

  • Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Dynamiques rituelles et corporalité dans les religiosités et spiritualités contemporaines

    Enjeux méthodologiques et théoriques

    S’inscrivant dans le cadre de la trente-sixième conférence de la Société internationale pour la sociologie des religions (12 juillet - 15 juillet 2021), ce panel entend explorer et discuter les questions méthodologiques et théoriques relatives à la recherche ethnographique sur les expériences sensorielles et corporelles dans la religion et la spiritualité contemporaine. Il invite les chercheur·euse·s à présenter des contributions incluant la sensorialité comme aspect central de leur recherche, ou comme outil méthodologique (complétant les méthodologies classiques) ; ou comme perspective théorique dans l’approche de paramètres sensoriels et d’(inter-)actions corporelles.

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  • Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Women and Gender in the Bible and the Biblical World (II)

    Open Theology invites submissions for the topical issue “Women and Gender in the Bible and the Biblical World II”, edited by Zanne Domoney-Lyttle and Sarah Nicholson. This special issue aims to explore, interrogate and reflect on the ways in which women are understood, contextualised and represented in the text of the Bible that has developed, in various ways, a foundational significance for Western culture. 

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Exploring a democratic ritual: “Young citizens’ ceremonies” in transnational perspective

    Throughout the 20th century, and in some instances until today, various European countries, among them Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France, have organized ceremonies to celebrate the accession of young citizens to their political rights (and duties). Called Jungbürgerfeier, Erstwählerfeier, Burgerdag or promotions citoyennes, these rituals have long been forgotten in countries where they ceased to exist, or been overlooked as marginal or simply boring. In fact, however, in the course of their transformations and transnational circulation they have crystallized key tensions within contemporary democracies. We would like to invite scholars working on or interested by these ceremonies in other contexts to join us and help us broaden our transnational perspective.

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  • Bruxelles (Ixelles)

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Asie

    Bearing Witness to Traumatic Experiences: Cultural Productions of Uyghurs in Exile

    PhD position in Asian Studies

    This Ph.D. position is funded by a MIS (Mandat d’Impulsion Scientifique/ Incentive Grant for Scientific Research) project: “Bearing Witness to Traumatic Experiences: Cultural Productions of Uyghurs in Exile”. Uyghurs are a Turkic-speaking people based at the border of Central Asia and the north-western part of China. Massive internments and arrests of hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs have taken place in the region since 2016, including the Uyghur elite. In these conditions, centers of the cultural production of the Uyghurs have shifted from their native land to the diaspora spread across the world. This project looks at Uyghur diasporic cultural production that aims at drawing the world’s attention and bearing witness to the various abuses perpetrated at home by the Chinese government. The whole project analyses selected poems, short films, video clips, and dance and music performances to tackle new transmedial forms of testimonies in the Uyghur case.

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  • Saint Andrews

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Reframing Disease Reservoirs

    Histories and Ethnographies of Pathogens and Pestilence

    The idea of disease reservoirs – that particular animals, people, or environments harbour or distribute disease – has profoundly shaped human relationships to nature. The concept has been epistemologically fraught, taking on different meanings amongst different groups of people in different periods. What constitutes a reservoir, and which animals, plants, or environments are reservoirs of disease? How and where did this concept emerge and why? What is its intellectual lineage? Which other medical concepts intersected with the idea of the disease reservoir throughout its history Bringing together perspectives from the humanities and the social sciences in dialogue with the life sciences, this online conference seeks to understand the past and present of disease reservoirs.

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  • Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Regards sur les minorités religieuses en Amérique latine et les Caraïbes contemporaines

    This session aims to enrich and open new avenues of reflection on religious minorities in Latin America and the Caribbean and on the development of a national memory and culture. We are particularly interested in research based on empirical surveys (work on archives, ethnographies, analysis of statistical data, interviews) that seek to understand the links between the nation, national identity and minority religions, explore the relationship between majority religion and religious minorities (dialogues, conflicts, borrowings, etc.) or report on concrete aspects of the presence of these religious minorities in Latin American and Caribbean countries (rituals, practices, relationship to politics, etc.)

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  • Appel à contribution - Religions

    The Bible and Migration

    Open Theology invites submissions for the topical issue “The Bible and Migration”, prepared in collaboration with the conference The Bible on the Move: Toward a Biblical Theology of Migration, held at Fuller Theological Seminary in January 2020. This special issue asks how cutting-edge biblical scholarship should inform conversation about and action relating to migration in the twenty-first century, bridging the gap between biblical studies, theology, and activism. Articles should examine how the biblical texts reflect diverse migrant experiences, as well as ways in which these texts reflect theologically on migration and appropriate responses to it among migrants and host communities. Articles may also critically interrogate the Bible’s use in arguments over migration and migrants’ reception by host communities.

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  • Pise

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Surveying Ritual Creativity in Contemporary Paganism and New Age Prior to and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    This panel, part of the 18th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions, seeks to survey ritual creativity in Contemporary Paganism and New Age prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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  • Sienne

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Classicamente. Dialoghi Senesi sul Mondo Antico

    The junior researchers and PhD students from the Anthropology of the ancient world curriculum of the PhD course in Classics and Archeology are promoting the fourth edition of the seminar cycle Classicamente. Dialoghi Senesi sul Mondo Antico. This year's edition will focus on the varied methodologies and hermeneutical perspectives which represent the scientific guidelines followed by scholars in anthropology of the ancient world ever since its development. It will also focus on those approaches that today contribute to a constant enrichment and renovation of this field of study. Our goal is to offer to all those who take part the chance to present their work, be it the result of long research or elements of a work in progress, in an enviroment open to discussion between different perspectives (anthropological, philological, historical, archeological, semiotic etc.). 

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  • Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Rearranging the rules in the military expérience

    At the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF) 2020 conference, one of the panels proposed to break the rules to think about building or rebuilding identity, trauma, relationships to the environment and others in the face of military experience. This is an ethnography conference and all disciplines using ethnography are welcome.

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  • Padoue

    Colloque - Europe

    Crises and Infrastructures: Responses to Change Between Materiality and Immateriality

    A Dialogue Between Anthropology, Geography and History

    PhD students from the XXXIV cycle of the joint PhD Programme in Historical, Geographical, Anthropological Studies (University of Padova, Ca' Foscari Venice, Verona) are happy to invite you to their conference, titled "Crises and Infrastructures: Responses to Change Between Materiality and Immateriality. A Dialogue Between Anthropology, Geography and History". We will be exploring the interactions between various examples of Crises and Infrastructural response, trying to push for an interdisciplinary dialogue. We aim to reflect not only on the role of infrastructures as means of problem-solving, but also on the varied outcomes of critical moments. For more information, please see the detailed program attached.

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  • Bourse, prix et emploi - Sociologie

    Beyond Borders - Borders, Democracy and Security

    Beyond borders supports research about borders and boundaries in past and present times. It promotes interdisciplinary exchange in the social sciences and humanities. The Call for Applications 2020 is open till January 15, 2021 and focuses on “Borders, Democracy and Security”. The ZEIT-Stiftung offers three types of Ph.D. scholarships: Start Up Scholarships for research project development, Ph.D. Scholarships for up to 3 years and Dissertation Completion Scholarships. We invite applications from Ph.D. students worldwide studying borders and bordering phenomena in different regions of the world. Both empirical research based on extensive fieldwork and projects centered on theoretical reflection are eligible for support. Innovative and challenging research questions as well as comparative approaches are highly welcome.

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  • Bruxelles

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie


    Domestic accumulation, decluttering, and the stuff of kinship in anthropological perspective

    We invite submissions of abstracts considering the following sorts of questions: What is the relationship between storage and the labor of kinship? What kinds of possessions are sources of obligation? Which are experienced as social or animate beings? What social practices and spatial processes surround waste, excess, and the riddance of objects from the home? How might local ethnographic concepts like hau orbrol inform the anthropological understanding of attachment to possessions, recycling, or the circulation of second-hand objects? When is accumulation a valued social practice, and when is it morally suspect? How is the space of storage constructed in relationship to the social space of the home, and how might this reflect on the local category of stored things? We invite authors to consider how practices such as storage, stockpiling, and purging of belongings can be approached anthropologically in order to provide both nuanced ethnographic depth and broader cross-cultural and historical perspective. Interdisciplinary perspectives are also welcome.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Le christianisme en Irak au tournant de l’islam : histoire et archéologie

    Une table ronde internationale organisée les 4 et 5 mai 2019 à l’université de Salahaddin (Erbil, Irak) a mis en évidence l’intérêt d’un ouvrage collectif sur la question du christianisme en Irak au tournant de l’islam. Les Presses de l’Ifpo lancent donc un appel à contribution sur ce thème.

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  • Cork

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Exciting news! Event, Narration and Impact from Past to Present

    The EURONEWS Projects and the Irish Humanities Alliance (IHA), in collaboration with University College Cork, present the conference “Exciting news! Event, Narration and Impact from Past to Present”. Papers will discuss the many ramifications of media-induced anxiety and anxiety-induced mediality, engaging the humanities, including history, film studies, literature, folklore, creative writing and adjacent fields intersected by sociology, politology, psychology, anthropology. News Media here include all means of mass communication impinging on daily experience, from books to music, from the social web to films, on multiple platforms and in multiple languages across municipal, state, regional boundaries.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Logics, stakes and limits of cultural heritage transmission in Eurasia

    The thematic issue is about cultural heritage and patrimonialization. It aims at comparing the varying notions of “tradition” and “safeguarding of culture” within an empirical approach.We focus on conflicts about the creation of culture and how these globalised and specific contexts shape a changing self-perception of “ethnic identity” in Northern Asia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe.The articles may be on local as well as global expressions of cultural heritage: poetical genre, engraving or wood carving, architecture, ethno-parks or ecomuseums, cultural tourism, opposition to projects of valorization, etc. Analysis may also focus on the role of actors involved in local projects, on historical contexts or on international fashions.

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  • Béja

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Délinquances, crimes et répression dans l’histoire

    La question de la délinquance, dans l’acception la plus générale du terme, se révèle particulièrement complexe car les criminologues, sociologues, psychologues, psychanalystes, médecins, juristes, historiens qui ont abondamment étudié ce sujet ont émis des opinions souvent très différentes, voire contradictoires. Les difficultés surgissent dès qu’il s’agit de qualifier le phénomène. En droit français, le mot délinquance désigne tous les types d’infractions. Celles-ci se répartissent en trois catégories : les contraventions qui constituent les infractions les plus légères, les délits qui se situent à un niveau intermédiaire et les crimes parmi lesquels on distingue les meurtres, homicides volontaires non prémédités, et les assassinats, homicides volontaires prémédités.

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  • Recife

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    1956-1958 : une époque de révolutions qui changèrent l’Afrique (et le monde)

    The objective of this panel is to compare the various social mobilizations that took place in Africa during the years 1956-1958 and which arguably constitute a historical watershed. The main aim of the panel is not the making of an abstract comparative analysis, but the analysis, based on the testimonial material collected, of how the memory of these events has been structured over time. Moreover, we are interested in understanding what the impacts of these social movements were on the structuring of states and what continuities can be found between the mobilizations of that period and the ary social mobilizations that have shaken the continent in the last ten years, from the ‘Arab Spring’ of 2011 onwards.

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  • Saint-Pétersbourg

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Expert Examination and Photography

    10th annual conference

    The State Museum and Exhibition Center ROSPHOTO invites you to participate in the 10th annual conference “Expert Examination and Photography,” dedicated to expert research and technical and technological analysis of historical documents and photographs.

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  • Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    Between Art and Life: the Gargantuan World of Medieval Laughter

    For this special issue of Vox medii aevi, dedicated to the modern interpretations of medieval humour, comedy, and laughter, we invite original research addressing the subjects of perception and appropriateness of laughter in the eyes of the church and lay authors and authorities; laughter as a form of mystical experience; ritualized laughter; laughter as a didactic weapon; laughter as an instrument of social control; and gendered experiences of laughter.

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