HomeExploring Asian Religions in Europe

Exploring Asian Religions in Europe

Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society (JRAT)

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Published on Tuesday, January 11, 2022


The Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society (JRAT) is an interdisciplinary, international, online open-access journal with a double-blind peer-review process published by Brill. Its special issue: “Exploring Asian Religions in Europe” by Ugo Dessì (University of Vienna), Lionel Obadia (University Lyon 2) and Lukas Pokorny (University of Vienna) aims to add to the existing literature and contribute to a deeper knowledge by promoting the study of East / Central / Southeast Asian religions in Europe, including the scope of traditional religions, Christianities, new religious movements, and informal spiritualities in diverse regional settings.



The Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society (JRAT) is an interdisciplinary, international, online open-access journal with a double-blind peer-review process published by Brill. It was established in 2015 with the aim of promoting the research topics of the Research Centre “Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society” (RaT, University of Vienna) in an international scope. Every issue has a distinct thematic focus which is approached from different disciplines. The journal aims at investigating the contribution of religion to the cultural, political, juridical, and aesthetic dynamics in present-day pluralistic societies. Vice versa, it examines the influence of the contemporary processes of social transformation on religion and religious expressions. JRAT is indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, ERIH PLUS, Index Theologicus, and LITaRS.


Special issue: “Exploring Asian Religions in Europe” by:

  • Ugo Dessì (University of Vienna)
  • Lionel Obadia (University Lyon 2)
  • Lukas Pokorny (University of Vienna)


Starting with the work of a limited number of Orientalists and missionaries in the nineteenth century, Buddhism and other religious forms that originated in East Asia, Southeast Asia as well as Tibet/Mongolia have made significant inroads in Europe. Especially in the last few decades, also in connection with the dynamics brought about by globalization, these forms of Asian religiosity have become much more visible in Europe in various respects, including the increased presence of institutional religion and impact of specific practices and doctrines on a relatively large audience of spiritual seekers or occasionally interested people. This special issue aims to add to the existing literature and contribute to a deeper knowledge of this phenomenon by promoting the study of East/Central/Southeast Asian religions in Europe, including the scope of traditional religions, Christianities, new religious movements, and informal spiritualities in diverse regional settings. 

To this end, we are particularly interested in contributions aimed to originate conceptual novelty and address challenging issues and innovative topics, as well as in country-specific contributions that, while giving tentative assessments, focus on the desiderata for research, challenges/obstacles, and required methodologies/theories. At the general level, we would also welcome a focus on the presence, activities, and impact of these Asian religions; their interactions with local (religious) cultures and the secular sphere; issues of membership and conversion; the emergence of new religious economies; and the interplay with the new communication media.

Submission guidelines

Deadline for abstracts (c. 150 words): 15 February 2022. Authors of proposals invited to submit an article will be notified until 28 February 2022.

Contact email for abstract submission: ugo.dessi@univie.ac.at

Deadline for article submission (c. 6500 words, inclusive of bibliography, footnotes, etc.): 15 July 2022; online submission.

Queries regarding content may be directed at Ugo Dessì (ugo.dessi@univie.ac.at). Concerning any questions or problems relating to your manuscript, please contact the editorial team (jrat@univie.ac.at). For questions about Editorial Manager, authors can contact the Brill EM Support Department: em@brill.com


  • Tuesday, February 15, 2022


  • Europe, asian, religion


  • Lionel Obadia
    courriel : Lionel [dot] obadia [at] univ-lyon2 [dot] fr

Information source

  • Lionel Obadia
    courriel : Lionel [dot] obadia [at] univ-lyon2 [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Exploring Asian Religions in Europe », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, January 11, 2022, https://doi.org/10.58079/180e

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