

  • Call for papers - History

    Remembering Communism in South and Central-Eastern Europe

    Politics and Cultures of Memory After 1989

    Examining both the countries of the former Soviet bloc ‒ Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, the former Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic ‒ and the area of the former Yugoslavia and Albania, where communist regimes but not aligned with the USSR were established, the monographic issue of Qualestoria aims to investigate how, in the course of the now thirty-five years that have passed since 1989, the cultures of memory and the official memory policies promoted by the institutions have changed, questioning also the public use of the history of communism. The issue invites potential contributors to submit essay proposals that develop both analyses of individual country cases and comparative approaches.

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  • Paris

    Study days - Thought

    Actualité de la recherche doctorale sur Kierkegaard

    Cette journée d’étude doctorale a pour objet de rassembler les doctorants et doctorantes français qui travaillent actuellement sur la pensée de Søren Kierkegaard, et qui présenteront leurs recherches en cours.

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  • Strasbourg

    Call for papers - Language

    Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson in Europe: a theatre at stake

    This symposium will explore the European dimension of the Norwegian theatre artist Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson (1832-1910). It will examine his influences, his critics and his reception. Questions of staging and re-writing may also be studied. A comparative approach is strongly encouraged.

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  • Paris

    Lecture series - Ethnology, anthropology

    Les peuples autochtones et l’anthropocène

    Les peuples autochtones, interdépendants des écosystèmes qui les accueillent, sont depuis longtemps en première ligne face aux bouleversements écologiques liés à l’anthropocène. Ce cycle de conférences exposera comment leurs milieux de vie sont menacés de disparition et leur existence bouleversée dans ses dimensions matérielles, sociales et culturelles. Il présentera aussi les stratégies que ces peuples développent face aux effets délétères de l’anthropocène.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - Europe

    Drinking in the Nordic and Germanic Countries

    Vice & Virtue Project

    As the first part of the international, multi-annual “Vice & Vertu” project, the aim of the “Drinking in the Nordic and Germanic countries” conference is to examine past and present practices of “drinking” and to explore the normative issues involved, from the medieval period to the present day. “Vice et Vertu” (V&V) is a multi-year international research programme supported by the Universities of the Sorbonne, Caen, Turku/TIAS, Umeå and Oslo. The V&V project also aims to integrate young and up-and-coming researchers into Northern European and Francophone research networks through seminars, workshops and colloquia organised at partner universities in France and Northern Europe.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - Europe


    Doctoriales de l’Europe médiane, de l’espace russe et (post-)soviétique (DEMEPS 2023)

    En raison de cette omniprésence du concept de rupture dans les discours et analyses des problématiques liées à notre époque, qu’elles soient d’ordre politique, économique, social, écologique ou technologique, nous avons choisi de consacrer l’édition 2023 de nos Doctoriales à ce même concept dont l’actualité et les enjeux ne sont pas étrangers aux populations, sociétés et langues des régions que nous étudions. 

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - History

    Éditer en exil en temps de régimes autoritaires en Europe médiane (1918-1989)

    À l’occasion de cette journée, il s’agira d’appréhender l’Europe médiane entre 1918 et 1989, à la fois comme lieu de départ de dissidents à des régimes autoritaires s’exilant ailleurs dans le monde et lieu d’accueil pour certaines éditions d’exil. L’attention se portera avant tout sur l’expérience liée à la création de maisons d’éditions dans ces différents contextes. De Paris à New-York, de Berlin à Rome, en passant par des villes comme Prague ou Bucarest, ce phénomène éditorial constitue un objet d’étude en soi, ainsi qu’un observatoire privilégié pour mieux cerner les différentes dissidences ainsi exprimées. Une place particulière est occupée au sein de ce corpus par l’édition allophone, autrement dit, les publications dans des langues autres que celles établies / reconnues comme officielles et / ou minoritaires dans l’espace où elles voient le jour.

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  • Constanţa

    Call for papers - History

    Cooperation and Controversy. The 14th Annual International Conference on Baltic and Nordic Studies

    The purpose of the conference is to shed light on cooperation and controversy aspects in Scandinavia, the Baltic Sea Region, and beyond. It examines the two topics through the lens of cultural and literary studies (including arts such as drama, theater, cinema, etc.), history, economic and trade analysis, political science, military analysis, and international relations, among other multidisciplinary angles. We thus invite researchers from all of these fields to submit proposals for panels and individual papers, thereby facilitating inter-disciplinary dialogues at the conference.

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  • Caen

    Call for papers - Representation

    Quoi de neuf dans la Scandinavie médiévale ?

    Figures historiques et mythiques nordiques dans les cultures contemporaines

    La Scandinavie médiévale nous a légué un patrimoine historique et culturel remarquable. Cette période a notamment été marquée par le phénomène viking qui, entre la fin du VIIIe siècle et le milieu du XIe siècle, a vu un accroissement des contacts et des échanges entre les Scandinaves et les autres Européens. À l’époque contemporaine, ce patrimoine est devenu une source d’inspiration inépuisable et l’objet de réinterprétations constantes... Cette journée d’étude se propose d’explorer les divers usages et réinterprétations des vikings et de la littérature scandinave médiévale à notre époque, aussi bien en envisageant leur place dans la production culturelle que leur évocation dans les débats sociétaux et historiographiques actuels.

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  • Caen

    Call for papers - Language

    Under the Sign of Saxo. History, Identity and Nation in the History of the Danes

    In most European countries, the formation of national identity is a phenomenon whose birth is traditionally situated between the 18th and 19th centuries. This is also the case for Denmark where the loss of Norway in 1814 and the 1864 defeat to Prussia and its Austrian ally are of particular importance. The premises of this phenomenon are however already perceptible in the Middle Ages, the Gesta Danorum (The History of the Danes), occupying a primordial place in this respect. The symposium intends to study the constitution of a Danish national identity by focusing on Saxo and his work, albeit not exclusively.

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  • Târgovişte

    Call for papers - History

    Hegemons, warlords, and refugees

    The 13th international conference on Baltic and Nordic studies

    What is the legacy of the hegemonic pursuits of warlords that were drafted from among the Viking raiders, the German knights, the Scandinavian and Polish kings, and the Russian tsars and leaders on Baltic Sea Region and Scandinavia? In what ways was the region redesigned on the political, ideological, geographical, and cultural levels? Whether hegemony is defined in terms of political assertion or influence, especially by one country over other nations, masculinity, international leadership, regional hegemony, ideological hegemony, or hegemonic contestation, the term always connotes control, hierarchy, and dependency. What traces of their attempts have been left in culture, art, and public monuments throughout the course of time, and how are they considered in modern times ?

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  • Call for papers - Representation

    Narrating the North in Contemporary Cultures

    Telling stories is inherent to the human beings, they are homo narrans (Fisher, 1984), and thus the storytelling activity participates in the structuring of his imagination. The act of telling therefore makes the apprehension of the surrounding world and of the unknown phenomena possible. While the North often represents an idealized space, it is also a geographical, cultural and historical reality where various influences converge, articulated within narrative practices. The question we wish to address during this conference is that of the specific narrative characteristics of the Nordic space in the modern and contemporary periods, vectors of a multiplication of media supports and discourses. That is to say, the reciprocal influence of a narrative genre or a medium and the images of Nordic places.

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  • Call for papers - History

    Imaging North-Eastern Europe: Baltic and Scandinavian states in the eyes of local, regional, and global observers

    The image of North-Eastern Europe appears composite and complex. While its geographical conglomeration is cut across by the Baltic Sea, it is not a coherent area at a cultural and political level. Far from attempting to see homogeneous regions where there are none, the transnational interactions and mobility across the Baltic Sea in the last centuries are, besides historical realities, central nodes around whom regional linkages of solidarity and mutual understanding have been imagined. These constructions show that imagination operates also for linking distant spaces and uneven realities. Our aim is to investigate the birth, transformation, international success or lack of success as well as conflicts concerning the multiple imaginaries of North-East Europe, intended as the space which includes all the Baltic riparian states, plus Norway and Belarus, from a historical perspective, with a focus on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

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  • Call for papers - History

    Religious Actors advocating Human Rights in the Helsinki process - Part II

    New research perspectives on the non-state actors in view of the 50th anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act (1975–2025)

    The Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) born of the Helsinki Agreements (1973-75) is often described as one of the main diplomatic achievements of the détente era, and a crucial milestone towards ending the Cold War. Yet not only diplomats played a part in the process. Non-state actors and NGOs also did their share by lobbying CSCE staff and conference attendees for Human Rights and Religious Freedom violations behind the Iron Curtain or they started political discussion processes in the public sphere of their respective countries. Drawing on the most recent research on this topic, this online workshop aims at further exploring human rights activists involved in the Helsinki process, at the interface between the Dissent and the Western public, and between state and other private networks.

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  • Call for papers - Europe

    Les sociétés nordiques et baltiques à l’épreuve de la pandémie de covid-19

    Revue « Nordiques » n° 43

    Le dossier n° 43, pluridisciplinaire et comparatiste, de la revue Nordiques sur « Les sociétés nordiques et baltiques à l’épreuve de la pandémie de covid-19 » invite les auteurs à réfléchir aux effets / conséquences sociales, politiques ou économiques de la pandémie sur les sociétés nordiques et baltiques. Sont attendues des contributions (en français ou en anglais) ayant un focus particulier sur un pays ou bien un questionnement plus large sur la région.

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  • Brussels

    Seminar - History

    Archaeology of migration

    Moving beyond historical paradigms

    This seminar series examines different types of ancient and modern migration through a materiallens. It aims to explore a variety of theoretical paradigms, perspectives, and methodologiesfor visualizing the movement and settling of migrants. To that end, scholars were invited topresent archaeological or ethnographic case studies on a broad geographical, chronological, and thematic range of topics related to migration and mobility.

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  • Toulouse

    Call for papers - Europe

    Sites of encounter

    The circulation of knowledge in the Baltic Sea, from the Middle Ages to the early 20th century

    La notion de lieu a été choisie pour cette journée d’étude pour sa capacité à questionner différemment et pertinemment l’espace baltique, tout comme le fit Pierre Nora pour la mémoire. En effet, qu’elles soient aléatoires, récurrentes ou programmées, les rencontres, humaines, matérielles ou intellectuelles, sont la conséquence de mobilités et d’interactions dans un espace donné. Là où la périodisation, nécessaire, voire indispensable aux historiens a pu parfois diminuer l’importance de l’espace dans lequel se produisent les actions étudiées, ces lieux de rencontres fournissent le cadre d’un moment en rupture. Le lieu doit être ainsi l’armature pour de nouvelles constructions qui « peuvent aider à formuler certaines réponses, même si elles ne les fournissent pas totalement ».

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  • Study days - Representation

    The imagination of the North in the arts

    L’objectif de cette journée d’étude est de fournir une lecture critique de l’imaginaire nordique dans les arts, en observant non seulement la généalogie, les tendances, les constantes traversant les diverses formes artistiques et ses évolutions à travers les époques, mais aussi la manière dont cet imaginaire se voit réapproprier par les Nordiques dans une optique de singularisation face à la menace que représente le processus d’uniformisation à l’œuvre dans la circulation culturelle mondialisée. Sera également, à l’inverse, abordé le mouvement de rejet émanant de certains artistes qui, en réaction à l’imaginaire nordique globalisé, visent à redéfinir cette fois-ci de l’intérieur une identité nordique débarrassée de toute tendance boréaliste.

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  • João Pessoa

    Call for papers - History

    História e cultura material da Era Viking

    IX Colóquio de Estudos Vikings e Escandinavos

    A nova edição do Colóquio de estudos Vikings e Escandinavos retoma uma perspectiva mais voltada aos estudos históricos e arqueológicos, imprescindíveis para uma compressão objetiva dos aspectos sociais e culturais envolvendo o período da Alta Idade Média na Escandinávia. A nova edição do evento busca se adequar nas atuais interpretações sobre a História e Historiografia do mundo nórdico, mas também reforçar o estudo das fontes materiais em seus variados aspectos, concedendo aos pesquisadores latino-americanos e falantes da língua portuguesa novas possibilidades de investigações, diálogos e perspectivas.

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  • Târgovişte

    Call for papers - History

    The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies – Varia

    Vol. 13, issues 1 and 2 (2021)

    The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies calls for submission of articles in all fields which are intertwined with the aims of The Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies such as: history of Baltic and Nordic Europe; Baltic and Nordic Europe in International Relations; Baltic and Nordic Cultures; economics and societies of Baltic and Nordic Europe; relations between Black Sea Region and the Baltic and Nordic Europe.

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