

  • Bruselas

    Coloquio - Edad Media

    Ancient mosques in their spatial context

    Mosques are one of the physical representations of Islam and of Muslim communities in the archaeological record. The workshop will present a number of archaeological case studies in the Levant, the Arabian Peninsula, Africa, and Spain between the seventh and the thirteenth centuries. Mosques will be introduced in relation to water systems and burials, to earlier and later structures, and to specific types of settlements. In particular, the workshop will treat the question of Islamization, the definitions of the term, and its validity. The event will also include launching a database for excavated mosques until the 9th century in and discuss methods and approaches for open data in archaeology.

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  • Aubervilliers

    Coloquio - Asia

    Texts surrounding texts

    The workshop will feature discussions on and around paratexts in South Asian manuscripts, as well as presentations on collections and collectors of manuscripts.

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  • Convocatoria de ponencias - Historia

    La (plus) Grande Guerre des occupations militaires en Europe

    Antécédents, expériences et héritages

    Ce colloque international consacré aux occupations de la première guerre mondiale. Il a pour objectif d’appréhender les différentes formes que peuvent prendre ces multiples occupations et d’affiner les catégories permettant de les analyser en dépassant les frontières chronologiques et géographiques classiques du conflit. 

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  • Informaciónes varias - Historia

    Reframing Jerusalem’s History Through New Archives

    Online Seminar on the books "A Liminal Church" and "Le moine sur le toit"

    This webinar will discuss new trends in Jerusalem’s historiography, through the discussion of two books: A Liminal Church: Refugees, Conversions and the Latin Diocese of Jerusalem, 1946–1956 (Maria Chiara Rioli; Brill, 2020) and Le moine sur le toit: Histoire d’un manuscrit éthiopien trouvé à Jérusalem (1904) (Stéphane Ancel, Magdalena Krzyz ̇anowska, Vincent Lemire; Publications de la Sorbonne, 2020).

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  • Tokio

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Religiones

    Spirituality, Healthcare And Social Movements In East Asia

    A Transnational Perspective

    East Asian Network for the Academic Study Of Esotericism - EANASE's first conference aims to offer the chance to reflect on the intertwined relationship between spirituality, healthcare and social movements in East Asia from a trans-national/local/cultural perspective. The emergence of new religious movements like Theosophy, Falungong and Taireido, or the worldwide popularisation of, for instance, acupuncture, reiki and hypnosis, challenge reductionist binary views of East/West, tradition/modernity, science/religion. Likewise, the recent dissemination of New Age practices across East Asia or the ongoing study of Buddhist meditation by American and European psychiatrists seem to reflect broader concerns that, for the past two centuries or so, have ignored national and cultural borders – and whose wider social implications are now more visible than ever.

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  • Agadir-n-Oumzil

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Información

    Le discours de la « rumeur » à l’ère du numérique

    La rumeur est un phénomène qui se manifeste par son aspect destructeur. À sa forme discursive, s’adjoint celle de sa diffusion, car le terme en question avait une connotation relevant de l’oral, mettant à l’écart l’iconique et le scriptural. On accepte néanmoins, depuis quelques temps, que le discours rumoral pourrait s’adapter à d’autres supports linguistique comme l’écrit, l’image, la caricature, surtout avec l’avènement d’Internet. Partant, cette première édition de ce colloque international essayera de survoler cette thématique en l’inscrivant dans diverses disciplines, telles que l’analyse de discours, la sémantique, la sémiotique, la pragmatique, la didactique, la sociolinguistique, la littérature, les médias et la sociologie.

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  • Helsinki

    Coloquio - Historia

    Speaking as the 'Other': Coloniality, Subalternity, and Political Articulations

    Calliope International Conference

    Speaking as the 'Other' is organised by the ERC-funded project Calliope: Vocal Articulations of Parliamentary Identity and Empire (University of Helsinki). This multidisciplinary conference seeks to examine performative, embodied and acoustic histories of articulating political representation and colonial ‘otherness’. To that end, we intend to extend the focus beyond established Anglophone analyses of the metropole and colony, and indeed, beyond the disciplinary pre-eminence of Anglophone postcolonial studies.

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  • Múnich

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Historia

    Colonial Baggage: Global Tourism in the Age of Empires, 1840s–1970s

    The workshop explores the dynamics of tourist travel in colonial and imperial contexts. We welcome case studies from all geographical areas, dating roughly from the onset of the age of steam until the era of decolonization. Three hitherto neglected aspects inform our agenda: the connection between tourism and imperial (infra)structures; the trans-colonial and intra-regional dimension of tourism; as well as the workers of imperial tourism.

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  • Convocatoria de ponencias - Historia

    Le christianisme en Irak au tournant de l’islam : histoire et archéologie

    Une table ronde internationale organisée les 4 et 5 mai 2019 à l’université de Salahaddin (Erbil, Irak) a mis en évidence l’intérêt d’un ouvrage collectif sur la question du christianisme en Irak au tournant de l’islam. Les Presses de l’Ifpo lancent donc un appel à contribution sur ce thème.

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  • París

    Jornada de estudio - Historia

    Las Indias orientales ibéricas

    Fronteras, actores, dinamicas

    The historiography of imperial Spain and of the Iberian-initiated first globalization has recently been renewed by the study of exchanges between Asia and America and of the Spanish Pacific. The purpose of this one-day seminar is to further this historiographical renewal and to shed some new light on the Iberian East Indies, at a time when Spain and Portugal were the two main European powers in the region. The focus will be put on exchanges, dynamics of cooperation and rivalry between empires and also between various key actors: missionaries, merchants, soldiers and officials. The aim is thus to improve our understanding of the multiple connections between the Asian territories of both empires.

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  • Ixelles

    Beca, premio y empleo - Asia

    Bearing Witness to Traumatic Experiences: Cultural Productions of Uyghurs in Exile

    PhD position in Asian Studies

    This Ph.D. position is funded by a MIS (Mandat d’Impulsion Scientifique/ Incentive Grant for Scientific Research) project: “Bearing Witness to Traumatic Experiences: Cultural Productions of Uyghurs in Exile”. Uyghurs are a Turkic-speaking people based at the border of Central Asia and the north-western part of China. Massive internments and arrests of hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs have taken place in the region since 2016, including the Uyghur elite. In these conditions, centers of the cultural production of the Uyghurs have shifted from their native land to the diaspora spread across the world. This project looks at Uyghur diasporic cultural production that aims at drawing the world’s attention and bearing witness to the various abuses perpetrated at home by the Chinese government. The whole project analyses selected poems, short films, video clips, and dance and music performances to tackle new transmedial forms of testimonies in the Uyghur case.

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  • Coloquio - Asia

    Spirituality, Healthcare and Social Movements in East Asia. A Transnational Perspective

    The East Asian cultural sphere has figured prominently in recent collections of research on new religious movements, Theosophy and global therapeutic cultures, while it continues to attract the attention of scholars working on civil society and self-help movements. But, although we are often aware of the complex entanglements between these seemingly separate areas of interest, we seldom have the opportunity to discuss such entanglements in and beyond East Asia. At the same time, in the last twenty years, significant scholarship has been published in East Asia on this topic.This conference aims to offer such a chance by inviting academic contributions to reflect on the intertwined relationship between spirituality, healthcare and social movements in East Asia from a trans-national/local/cultural perspective. As a time of unprecedented changes and accelerated global interactions, our focus lies on the period between the nineteenth to the twentieth-first centuries.

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  • Coloquio - Religiones

    History, Philology and Archaeology of Zoroastrianism

    The purpose of this workshop will be to provide a multidisciplinary approach by combining historical studies, archaeology and philology, in order to contribute to the study of the ancient zoroastrian religion, ideally outside of modern Iran and India. Nevertheless, this purpose cannot be achieved without taking into consideration and a side-by-side comparison of the data from the long-standing tradition of the mentioned disciplines, collected from Iran, India and other related regions.

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  • Montpellier

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Asia

    Fuir les nazis : les exils bénis de l’Asie ?

    Cette rencontre s'inscrit dans la continuité du colloque de l'université franco-allemande (UFA) Montpellier-Weimar organisé en 2014 à Berlin « Construction des mythes de héros de guerre (Allemagne, France, Japon) » publié en 2017 au Leipziger Universitätsverlag. Après avoir étudié les ambivalences dans la construction des « héros guerriers », ce nouveau colloque s'intéresse cette fois à deux autres ambivalences associées à la deuxième guerre mondiale : celles du positionnement de certains États d'accueil vis-à-vis des exilés fuyant le nazisme et de « l'éthique de survie » des exilés eux-mêmes.

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  • Convocatoria de ponencias - Época contemporánea

    New Perspectives on Anti-Colonialism in the Metropolis

    The transnational networks of colonialism and increased mobility led to a rise in anti-colonial activism in European metropoles from the interwar period onwards. A central role can be ascribed to activists resisting against imperialism from within, as they played a crucial role in the organization of anticolonial resistance in metropole and colony. This PhD and early career workshop aims to examine anti-colonial activism in the European metropoles from interwar to immediate post-war period.

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  • Berlín

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Historia

    Refugees and the (Global) Cold War

    This international workshop will chart the intersection between refugee history and Cold War history. The most well-known connection between these two fields is the figure of the political refugee fleeing from the socialist East to the democratic West. As recent research in both areas has highlighted, however, forced displacement and Cold War competition were global phenomena. To explore the entanglement of refugee history and Cold War history in its full scope - including the above-mentioned anticommunist refugees, who remain a crucial part of the story - the workshop invites a broad range of contributions in terms of chronology, geography, and methodology, from PhD students, early career researchers, and established scholars.

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  • Kuwait

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Pensamiento

    La culture pop dans la Péninsule arabique

    Arabian Humanities n° 14 (Printemps 2020)

    La production en sciences sociales sur la culture pop dans la Péninsule arabique est particulièrement limitée. Si une littérature importante se consacre à l’analyse des cultures orales et de la poésie vernaculaire, rares sont encore les études des nouveaux media dans la Péninsule Arabique, des cassettes audio aux applis en passant par la production télévisée et YouTube. Ce numéro d’Arabian Humanities veut combler ce vide et analyser la culture pop en Arabie Saoudite, au Yémen, en Oman, aux Émirats Arabes Unis, au Qatar, à Bahreïn et au Koweït.

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  • París

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Asia

    Living in the Aftermath. Catastrophes in South Asia and the Himalayas

    In 2024, the Centre for South Asian and Himalayan Studies (Centre d'études sud-asiatiques et himalayennes, CNRS/EHESS) is organizing an international conference open to all disciplines in the social sciences and humanities on the topic of the aftermath of catastrophes in South Asia and the Himalayas. The theme of this conference is in keeping with recent, global-scale and transdisciplinary reflections on the way the modern world thinks about and deals with disasters and the unexpected, be they ecological, technological or health-related, whether they are collective or individual.  

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  • Seminario - Estudios urbanos

    Urban MetaMapping Seminar Series, 2023/24

    The UrbanMetaMapping Research Consortium warmly invites you the third edition of our online, midday academic talks on issues connected to our research interests on mapping man-made and natural catastrophes, heritage, urban planning, and digital tools used for researching these.

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  • Basilea

    Escuela temática - Asia

    States and Statelessness in the Post-Ottoman Middle East

    Special Workshop with Prof. Dr. Laura Robson (Penn State University)

    The Annual MUBIT (Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehung in islamischen Traditionen) Workshop in Late- and Post-Ottoman Studies is a two-day workshop in Basel, Switzerland, designed for international doctoral students conducting research on the Near and Middle East. The workshop consists of a two-day, intensive program in which select students work closely with invited experts. Successful completion of the workshop entitles students to 3 ECTS credits. This year, we are thrilled to host Prof. Dr. Laura Robson of Penn State University, USA, to lead our 11th annual workshop on the topic of “States and Statelessness in the Post-Ottoman Middle East.” The 2023 workshop will be held in person between 20 October (12 :00 pm) and 21 October (13 :00 pm) at the University of Basel. 

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