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StartseiteKategorienGeographiscer Raum EuropaMittelmeerraum

  • Straßburg

    Fachtagung - Geographie

    Géoarchéologie et archéologie de la ville de Cadix, Espagne

    This workshop-seminar organised in Strasbourg will be focusing on the archaeology and geoarchaeology of Cádiz. New sedimentary cores drilled in a marine palaeochannel crossing the city in Antiquity will be discussed. Researchers from the University of Cádiz, the CNRS, the ENGEES, and the University of Strasbourg will be present.

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  • Neapel

    Beitragsaufruf - Geschichte

    Historiography of the Perception of Islam through Manuscripts, Korans and their Displacement

    The aim of this workshop is to approach the question of the relationship between Christianity and Islam through the study of the production, circulation and uses of Arabic manuscripts, and mainly Korans, in the late medieval and early modern Mediterranean Europe. Our assumption is that the Balkans, Italy and the Iberian Peninsula form an axis of circulation which is especially significant for our understanding of the Mediterranean Sea as a comprehensive space of cultural, political and religious contact.


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  • Hammamet

    Beitragsaufruf - Städteforschung

    Urban and architectural identities in Mediterranean cities

    Identités urbaines et architecturales dans les villes méditerranéennes

    La diversité architecturale et urbanistique caractérisant les villes méditerranéennes est indissociable de leur identité. Il semble évident que cette diversité et cette multiplicité d'indentités sont à considérer comme une des plus grandes valeurs culturelles et humaines. La cohabitation des formes dans le temps et dans l'espace, les mélanges entre les cultures urbaines et architecturales, les influences et les contaminations voire même les contrastes et les contradictions identitaires qui se révèlent sur le territoire urbain méditerranéen traduisent traduisent la stratification de la ville dans ses implications pragmatiques et ses significations identitaires. Aujourd'hui, dans un contexet de mise en concurrence et d'attractivité des territoires, plusieurs villes méditerranéennes connaissent de profondes mutations. Face à ces transformations, la  référence à des "territoires identitaires" (Troin, 2004) et la capacité de la ville à se construire une identité et à la diffuser sont remises en question. 

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  • Oxford

    Kolloquium - Mittelalter

    Women and Violence in the Late Medieval Mediterranean, ca. 1100-1500

    A two-days international conference

    The last decades have witnessed an increased interest in research on the relationship between women and violence in the Middle Ages, with new works both on female criminality and on women as victims of violence. The contributions of gender theory and feminist criminology have renewed the approached used in this type of research. Nevertheless, many facets of the complex relationship between women and violence in medieval times still await to be explored in depth. This conference aims to understand how far the roots of modern assumptions concerning women and violence may be found in the late medieval Mediterranean, a context of intense cultural elaboration and exchange which many scholars have indicated as the cradle of modern judicial culture. While dialogue across the Mediterranean was constant in the late Middle Ages, occasions for comparative discussion remain rare for modern-day scholars, to the detriment of a deeper understanding of the complexity of many issues. Thus, we encourage specialists of different areas across the Mediterranean (Western Europe, Byzantium, and the Islamic world) to contribute to the discussion. What were the main differences and similarities? How did these change through time? What were the causes for change? Were coexisting assumptions linking femininity and violence conflicting or collaborating?

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  • Oxford

    Beitragsaufruf - Mittelalter

    Women and violence in the Late Medieval Mediterranean, ca. 1100-1500

    A two-days conference in Oxford exploring the assumptions linking violence and femininity in the late medieval mediterranean (Byzantium, Western Europe, Islamic world).

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  • Oxford

    Fachtagung - Mittelalter

    Avignon as Transcultural Hub

    A MALMECC study day considering a range of themes centering around cultural transfers and scientific knowledge in papal Avignon, providing fresh understanding through interdisciplinary discussion based on a series of short position papers.

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  • Paris | Nanterre

    Fachtagung - Darstellung

    Ancient and Early Medieval building techniques in the mediterranean area: from East to West

    This workshop is devoted to the study of the ancient construction techniques in the Near East from the Roman period to the Early Islamic era and on the transmission and diffusion of these techniques in the Mediterranean basin.

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  • Venedig | Helsinki

    Beitragsaufruf - Geschichte

    A global history of free ports

    Capitalism, commerce and geopolotics (1600-1900)

    Exactly how free ports arose in early-modern Europe is still subject to debate. Livorno, Genoa and other Italian cities became famous as major examples of a particular way of attracting trade. Between the late eighteenth and the nineteenth century the existence of free ports – as specific fiscal, cultural, political and economic entities with different local functions and characteristics – developed from an Italian and European into a global phenomenon. While a general history of free ports – from their first emergence to the present-day special economic zones – has never been written, this research network aims to pave the way for such an enterprise. The history of free ports research network is organising a number of conferences in the next years, in order to work towards a standard publication and interactive research platform for the history of free ports from the XVIth to the early XXth century.

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  • Zagreb

    Seminar - Vermittlung

    Opportunities and Needs in Case of Material Concerning Famous People in Science and Culture

    Cooperation Framework of Digital Infrastructure in the Region

    Introduction and collaboration methods between scientific and cultural institutions participating in this project: about the collaboration of institutions in the region, defining the topics to be included in the recommendations (general information, records and plans for digitization, standardization of practice - processing, use, copyright, etc., projects); examples of good practices from the region and the world (exposure to digital repositories, their own practices, projects etc.)

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  • Nizza

    Beitragsaufruf - Geschichte

    Connecting Mediterranean and Atlantic History

    2nd meeting of the Atlantic Italies Network

    The Atlantic Italies Network – a developing network of scholars working on economic entanglements and related cultural phenomena that emerged between Italian-speaking territories and the Atlantic world from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century – aims at examining connections related to European states without colonies as well as their links to sub-Saharan Africa and the Americas and at contributing to current attempts to analyse early modern Italian territories in their global contexts. The second meeting of the network will particularly appreciate papers involving economic dimensions related to shipping, trade and economic interconnections, but we welcome all proposals contributing to our overall perspective.

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  • Genua

    Beitragsaufruf - Städteforschung

    Multi-ethnic cities in the Mediterranean world

    History, culture, heritage

    This meeting aims to foster a discussion about the continuities and disruptions which have conditioned the multi-ethnic dimension of Mediterranean cities. We would like to focus on the specificities of places and time in our millennial history that have produced both tangible and intangible cultural heritage. We would like to broaden the traditional horizons of our disciplines under the issues of our times, questioning the role of historical research and the forms of scientific communication nowadays, when old practices seem more challenged than ever by the overwhelming expansion of new technologies.

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  • Girona

    Kolloquium - Städteforschung

    Cathedrals and Mosques: Building Urban Memories and Landscapes in Southern Europe (12th - 14th centuries)

    This international conference will discuss interdisciplinary questions regarding the importance of cathedrals and mosques in the definition of memory and urban landscape in the medieval Mediterranean from the twelfth to the fourteenth centuries. Our research aims at analysing the role these two buildings played in configuring the urban fabric of the Mediterranean world. One of our primary objectives is to understand how these buildings defined medieval landscape and urban space. How did they modify and condition the social and functional organisation of their urban surroundings? What architectural features contributed to their place in civic memory (decoration, architectural style and building techniques)? We are interested in the place they occupy in their cities’ urban planning and topography.

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  • Utrecht

    Stipendien, Preise und Stellenangebote - Vorgeschichte und Antike

    Post-doctorate researcher in Coinage in Ancient Greece

    Anchoring Work Package 4

    The use of minted coins was one of the major innovations in the ancient world of the first millennium BCE. Invented in Lydia in the seventh century, coinage spread rapidly throughout the Greek world, first in the Greek cities in Asia Minor, next to Aegina and Athens and soon to the other cities across the Aegean and Mediterranean area. Before the introduction of minted coins, exchange was largely based on weights of precious metals, in smaller amounts weighed on scales, a practice to which striking fixed weights of metal seems just a small and logical step. Yet the swift success of coinage, evidenced by rapidly increasing number of Greek poleis adopting the new medium, shows that the potential of coins to surpass weighed bullion in practical use for all kinds of transactions was recognised early on.

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  • Neapel

    Stipendien, Preise und Stellenangebote - Geschichte

    Credit. Trust, solidarity, citizenship (14th-19th century)

    IV seminar of doctoral studies history and economy in the Mediterranean countries

    The objective of the seminar will be to understand the importance of intense credit activities at all levels of society, both in urban and rural areas over the long term, from consumer microcredit to the specific problem of the foundation of the Monti di Pietà in the various regional typologies, and to the forms of solidarity credit that, over the centuries, gave rise to more modern forms of banks.

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  • Florenz

    Kolloquium - Frühe Neuzeit

    Circulation of people, objects and knowledge across South-Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean (16th-19th Centuries)

    Through the prism of objects and material culture, the workshop intends to highlight broad patterns of transregional circulation of people and goods crossing the boarders of Ottoman, Venetian, Russian and Habsburg Empires. The papers will present and discuss a wide variety of unpublished textual and visual sources related to luxury consumption, fashion and dress codes; diplomatical and political exchanges; dowry contracts and travel journals.

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  • Madrid

    Beitragsaufruf - Europa

    Sensorium : Sensory Perceptions in Roman Polytheism

    The Institute of Historiography “Julio Caro Baroja”, at the University of Carlos III of Madrid, is organizing an international conference titled, “Sensorium: Sensory Perceptions in the Roman Religion”. Researchers of ancient history, religious history, archeology, anthropology, classical literature, and other related disciplines, are invited to present their research relating to the poly-sensorial practice of religion in the Roman world.

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Kolloquium - Geschichte

    Relations climat-sociétés en Méditerranée pendant les deux derniers millénaires

    État des connaissances et perspectives de recherche

    L’objectif de cette conférence de deux jours est de mettre en avant des travaux interdisciplinaires récents et innovants sur les relations historiques complexes entre climat et société(s) en Méditerranée au cours des deux derniers millénaires. En effet, si les questions relatives aux conséquences futures du changement climatique pour les sociétés méditerranéennes sont nombreuses et variées, l’analyse de l’impact des fluctuations hydro-météorologiques passées (e.g. épisodes de sécheresse) sur la dynamique et la vie des populations urbaines et rurales, à différentes époques, peut permettre de mieux saisir le rôle de l’environnement dans l’apparition de conflits locaux ou régionaux, le déclenchement d’épidémies, l’apparition de disettes ou de famines, de migrations. Elle peut aussi permettre de faire ressortir les réponses et adaptations sociales, politiques ou technologiques mises en œuvre.

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  • Wien

    Beitragsaufruf - Vorgeschichte und Antike

    Languages, Culture of Writing, Identities in Antiquity

    15th International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy

    This edition of the congress will center on the relationship between the indigenous or local epigraphic cultures of the ancient Mediterranean area and the dominant respective Greek or Roman culture. The focus is on those regions and societies of the ancient world which have several languages and scripts existing simultaneously in their epigraphic culture. 

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  • Madrid

    Beitragsaufruf - Mittelalter

    En quête de S@voir : Lieux et reseaux de connaissance en Méditerranée

    This conference's aim is to deepen into the various insights of the construction of spaces and the production of works of art linked to knowledge in the Middle Ages, throughout different geographical, cultural, and social realms within the Mediterranean area.

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  • Lyon

    Kolloquium - Geschichte

    Multidisciplinary Approaches to Food and Foodways in the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean

    Within the rapidly expanding area of research on food and foodways, the medieval eastern Mediterranean is still very much an unexplored area. The aim of the POMEDOR project (People, Pottery and Food in the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean) was to explore this new field in a multidisciplinary way and to stimulate further research.

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