberian Muslims and Jews and their Diaspora, entraining a comparative analysis of historiographical, philosophical, anthropological and sociological discourses. This is an international journal with a peer review system.

2. The publication’s specific areas of interest and type of articles and other matters published

The aim of the journal is to publish articles of high quality in the area of Jewish and Islamic studies, with special focus on the Iberian context, and it welcomes diverse proposals within that scope.

Hamsa comprises the following sections :

  • Articles
  • « Invited » articles and the publication of talks by guest speakers.
  • Critical edition of documents.
  • Critical reviews.
  • Universities and Research.

3. The Journal’s peer review procedures

All manuscripts are subject to the following procedures :

  1. They are sent to two of the journal’s directors (journal’s email: hamsa@hamsa.pt) who decide whether their general framework is in keeping with the Journal’s profile and suggest the names of two referees;
  2. Following the agreement of these two referees, the paper is sent to them (without identifying its author), and they are asked to give their expert opinion on the scientific content. Except if the rare cases where no observations are made in these opinions, they are then sent to the authors for consideration, reformulation or the justification of the respective positions ;
  3. Once the author’s answer or reformulated text (depending on the case) is received, it is sent to the two referees for reappraisal. In the case of a serious discrepancy between the author and one of the referees, it is sent to a third referee or, where justified by the content of the discrepancy, the matter is assessed in conjunction with the directors.
  4. After the referees reach agreement on the manuscript, it goes for publication and the final layout is prepared in conjunction with the author ;
  5. Once the above work is complete, the text is placed on line and made available for the printed version.

4. The Journal’s target public

Academics and scholars from different countries interested in this field.

5. Form and preparation of manuscripts

Languages accepted for the publication of texts : Portuguese, English, Spanish, French and Ladino (in the case of the latter, the author should clearly state the transcription system used).

6. Transliteration systems from Hebrew and Arabic

6.1. Hebrew (Simple) transliteration rules to Portuguese*.

6.2. Arabic (Simple) transliteration rules to Portuguese*.

*In the case of other languages, the author should specify the transliteration system


For more information, see https://journals.openedition.org/hamsa/929#tocto2n6.

7. The formats and forms in which the original should be sent to the journal

The articles and other contributions should be sent in digital format, preferably in Word, attached to an email addressed to hamsa@hamsa.pt

The articles must not exceed 45,000 characters and must include a 100 word abstract and 5 key words in both Portuguese and English.

8. The layout of the journal

The articles and other contributions will be presented by indicating the title in bold, followed by the author’s name, academic position (where applicable) and email.

Chapters should be identified so as to be perfectly visible in Word’s Navigation Panel and the structure of the article (introduction, body and conclusion) be clearly perceptible at first impression.

Texts and bibliography must be written in Times New Roman, size 12, with a space and a half space between the lines.

Notes should be written in Times New Roman, size 10, with a simple interval between the lines.

Citations in the test should be duly indicated with “…”. Long citations (of more than four lines) should be separated from the text in a new paragraph, using font size 10, and also in inverted commas.

Notes should be placed at the bottom of the pages.

Calls for footnotes should not be attached to titles, headers or to the author’s name at the beginning of the articles. Acknowledgments regarding research funding or other general notes should be included as « Author’s notes »

Charts and tables should be sent in the same file, placed in the correct position within the text, and with the necessary captions. Images and photographs should be sent in a separate file, numbered sequentially, in JPG or PNG format (preferential), with 300 dpi minimum and up to 3000pxs and in the text should clearly indicate where they should be inserted.

Authors are fully responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce images, photographs and other elements protected by copyright, and proof of such permission may be required when the final version of the manuscript is submitted.

The articles must present a final bibliography with all the references of manuscripts and printed papers cited in a note, in a complete form.


More information here.


  • Monday, February 28, 2022


  • arabic studies, hebraic studies, arabist, hebraist


  • Madalena Freire
    courriel : hamsa [at] uevora [dot] pt

Information source

  • Madalena Freire
    courriel : hamsa [at] uevora [dot] pt


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Arabists and Hebraists (18th - 20th century) », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, October 04, 2021, https://doi.org/10.58079/17ar

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