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  • Târgovişte

    Beitragsaufruf - Geschichte

    Hegemons, warlords, and refugees

    The 13th international conference on Baltic and Nordic studies

    What is the legacy of the hegemonic pursuits of warlords that were drafted from among the Viking raiders, the German knights, the Scandinavian and Polish kings, and the Russian tsars and leaders on Baltic Sea Region and Scandinavia? In what ways was the region redesigned on the political, ideological, geographical, and cultural levels? Whether hegemony is defined in terms of political assertion or influence, especially by one country over other nations, masculinity, international leadership, regional hegemony, ideological hegemony, or hegemonic contestation, the term always connotes control, hierarchy, and dependency. What traces of their attempts have been left in culture, art, and public monuments throughout the course of time, and how are they considered in modern times ?

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Beitragsaufruf - Geschichte

    Une Méditerranée transatlantique ?

    Circulations, influences et coopérations civiles et militaires entre les États-Unis et l’espace méditerranéen européen et turc (de 1945 aux années 1980)

    L’objectif de cette rencontre est de contribuer à une histoire transnationale et décloisonnée des circulations entre l'Europe méditerranéenne et les États-Unis entre 1945 et les années 1980, qui permette d’appréhender ces relations d’un point de vue global et d’analyser la façon dont ces liens ont pu aussi générer des circulations d’influence entre pays de la Méditerranée. Il s’agit de conjuguer les approches diplomatiques avec la socio-histoire de ces acteurs et avec l’analyse de la circulation des savoirs et des modes de gouvernementalité, en replaçant les enjeux et politiques militaires atlantiques dans le contexte plus large de mobilités intellectuelles et de pratiques croisées. La Méditerranée européenne et turque est ici entendue dans une acceptation large et politique, allant du Portugal aux confins de la péninsule anatolienne. De même, l’ambition est de voir comment ces relations entre l’Europe méditerranéenne et l’espace atlantique ont pu avoir des effets sur les rives sud et orientales de la Méditerranée, que ce soit pendant ou après la période de domination coloniale.

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  • Prag

    Beitragsaufruf - Geschichte

    Careers in politics, politics as a career

    Developments in 19th and early 20th century Europe

    During the nineteenth century, the field of European politics witnessed a host of significant changes, prominent among them being the increasing tendency towards its professionalization. Against the backdrop of major social and cultural shifts, politics ceased to be exclusively regarded as the traditional elite’s ‘duty of honor’ and opened its doors, first to the middle class and then, with the extension of the franchise, to lower social and professional strata. The aim of our workshop is to follow how politics became not only a stand-alone profession, but also part and parcel of careers in other professional fields during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. We are interested in the factors underlying this process, in how it manifested in different European spaces and under different historical conditions, as well as in its outcomes and societal impact. 

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  • Salamanca

    Beitragsaufruf - Darstellung

    Verga Pop

    Traces of Verga in visual and performing arts, in literature, and in popular culture

    We propose an unusual and unprecedented approach within the domain of Verga studies, pursuing the presence of the author in contemporary society through non-canonical lines of research. Some possible areas of investigation could be: Verga in songs, in contemporary melodramas, in dance, in non canonical theatrical forms, in audiobooks and hyperbooks, in comics, in the Italian territory, in the social sector; Verga and the fantastic, parodies on Verga.

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  • Straßburg

    Beitragsaufruf - Geschichte

    Psychiatry and addictions in Europe in the XXth century

    The goal of this international colloquium is to explore psychiatry’s contribution to the troubled and non-linear history of the medicalization of addictions in Europe throughout the XXth century. This question should be explored through the lens of medical concepts, institutions of care and cure, as well as patients’ experiences. At the same time, our aim is to explore how psychiatric archives may renew the social history of drugs.

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  • Bern

    Beitragsaufruf - Neuere und Zeitgeschichte

    Insecurity in the Age of Labour Formalisation: Informal Work in Europe


    Free wage labour is commonly presented as the focus, if not the very core, of the history of labour in Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. The conference aims to challenge this narrative by focusing on multiple forms and fields of informal work. The conference will explore the insecurity of informal work. It will ask how widespread in Europe was the unregulated employment that can be described as insecure in the very century generally regarded as the era of increasingly formalised labour, and will consider which factors were thereby decisive. Thus, the focus will not be on the hard-won rise and safeguarding of free-wage labour, already so frequently examined in labour history. Rather, the spotlight will be on how the insecurity associated with informal work was not only tacitly but also quite openly accepted, or even actively promoted. The conference will also investigate the social and political conflicts that accompanied this recurrent phenomenon.

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  • Graz

    Kolloquium - Europa

    Territorial Turn!

    Towards just, ecological and collaborative urbanism

    Join us for the International Symposium Territorial Turn! held by the Institute of Urbanism, TU Graz, and elaborate together with our our keynote speakers and presenters on changes, values and framework conditions of urbanism. The discussion on theoretical concepts and ideas, as well as pioneering practical urban design propositions will contribute to actively think, plan, design, and implement an ecological and equitable urban future on a territorial scale.

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  • Lissabon

    Beitragsaufruf - Geschichte

    The Hieronymite Musical and Liturgical Tradition within the European Context (14th-16th c.)

    This conference will focus on the music and liturgy of the Iberian Order of the Hieronymites, along with its relationships and the concerns of its time. A special focus will be given to musical and liturgical books, whether manuscripts or prints, being Hieronymite or not.

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  • Budapest

    Kolloquium - Darstellung

    Naturalism in Painting 1870–1905

    Conference of the Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

    Perceived as the dominant artistic trend of the last third of the 19th century, yet, still difficult to delineate, Naturalism raises a number of conceptual issues. Naturalism, perhaps the most significant trend in European painting in the 1880s and 1890s, was present simultaneously in other European countries only a few years after its emergence in France, and appeared in equal quality from Scotland to Russia and Spain to Hungary. In order to better understand the current of Naturalism, the research group “Realism and Naturalism in Hungary and in Europe based at the Hungarian National Gallery is organizing a 2-day international conference.

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  • Louvain-la-Neuve

    Kolloquium - Ethnologie, Anthropologie

    Hongrie, folklore et modernité


    Le colloque a pour but d’étudier le mouvement folklorique hongrois nommé “táncházmozgalom” (« mouvement de la maison de danse »). Ce mouvement fête en 2022 le cinquantième anniversaire de la première « táncház » (« maison de danse », type de soirée dansante traditionnelle) qui s’est tenue à Budapest le 6 mai 1972. Le processus « d’apprentissage par la pratique » est une dynamique centrale pour l’investissement personnel des plus jeunes dans ce mouvement, lors des cours de musique et de danse mais également pendant les táncházak (maisons de danse), koncertek (concerts) and táborok (camps). Le mouvement « táncház » est également profondément marqué par l’ethnographie hongroise du XXe siècle. Les pratiques de la danse et de la musique s’ancrent dans la consultation des nombreux ouvrages et archives des collections ethnographiques du siècle passé. Ainsi, le « táncházmozgalom » est souvent qualifié de « revival movement », puisqu’il remet au goût du jour les musiques et danses folkloriques rurales dans le contexte moderne et urbain de Budapest.

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  • Paris

    Kolloquium - Soziologie

    Photography of Persecution. Pictures of the Holocaust

    Rather than treating photographic images taken under Nazi rule as self-explanatory, immediate, and self-contained, this conference invites interested scholars to approach photographs as they would other documents – by treating photographs as objects of historical inquiry and interrogating the political interests authorizing their creation, the material conditions under which they were produced, the editing process out of which they emerged and were displayed, and the uses to which they were put. The conference will focus on the photographic record of the persecution of Jews in Nazi-dominated Europe, including its overseas possessions from 1933 to 1945.

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Geistesgeschichte

    Belvedere Research Journal - varia

    The Belvedere Research Journal is a recently founded international peer-reviewed open access e-journal. It is thematically based on the Belvedere collection and devoted to research in Austrian art history in the broadest historical and geographical sense. We publish work concerned with developments in the former Habsburg Empire and Central Europe broadly defined from the medieval period to the present day.

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Städteforschung

    Special issue on Cinema, Architecture and Urban Space in the Balkans

    The special issue is intended to discuss Balkan urban space and architecture through a cinematic perspective, and further explore elements linking urban studies with film studies. We are particularly interested in contributions discussing fiction films or documentaries focused on specific urban spaces of the Balkans, significant constructions, major cities or lesser-known towns and villages. We are also interested in itinerary films that map the peninsula through their passage from different built environments.

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  • Grenoble

    Beitragsaufruf - Städteforschung

    Housing co-creation for tomorrow’s cities

    RE-DWELL Conference 2022

    Responses to different crises allow us to rethink housing conceptions and identify initiatives, policies and patterns that can make a difference for the future. Recently, the Covid-19 pandemic has revealed critical failures of current housing systems and the changing nature of our understanding of housing challenges. Initiatives and collaborations with a transformative potential have emerged or have been reinforced in that context. Moreover, transformations of conceptions, of policy agendas and of professional practices have been steered since a longer time by the recognition of the affordability crisis and of climate change as major challenges for the housing sector. The conference will focus on present or past collaborative initiatives that bring together local actors, from institutions to the third and private sector, regional and central governments, technicians, residents and sometimes academia. We will discuss the potential of such multi-actor processes and of co-creation to adapt the ways we conceive, build and manage housing to present and future challenges that cities face.

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  • Essen

    Beitragsaufruf - Frühe Neuzeit

    Conviviality and Sociability in the Long Eighteenth Century: Restoration to Romanticism

    Christoph Heyl (Université de Duisburg-Essen) et Rémy Duthille (Université Bordeaux Montaigne) poursuivent la longue tradition du Landau-Paris Symposium on the Eighteenth Century, qui accueille jeunes chercheurs et chercheurs confirmés. Le colloque porte sur la littérature et la culture des îles britanniques, mais est également ouvert aux communications sur les colonies britanniques, la France, l’Allemagne et d’autres aires géographiques. Le colloque comportera un panel de chercheurs en cours de thèse ou qui ont l’intention de commencer une thèse dans un avenir proche.

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  • Paris

    Kolloquium - Europa

    Thinking Europe Visually

    L'Europe par l'image et en images

    "If I had to do it again, I would start with culture": this statement often erroneously attributed to Jean Monnet suggests that in the absence of a shared culture, Europe as a political and economic construct remains nothing but a hollow shell. This conference aims to question the disillusioned position which holds that there is no meaningful common European culture, and to do so through images. One way to visualize the potential existence and limits of a European cultural base is indeed to trace the circulation of images – be they works of art, press images, posters, photographs, or even motifs and patterns – in the region, from antiquity through to the present day. What are the images that have circulated most widely in Europe? Are they specific to Europe or are they already globalized? What was their visual and symbolic impact? Is there a "visual culture" specific to Europe and, if so, what might be its distinctive "patterns"?

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  • Kalamata

    Kolloquium - Europa

    Olive4All: The actors of the olive tree heritage and their commitment

    Le premier colloque organisé dans le cadre du projet JPI-CH Olive4All (Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change) s’inscrit dans le premier workpackage du projet dévolu à l’inventaire du patrimoine de l’olivier et au repérage des acteurs qui le détiennent dans les trois régions du programme (Provence en France, Messénie en Grèce, Tras o Montes, Alto Douro et Alentejo au Portugal). Nous nous intéresserons à partir des enquêtes conjointes menées comparativement aux acteurs liés au patrimoine de l’olivier, les motivations à leur engagement pour sa sauvegarde et les formes de cet engagement.

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  • Montreal

    Beitragsaufruf - Städteforschung

    The unresolved tensions of mass housing

    Session in the Society of Architectural Historians Conference 2023

    This session invites contributions that examine the diffusion and transformation of mass housing projects worldwide. It focuses on how the processes and outcome of housing projects relate to programs of social reform, restructuring or coercion, in various cultural and political contexts from the 1920s to recent years.

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  • Lyon 07

    Kolloquium - Recht

    Transition énergétique : les échelles de gouvernance

    The Scales of Governance of the Energy Transition

    Ce colloque clôture les travaux de recherche et de diffusion de savoir menés dans le cadre d’un projet de recherche (projet TGL) financé par la Commission européenne. L’ambition du colloque est notamment de croiser les regards de la doctrine et des praticiens afin de dresser un panorama complet des acteurs et d’examiner leurs apports normatifs et organiques respectifs, y compris politiques et pratiques. La lecture de ces apports permettra de comprendre les véritables dynamiques qui se dégagent autour de la gouvernance de la transition énergétique et climatique.

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  • Paris

    Kolloquium - Mittelalter

    Rhythms and Resonances

    Sounding Objects in the Middle Ages

    Music, rhythmical sounds, noise: the objects that produce real and metaphorical resonance are the focus of this conference – from the harp to the mill wheel, from the human body to the heart of God. As movable and moving objects, images and image carriers, as literary motifs, as bridges between rhythm and ornament, they will be discussed from the perspectives of art history, literary studies, and history.

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