

  • Tempe

    Colloque - Époque moderne

    Gendered Species: Colette, Gender and Sexual Identities

    Espèces genrées : Colette, le genre et les identités sexuées

    Although French woman writer Colette was indifferent to and even critical of the feminist movement of the early 1900s, in the way she lived her life as in her fiction, she exemplified financial and social independence and shame-free sexuality, or what would be call today “gender fluidity”. This international conference will show how Colette represents a vibrant and radical expression of feminism in tune with the #MeToo spirit in today's society

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  • Nantes

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Une discipline indisciplinée: défis à venir pour les études des cultures populaires

    This call for paper is for a workshop which it itself included in this year's international symposium of the AFEA (Franch Association of American Studies) which will happen in Nantes, France from May 22 nd to the 24th. This year's main theme of the conference is "discipline/indiscipline." (event for which you can find more information here: This workshop intends to address and explore further this binary dichotomy through the prism of cultural studies, interrogating more precisely if the emergence of pop cultural studies is truly something to advocate for. Communications can tackle this issue from a more theoretical standpoint, but they can also deal with more precise case studies which would illustrate how pop culture and cultural studies are both defying disciplinary classifications. Communications can be either in French or in English.

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Représentation du désir féminin : entre texte et image

    Numéro 10 de la revue électronique Litter@ Incognita

    La revue en ligne Litter@ Incognita, pour son dixième numéro, invite les chercheur·se·s et jeunes chercheur·se·s de toute discipline à interroger la relations entre l’articulation texte/image et le désir féminin. Elle propose aux contributeur·rice·s de se pencher sur des productions culturelles, notamment intermédiales et transmédiales, qui déjouent les représentations textuelles, visuelles ou psychiques conventionnelles pour mieux interroger les modalités complexes de représentation du désir sexuel féminin, et d'étudier ce que l’articulation entre le texte (écrit ou oral) et l’image (visuelle ou mentale) permet aux femmes dans la représentation et l’expression de leurs désirs sexuels. 

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  • Appel à contribution - Asie

    Sinophone musical worlds and their publics

    China Perspectives / Perspectives Chinoises

    Recent success of Chinese reality television singing competitions broadcasted on national television or streamed directly on the internet, has shown the extent of musical genres represented in the Chinese world, from pop to folk via hip-hop or rock ’n’ roll. The popularity of new musical styles up to then considered as deviant as well as the recent attempts of the State to intervene directly on musical contents, tend to blur the distinctions between “mainstream” (流行) music, “popular” (民间) music as non-official, “underground” (地下) music or even “alternative” (另类) music. This call for papers aims at promoting a better understanding of the transformations of Chinese “musical worlds”, in the sense that Becker gave to “art worlds”, which stresses the role of cooperation and interactions between the different actors of the artistic sphere.

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  • Catane

    Colloque - Sociologie

    Mythanalyse de l'insularité

    Le colloque est centré sur le thème de l’insularité. Il se propose de dresser un état des recherches et des travaux récents, de questionner l'insularité entre mythe et imaginaire et dégager des nouvelles perspectives d'études autour d'une mythanalyse de l'île.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Études urbaines

    Writing the city [into the urban]

    In the aftermath of the May 1968 uprising in Paris, Henri Lefebvre published in 1970 his classic treatise La Révolution Urbaine where he pointedly placed the urban in the centre of this revolution, identifying a theoretical need for the concept of the urban as a planetary possibility, one he considered more appropriate than a redundant notion of the city as a social scientific object. This workshop is a step in this direction where, coming 50 years after the backlash of ’68, this event aims to establish a conversation between the city and the urban by drawing on the notion of "ethnographic theorisation" where the theoretical potential of the urban can be harnessed from ethnographic insights of the city. It explores contingent ways in which the city can be written into the urban through manoeuvres that engage with the process of writing the city across disciplines from literary cultures to urban studies

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  • Écully

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Sharing meals. Social aspects of eating and cooking together

    Eating involves many other dimensions than just ingesting food. It is especially a social act, as it involves the social position and relationships of the individual in all of the included practices: supplying, cooking, dressing, ordering, ingesting, clearing, washing-up, managing left-overs, etc.  This symposium offers to explore, with a social science approach, the different dimensions associated with sharing meals (non exhaustive): Cultural differences in the manners of sharing meals; Specificity of the sharing of cooking times regarding the sharing of meal times; Use of commensality as a social action mean; Symbolic representation of the benefits of sharing meals (psychological, physiological, social); Comparison of meals regarding other eating times (snacking); Political/Diplomatic use of meals; Organization, perception and role of meals in institutions (school canteens, hospital, nursing homes, prisons…).

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  • Ottawa

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Machines et imaginaires musicaux (1900-1950)

    Cette journée d’étude propose de reconsidérer d’un point de vue historique, esthétique, analytique et socioculturel la place occupée par les machines dans les musiques de la première moitié du XXe siècle, époque de prolifération de la technologie de masse. 

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  • Coventry

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    “Bites Here and There”: Literal and Metaphorical Cannibalism across Disciplines

    “Bites Here and There”: Literal and Metaphorical Cannibalism across Disciplines est une conférence qui aura lieu sur le campus de l'université de Warwick, en Angleterre, le 17 novembre 2018. L'anthropophagie a fasciné l'homme depuis l'antiquité, que ce soit en littérature, histoire, archéologie ou sciences sociales. De ce fait, cet appel a contribution invite chercheurs de toutes disciplines à envoyer un abstrait (en anglais) au sujet du cannibalisme litéral ou métaphorique pour le 17 juillet 2018.

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  • Avanca

    Appel à contribution - Information

    Avanca | Cinema 2018

    International Cinema Conference – Art, Technology and Communication

    En 2018, nous organiserons la 9e édition d'une conférence qui devient une référence dans le domaine de la recherche cinématographique.La conférence Avanca | Cinema est un point de rencontre pour les chercheurs qui ont l'intention de diffuser et de partager leurs recherches académiques. Première conférence scientifique organisée dans le cadre d'un festival de cinéma, Avanca | Cinema et le 22e Festival Avanca 2018 offrent une atmosphère unique et un programme diversifié, qui passe par l'offre de séances de cinéma, d'ateliers, de présentations de livres, de tables rondes, de séances plénières et d'événements parallèles (de la gastronomie à l'espace de concerts).Cinq jours de cinéma et de pure fête ... dans les regards qui se croisent à Avanca, au Portugal et en plein été.

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  • Bruxelles (Ixelles)

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Sociologie

    Chercheur expérimenté pour deux projets de recherche sur la participation citoyenne à Bruxelles

    You will be part of a multidisciplinary team, investigating the potential of new approaches to  urban civic participation, such as by experimenting and developing new methodologies, design interventions and technological approaches. You will be mainly responsible for exploratory research and inquiries, in-depth field studies, and for evaluating and reporting of the action-research.

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Black womanhood in popular culture

    De Gruyter Open topical issue

    In contemporary popular culture, black womanhood frequently takes centre stage. It occupies an increasingly central place and articulates new and renewed dimensions, prompting questions about the status of black women in the cultural imaginary of the United States and beyond. Most prominently, Michelle Obama's First Ladyship has sparked scholarly and media discussions around the significance of stereotypes associated with black women, the possibilities and limitations of public figures to create new images and anchor them in the cultural imaginary, and about the subject positions and images that express and shape constructions of black womanhood (cf. Harris-Perry 2011, Schäfer 2015, Spillers 2009).

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  • Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Journal of Festive Studies

    The journal’s stated aim is to draw together all academics who share an interest in festivities, including but not limited to holiday celebrations, family rituals, carnivals, religious feasts, processions and parades, and civic commemorations. The specific contributions of the historical, geographical, sociological, anthropological, ethnological, psychological, and economic disciplines to the study of festivities may be explored but, more importantly, authors should offer guidelines on how to successfully integrate them. How can one reconcile, for instance, the discourse of “festival tourism,” dominated by the positivistic, quantitative research paradigm of consumer behavior approaches, with a more classical discourse, mostly flowing from cultural anthropology and sociology, concerning the roles, meanings and impacts of festivals in society and culture?

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  • Montréal

    École thématique - Études des sciences

    Futurs planétaires

    In the face of the current ecological crisis, how shall we rethink concepts and practices of environment, ecology, difference, and technology to envision and create a more just, sustainable, and diverse planet? The combined histories of colonialism, extraction industries, energy, as well as innovation in design, architecture, literature and technology offer a lens by which to examine how contemporary techno-scientific societies envision planetary futures. Site visits exploring resource extraction, colonialism in urban policy and planning, and speculative architectural design will be accompanied by an analysis of science fiction, science technology, speculative design and ethnography, as well as life and earth sciences.

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  • Bruxelles

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    Attractivité territoriale et qualité de vie

    Special session, Sixth EUGEO, congress on the Geography of Europe

    Dans le cadre de l'EUGEO 2017 nous proposons une session spéciale sur l'attractivité territoriale et la qualité de vie. Nous proposons d'explorer les façons novatrices de concevoir l’attractivité territoriale. Comment penser l’attractivité en termes innovants ? Comment penser cette innovation autrement qu’en termes de structures de gouvernance ? Comment par exemple innover en termes d’acteurs impliqués, d’indicateurs choisis, de politiques… Bref, trois axes principaux guideront cette session spéciale : stratégies innovantes de l’attractivité territoriale ; qualité de vie, bien-être et attractivité territoriale ; perceptions et représentations territoriales au service de l’attractivité.

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  • Huddersfield

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Finding Democracy in Music

    For a century and more musicians have sought to relate their practices to the values of democracy. But political theory teaches that democracy is a highly contested category. This symposium aims to interrogate claims for the “democratic” nature of music.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Droit

    La protection des données post-mortem

    Les profils élaborés et les différentes traces laissées sur Internet dessinent les contours des identités numériques. Du vivant de l’internaute, la gestion de ses identités lui revient, et elle bénéficie de l’encadrement juridique relatif aux données personnelles. Généralement, les droits de la personne s’éteignent avec la mort de celle-ci. Cette journée d'étude internationale, organisée dans le cadre du projet de recherche ENEID, rassemble des chercheurs et chercheuses des sciences de l'information et de la communication, des juristes, ainsi que des experts travaillant en tant que Correspondants informatique et libertés ou dans des autorités nationales de protection des données, pour réfléchir ensemble au sort de ces données personnelles après la mort.

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  • Wrocław

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    City and the Process of Transition

    From Early Modern Times to the Present

    The Doctoral Adam Galos Circle for the History of the 19th and the 20th Centuries invites PhD students and early career scholars to participate in the international conference titled City and the Process of Transition – from Early Modern Times to the Presentto be held at the Historical Institute of the University of Wroclaw, June 8th – 10th 2017. The intention of the organizers is to challenge questions concerning the behavior of the city dwellers who faced the lack of stability, resulted primarily from the progressive urbanization and globalization since the early modern era.

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Musique, héritage culturel et droit

    Special Issue

    Music is a space of possibilities, a realm of cross-cultural events where interpretation is deeply rooted in history and societal evolution. The main complexity is to analyze the coded meaning and view how the same signs, notions and concepts are appropriated, translated, rehistorized and read anew in songs, be they pop songs or national anthems.

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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Decolonizing Americas

    Radical Americas Symposium 2016

    The theme of this year’s Radical Americas symposium is “Decolonizing Americas”, acknowledging the long arc of struggle for freedom since the period of European colonization of the Western Hemisphere in the 15th century. Our collaborative effort will be to consider how histories within the US, Latin America, and the Caribbean converge and depart in relation to the experience of anti-colonial and decolonizing social movements, many of which continue today. We will also consider the ways that cultural efforts, collectives, art, and intellectual projects shape radical imaginaries of freedom.

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