HomeHybridation des formations : de la continuité à l’innovation pédagogique ?
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Published on Tuesday, March 15, 2022


If the question of the hybridization of training finds a particular echo today, it is however not recent and does not date from the current crisis linked to the covid-19 pandemic. As soon as telecommunications became popular, educational programs were offered on radio and television - generally under the expression of distance learning - thus making it possible to combine presence and absence in specific educational systems. Ticemed 13 aims to draw up an inventory of the relationship between education and digital technology in a post-covid context. However, and as far as possible, it is hoped that communication proposals link recent events to past initiatives in order to (re)put them into perspective.



If the question of the hybridization of training finds a particular echo today, it is however not recent and does not date from the current crisis linked to the Covid 19 pandemic. As soon as telecommunications became popular, educational programs were offered on radio and television - generally under the expression of distance learning - thus making it possible to combine presence and absence in specific educational systems. To date, it is particularly important to examine the forms of hybridization that cross the educational field and the learning communities, which are linked to the massive - sometimes constrained - use of online teaching and learning environments, and redefine the professional practices of teachers and, more broadly, mediators, but also students.

Ticemed 13 thus aims to draw up an inventory of the relationship between education and digital technology in a post-Covid context. However, and as far as possible, it is hoped that communication proposals link recent events to past initiatives in order to (re)put them into perspective, to understand how and to what extent, this relationship could sometimes be prefigured both in public policies and in more confidential field initiatives

For its 13th edition, which will take place in face-to-face mode at the Panteion University of Athens on October 17 and 18, 2022, the selected issue aims to bring together scientific contributions allowing the adoption of a reflective and critical posture in the face of the consequences of " pedagogical continuity" on pedagogical innovation with digital technology:

  • How has the university (and school) form adapted to the constraints of the pandemic? Are these changes temporary or permanent?
  • To what extent has the situation of generalized and constrained distance education revealed complex and ambiguous relationships with pedagogical innovation and the uses of digital technology in education?
  • To what extent has the health crisis revealed fractures, unthought, oppositions of values ​​on the educational uses of digital technology within the educational community?
  • To what extent has it, on the contrary, proved to be an accelerator of innovation and/or change in pedagogical and digital practices among teachers and learners?
  • Has the return to face-to-face at the start of the 2021 school and university year marked a total or partial reappearance of practices prior to the health crisis, or is it the beginning of new hybrid and sustainable practices?
  • Has pedagogical continuity given rise to new expectations on the pedagogical uses of digital technology among learners and teachers?
  • What is the impact of the health crisis on the evolution of digital learning and teaching environments and/or ecosystems offered by institutions? What about personal digital learning environments?
  • What are the new forms of teaching hybridization that have emerged through the constrained use of digital environments during the health crisis and how have these new forms redefined teaching and student practices?
  • What are the scriptwriting modalities of connected educational environments and online course offerings that complement or purport to replace face-to-face courses?

The organization of this 13th edition of the international colloquium of TICEMED association within the Department of Communication, Media and Culture of Panteion University of Social Sciences and Politics is not risky. More than a postponement (caused by the health restrictions linked to the pandemic during the previous edition of the conference), it is part of a strong desire to think about the issues of hybridization of training in connection with the cultural repercussions -even transcultural- in their communication dimension.

It will be particularly important to examine the forms of hybridization that cross the educational field and the learning communities, which are linked to the massive - sometimes constrained - use of online teaching and learning environments, and redefine the professional practices of teachers and, more broadly, mediators, but also students.

Ticemed 13 thus aims to draw up an inventory of the relationship between education and digital technology in a post-Covid context. However, and as far as possible, it is hoped that communication proposals link recent events to past initiatives in order to (re)put them into perspective, to understand how and to what extent, this relationship could sometimes be prefigured both in public policies and in more confidential field initiatives.

Submission process

  • Conference languages: French, English
  • Abstract proposal: Proposals for an anonymous communication (2500 signs), in French or in English.
  • Text for the pre-acts on line of the conference (15000 signs): French or English, with two summaries (in French and in English), and a possible third summary in the native language of the author (following the instructions which will be provided to authors upon acceptance);
  • Oral communication (20 minutes + debate): French or English with a visual support in French or English, according to the instructions that will be provided during the final acceptance;
  • Publication of a selection of texts in a book of the "Series acts" backed by the journal Questions de communication and / or in a special chapter of the online journal Distances and Mediations of Knowledge: modalities to be specified later, texts submitted to a double-blind evaluation, in French (for the "Actes" Series) and / or English (for Distances and Mediations of Knowledge).
  • Selection procedure for communication proposals and pre-acts: Double blind evaluation by the scientific committee of the symposium at all stages of the process.


  • March, 28, 2022: Abstracts (2500 characters) must be submitted electronically on the conference platform: http://ticemed13.sciencesconf.org/
  • April, 11, 2022: Notification of decision for abstracts submitted
  • June, 27, 2022: Submission of the full text of the communications (15000 characters) on the conference platform : http://ticemed13.sciencesconf.org/
  • September, 05, 2022: Notification of decision for papers submitted (with eventual propositions of revision)
  • October, 10, 2022: Submission of the definitive text of the communication for the pre-acts on line on the conference platform : http://ticemed12.sciencesconf.org/
  • October, 17-18, 2022: TiceMed13 Conference, Panteion University, Department of Communication, Media and Culture, Athens, Greece.

Abstract proposals and full texts will be submitted on the platform in {.doc} format, after having been anonymised (no nominative references to the author's publications, whose name will be replaced by the mention "author"). In case of technical difficulty, contact ticemed13@univ-tln.fr

No communication proposal sent by email will be examined.

You will gradually find all useful information on the conference website.

For any questions, you can also contact:

  • Philippe Bonfils : bonfils@univ-tln.fr
  • Philippe Dumas : dumas@univ-tln.fr
  • Luc Massou : massou@univ-lorraine.fr
  • Emilie Remond : remond@univ-poitiers.fr
  • Bérengère Stassin : stassin@univ-lorraine.fr
  • Ioanna Vovou : vovou@panteion.gr

Scientific committee

  • Etienne-Armand Amato, Université Paris Est Marne-la-Vallée, France
  • Abderrahmane Amsider, Université d'Agadir, Maroc
  • Nicolaos Bakounakis, Université Panteion, Grèce
  • Françoise Bernard, Aix-Marseille Université, France
  • Khalid Berrada, Université Cadi Ayyad de Marrakech, Maroc
  • André Blanchard, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Canada
  • Philippe Bonfils, Université de Toulon, France
  • Kamel Bouraoui, Université Virtuelle de Tunis, Tunisie
  • Jean-François Ceci, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France
  • Jean-François Cerisier, Université de Poitiers, France
  • Bernadette Charlier, Université de Fribourg, Suisse
  • Anne Cordier, Université de Lorraine, France
  • Fathallah Daghmi, Université de Poitiers, France 
  • Philippe Dumas, Université de Toulon, France
  • Michel Durampart, Université de Toulon, France
  • Cynthia Eid, Université de Montréal, Canada
  • Jérôme Eneau, Université de Rennes 2, France
  • Olivier Galibert, Université de Bourgogne, France
  • Imed Gargouri, Université de Sfax, Tunisie
  • Angeliki Gazi, Université Panteion, Grèce
  • Thierry Gobert, Université de Perpignan, France
  • Brigitte Juanals, Aix-Marseille Université, France
  • Michel Lavigne, Université de Toulouse, France
  • Sylvie Leleu-Merviel, Université Polytechnique des Hauts de France, France
  • Valérie Lépine, Université Montpellier 3, France
  • Luc Massou, Université de Lorraine, France
  • Cathia Papi, Télé Université du Québec, Canada.
  • Daniel Peraya, Université de Genève, Suisse
  • Daniel Raichvarg, Université de Bourgogne, France
  • Émilie Rémond, Université de Poitiers, France
  • Caroline Rizza, Telecom Paris Tech, France
  • Carla Serhan, Université de Balamand, Liban
  • Stéphane Simonian, Université de Lyon 2, France
  • Brigitte Simonnot, Université de Lorraine, France
  • Bérengère Stassin, Université de Lorraine, France
  • Florence Thiault, Université de Rennes 2, France
  • Farid Toumi, Université d'Agadir, Maroc
  • Philippe Useille, Université Polytechnique des Hauts de France, France
  • Ioanna Vovou, Université Panteion, Grèce
  • Carsten Wilhem, Université de Haute Alsace, France

NB : Les membres du comité scientifique et du comité d’organisation peuvent envoyer une proposition qui sera évaluée, elle aussi, en double aveugle.

Indicative bibliography

Bonfils, P., Dumas, P., Remond, E., Stassin, B., Vovou, I., (2020). L’éducation aux médias tout au long de la vie : Des nouveaux enjeux pédagogiques à l’accompagnement du citoyen. Colloque international Ticemed 12 : L’Education aux médias tout au long de la vie : des nouveaux enjeux pédagogiques à l’accompagnement du citoyen, Apr 2020, Athènes, Grèce. Association Internationale Ticemed, 2021, 978-2-492969-00-3.

Bonfils, P., Dumas, P., Massou, L., (2016). Numérique et éducation : Dispositifs, jeux, enjeux, hors-jeux. Presses universitaires de Nancy – Éditions universitaires de Lorraine, pp.266, Questions de communication, série actes

Bonfils, P., Dumas, P., Massou, L. (dir.) (2015), TICE & multiculturalités. Usages, publics et dispositifs, Presses universitaires de Nancy — Éditions universitaires de Lorraine, Coll. « Questions de communication. Série actes »

Knauf, A., Falgas, J. (2020). « Les enjeux de l’hybridation pour l’apprentissage coactif », Distances et médiations des savoirs [En ligne], 30 | 2020, mis en ligne le 25 juin 2020, consulté le 24 janvier 2022

Loisy, C. & Lameul, G. (2015). Les universités à l’heure de la pédagogie numérique. Questions de pédagogies dans l’enseignement supérieur (QPES), Brest, France.

Martìn Barbero, J. (2002), Des médias aux médiations. Communication, Culture et Hégémonie, Paris, CNRS Editions.

Massou, L., Juanals,B., Bonfils, P., Dumas, P., (dirs), (2019), Sources ouvertes numériques. Usages éducatifs, enjeux communicationnels, Presses universitaires de Nancy – Éditions universitaires de Lorraine, 286 pages

Morin, P. (2003). Formation ouverte et à distance, vers la dimension économique : Etat des lieux et perspectives. Distances et savoirs, 1, 551-565. https://doi.org/10.3166/ds.1.551-565

Paquienséguy, F., Perez-Fragoso, C. (2011). L’hybridation des cours et l’intégration de l’injonction à produire. Distances et savoirs, 9, 515-540. 

Peltier, C. & Séguin, C. (2021). « Hybridation et dispositifs hybrides de formation dans l’enseignement supérieur : revue de la littérature 2012-2020 », Distances et médiations des savoirs [En ligne], 35. https://doi.org/10.4000/dms.6414

Peraya, C., Charlier, B., Deschryver, N. (2014). Une première approche de l’hybridation. In : Education et formation, 2014, n° e-301, p. 15-34. https://archive-ouverte.unige.ch/unige :37049

Remond, E., Dumas, P., & Burgos, D. (2020). Entre distance et présence  : La formation à l’heure de l’hybridation (ISSN : 2264-7228 Publisher : Centre national d’enseignement à distance DOI : 10.4000/dms.4958). Centre national d’enseignement à distance. https ://doi.org/10.4000/dms.4958

Remond, E., Massou,L., Bonfils, P., (dirs), (2021), Enseignement supérieur et numérique. Mondialisation, mobilités., Presses universitaires de Nancy – Éditions universitaires de Lorraine, pp.7-22, Questions de communication – Série actes.

Remond, E. (2017). L’ouverture en question : quand des universités ouvertes se redéfinissent à l’ère de la globalisation numérique. Sciences de l’information et de la communication. Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambresis, Français. 


  • Département de Communication, Médias, Culture - Université Panteion / Panteion University
    Athens, Greece

Event attendance modalities

Full on-site event


  • Monday, March 28, 2022


  • information, communication, education, technologie, pédagogie, distance, présence


  • Luc Massou
    courriel : luc [dot] massou [at] univ-lorraine [dot] fr
  • Philippe Dumas
    courriel : philippe [dot] dumas [at] univ-tln [dot] fr
  • Philippe Bonfils
    courriel : philippe [dot] bonfils [at] univ-tln [dot] fr
  • Ioanna Voyou
    courriel : vovou [at] panteion [dot] gr

Information source

  • Philippe Dumas
    courriel : philippe [dot] dumas [at] univ-tln [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Hybridation des formations : de la continuité à l’innovation pédagogique ? », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, https://doi.org/10.58079/18gv

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