

  • Paris

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Late Antiquity in the north-western half of the Arabian peninsula: material culture, chronology, exchanges and territorial entities

    PhD fellowhip Labex Dynamite 2014-2015

    The very quick recent development of archaeological and epigraphic work in Saudi Arabia brought deep changes in our knowledge of the Arabian Peninsula — which until the middle of the 2000's was only based on research on the periphery: Kuwait, Bahrayn, Qatar, The Emirates, Oman, and Yemen. That development reveals how wide the gaps are, of the interpretative frame in particular, for broad geo-historical segments. That is true especially for what is generally called Late Antiquity (4th- early 7th centuries AD), and here "Late Pre-Islamic" or even in local religious terms jâhîliyah, "ignorance" — a term which actually reflects correctly the state of knowledge. The amount of data collected within less than ten years within a large North-Western half of the Peninsula makes possible to see that except for the extreme North (current Joradanian border and Jawf Oasis) the Christianity does not penetrate and Byzantiums unifying power is absent. One is even unable to name what the field teams are dealing with. The proposed doctoral work must produce the state of that question, for which there if a rich evidence in stratigraphy, architecture, objects, and even epigraphy due to the recent demonstration of the Nabataean-Arabic continuum. The comparison with the Byzantine and christianized areas of the extreme North must be one of the leading strands but no way the only one, since the heart of the subject lyes, on the contrary, in the currently unnamed culture(s) of the Peninsula itself.

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  • Lausanne

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Géographie

    Evaluation of a region’s renewable natural capital

    EPFL is offering a high-profile post-doc position

    The purpose of the post-doc research is to test and possibly validate the feasibility and relevance of ecosystem capital accounts (SCEEA-CEC) or, said differently, the contribution of natural capital to productive systems, in a regional context (the Rhone river basin). The approach should cover the following aspects: availability, collection and processing of geographic and monitoring data and statistics, relevance of the assessments in natural and social sciences, relevance of the information tools ability to support the regulatory and economic instruments of environmental governance of institutional and territorial spaces.

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  • Evora

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    Family Farming and Sustainable Development: 2014 and beyond

    We are pleased to invite you to contribute papers for a Special Session on Family Farming and Sustainable Development: 2014 and beyond, which we will organize at the 20th APDR Congress on 10-11 July 2014. The Congress will take place at the University of Évora, in Évora (Portugal) and will be a major international event.

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  • Walferdange

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Living in European Borderlands - International Workshop

    Borderlands studies look beyond the historical facticity of territorial borders by reflecting their porousness and the actual processes of their crossing and maintenance. We invite scholars from anthropology, sociology, human geography, history and related fields working on European borderlands to present their research on everyday practices and experiences of living in a borderland. Papers can be empirical and/or conceptual relating to: dwelling, work and consumption, identity constructions, cross-border suburbanisation and urban/rural relations in borderlands. We are particularly interested in work on conceptual and methodological problems and in comparative and historical approaches.

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  • Louvain-la-Neuve

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Denationalization and territory

    Ph.d. workshop with Saskia Sassen

    Professor Saskia Sassen will take part in a half-a-day international doctoral workshop, which will be the concluding act of a two-day long seminar on denationalisation and territory (7-8 May 2014). Such doctoral seminar aims at providing Ph.D students who work on issues related to globalisation a dynamic and informal space to present their work, receive inputs from discussants and participants and have a chance to discuss with one of the major sociologists in the field. The participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their research questions, to receive informed opinions and to meet other academics working on similar issues in different regional context.

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  • Paris

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Études du politique

    Transition énergétique des sociétés européennes, de la ville au territoire

    L'exemple de l'Allemagne et du Royaume-Uni

    En partenariat avec Electricité de France (EDF), l’Institut d’études avancées (IEA) de Paris recrute deux chercheurs internationaux de haut niveau en sciences humaines et sociales et domaines connexes pour une période de 9 mois chacun, dans le cadre d’un programme de recherche sur la transition énergétique des sociétés européennes, et en particulier l’Allemagne et le Royaume-Uni, de la ville au territoire. L'IEA de Paris offre la possibilité aux chercheurs qu’il accueillera à partir d’octobre 2014 ou janvier 2015, de se consacrer entièrement au développement de leur recherche en bénéficiant d’un environnement scientifique de premier plan, et en établissant des réseaux durables avec les institutions universitaires et de recherche à Paris et dans la Région Île-de-France.

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  • Bruxelles

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    Concilier expertise scientifique et participation : le défi posé par la Convention européenne des paysages

    L'Institut de gestion de l'environnement et d'aménagement du territoire – ULB (avec l'appui du département d'histoire-UNamur et de la Conférence permanente du développement territorial) organise les 28 et 29 avril 2014 un colloque portant sur « Concilier expertise scientifique et participation :  le défi posé par la Convention européenne des paysages ». Le colloque servira également à étudier la manière dont  les outils de caractérisation des paysages sont construits et dans quelle mesure ils aident les acteurs du paysage (décideurs politiques, gestionnaires,…) à prendre une position en accord avec les besoins sociétaux (économiques, sociaux, environnementaux). En plus des présentations et posters retenus, d’éminents intervenants enrichiront le colloque avec leurs perspectives/expériences spécifiques.

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  • Tarragone

    Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    Interdisciplinary strategies and collaborations

    This seminar is the first of a series of three talks which will take place in each of the cities explored. It offers a space for collaboration, reflection and exchanges where explorers, partners, associate members and other leading figures are invited to lend an outside perspective. It is an invitation both to reflect on the project itself and to promote a public discussion of its critical perspectives. For instance, what is “knowledge” for an artist, a researcher or an educator, and how is it constructed ? For what discourse and representations are artists, researchers in the humanities and educators responsible ? What research stance should be adopted to meet the challenges of interdisciplinarity and social space ? How do our disciplines of research, creation and social intervention revisit the historical motive for exploration and what relationship do they have with it ?

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    When cities meet forests

    Environmental approaches of interactions between cities and forest supplies during the Middles Ages and the Early modern period. 12th International Conference on urban History, European Association for Urban History – Main Session M16

    As places of consumption and production European medieval and early modern cities exerted a enormous pressure on neighbouring woodlands. Some historical studies have already discussed the way cities tried to impone their control on these lands emphasizing the diversity of needs which were fulfilled by forest exploitation (wood, timber, charcoal, grazing…). They often concluded that urban pressure resulted in an inexorable degradation of the forest cover. Indeed local woodlands and forests products could probably never meet the demand. In order to face shortage or, better, to prevent it, urban authorities attempted on one hand to extend their control on more and more distant forests and to attract interregional or « international » trade flows. On the other hand, they tried to regulate the local market so as to ensure access to several important needs regarding urban economy (charcoal, timber).

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  • Denpasar

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Tourism in Indonesia

    The beginning of the XXI century is characterized by the development of international tourism practices. This activity, that has deeply changed the relation to time and space in the western world since the XVIII century, is now conquering the expanding countries of Asia. This specific moment of adoption of an activity and its practices, give the opportunity to analyze the various aspects of its growth. Are we observing a phenomenon of transfers, mutations or creations? If the development of tourism inChina and India has been studied for several years, its development in Indonesia still requires an in-depth analysis. How is this new activity appropriated in the fourth most populous country in the world? What are the effects on the Indonesian society, whose distinctiveness comes from the diversity of its people, cultures, and religions, throughout its 17,000 islands, from Sumatra to Papua?

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Planning / conflict. Cities and citizenship in times of crisis

    This event is organized in the framework of the activities of the Planning / Conflict Thematic Group of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP). The conference aims at bringing together different perspectives on conflicts around urban planned developments, with a focus on the role planning practices may play both in defining/framing and in possibly solving/reframing conflicts.

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  • Viterbe

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Mediterranean Europe in the EU: spaces, cultures, policies and players

    Officina della Storia Review

    Economic crisis has turned on lights on Mediterranean Europe’s countries and the role-played in the European integration process and as interface between the EU and countries, policies and cultures coming from Mediterranean Area. Moreover, events such the Arab Spring have brought back the idea of Mediterranean as a wide and complex meeting place where cultures, faiths, different political and social experiences meet, and sometimes clash, developing opportunities of dialogue and integration.

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  • Valence-sur-Baïse

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Archéologie des campagnes et histoire rurale (Moyen Âge – époque moderne)

    Deuxième école d'été d'histoire rurale de Flaran

    « Archéologie des campagnes et histoire rurale – Moyen Age et époque moderne » : le thème choisi pour cette édition 2013 de l’école d’été d’histoire rurale permettra de s’interroger sur les relations entre l’histoire et l’archéologie rurale. Plus que les oppositions, ce sont d’abord les relations, les combinaisons et les interrelations disciplinaires qui nous semblent devoir être questionnées à travers les différentes traditions scientifiques européennes (Angleterre, Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie). Ce tour d’horizon européen constituera l’intérêt majeur de l’école d’été 2013. La réflexion mettra également l’accent sur le développement récent de l’archéologie moderne, ou post-médiévale, pratiquée en Angleterre et en Italie, par exemple, mais qui reste encore embryonnaire dans plusieurs pays européens et sur l’apport et les modalités de recherche de l’archéologie préventive.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Études urbaines

    Tackling Urban Fragmentation

    Alternative Approaches to Urban Regeneration

    Les organisateurs de cette journée d’étude s'intéressent aux initiatives visant à introduire des projets innovants dans les villes, en particulier les villes ayant subi des transformations radicales ces vingt dernières années. Nous nous intéressons à des situations où les approches traditionnelles sont influencées par des stratégies nouvelles initiées par des groupes de pression composés d’architectes/designers, de groupes d’habitants ou des gouvernements locaux (municipalités ou autre). Cette journée d’étude souhaite explorer la question du recours à l’expertise des habitants ou des spécialistes du terrain dans le domaine de la rénovation urbaine : cette expertise est-elle intégrée dans des projets ? Comment ? Peut-elle servir à répondre au phénomène accru de fragmentation urbaine ?

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  • Londres

    Séminaire - Études urbaines

    Ambiances & Atmospheres in Translation

    Many authors, from the second half of the nineteenth century onwards, have struggled to implement a sensitive approach to urban modernity. How to be attentive to changes in the urban world and the minute variations of the ordinary? From the aesthetic thought of Simmel to Goffman’s ecological approach, the philosophies of everydayness in anthropology, from Laplantine to Kracauer and White, to Wittgenstein, Bégout, and Rancière, work has described, translated and called into question the role of ambiance and atmosphere in the construction of urban life. Coalescing around notions of ambiance or atmosphere, notable research trajectories have interlaced disciplinary concerns within urban studies, cultural geography, sociology and architecture, especially in relation to interconnected concepts such as affect, place, aura, and ecology. Rarely, however, have these trajectories actually met or collided.

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  • Francfort-sur-l'Oder | Słubice

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Phantom Borders in the Political Behaviour and Electoral Geography in East Central Europe

    We understand phantom borders as political borders, which politically/legally do not exist anymore but seem to appear in different forms and modes of social action and practices today, as for example voting as one part of political behaviour. The conference deals with historical borders, made visible in discourses and maps concerning political behavior, as for instance in electoral maps. Our aim is to challenge the historical interrelation of current political behaviour, the involvement of geopolitical images, internal as external governance contexts and transnational networks for (re)constructing historical borders as phantom borders. We are interested in case studies especially about East Central Europe, but also in studies from all over the world combining qualitative and quantitative approaches, addressing the main questions of the conference. Case studies may address different levels and scales from local to transnational.

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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Ambiance and Atmosphere in Translation

    After "Ambience and Urban Practices", and "Ambience and Criticism", this third meeting of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche funded project "Enigmas of contemporary urban mobility”, organized within the framework of the International Ambiances Network, will develop a conversation between ambiance, atmosphere and translation. But how to translate? If translation is understood as a practice of "linguistic hospitality", as an experience of transition and mediation, what form might translation take? How might, in other words, the transition occur between the "daily" word and the word of the "expert", between that of the "living" and that of the "foreign"? How to make shareable experiences beyond the singularity expressed in different languages and cultures? What media or combination of media could help us achieve this?

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Les villes morcelées : quelles approches alternatives pour la rénovation urbaine ?

    Tackling Urban Fragmentation. Alternative Approaches to Urban Regeneration

    This one day conference invites researchers working on initiatives aiming at introducing innovative urban regeneration projects in cities across Europe, particularly cities affected by radical re-modellings over the last twenty years. We are looking for instances of administrative traditions being challenged towards exploratory strategies by lobbying groups of architects/designers, or local communities, or even local governments. This conference wants to explore if and how the expertise of uses from inhabitants and field workers in urban regeneration processes may be integrated to learn about possible ways of challenging the emerging patterns of urban fragmentation.

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  • Montréal

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Le Québec des années 1960 et son ouverture sur le monde

    Au cours des années 1960, le Québec s’ouvre sur le monde. Tant au niveau politique, économique que social et culturel, il cherche à créer, et dans certains cas, à recréer des liens avec l’extérieur dans le but d’accélérer son processus de modernisation. Le groupe de recherche GRIQUERE (2005) désire faire le point sur le sujet en organisant un colloque visant, d’une part, à rendre compte des progrès récents dans les connaissances à ce niveau et d’autre part, identifier les domaines qui ont jusqu’ici été négligés afin d’orienter les recherches futures / During 1960s, Quebec opens to the world. Both at the political, economic, social and cultural levels, Quebec tries to create, and in some cases, to recreate links with the outside world in a way to accelerate its process of modernization. The group of research GRIQUERE (2005) wishes to review the subject by organizing a colloquium aiming, on one hand, to report recent progress in the knowledge at this level and on the other hand, to identify the fields which were neglected up to here to direct the future researches.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Transforming South-East Asian Cities: a View from the Grassroots

    7th EuroSEAS Conference – 7th groupe "Environment, cities and housing", panel 72

    Based on empirical approaches, the aim of this panel is to analyze contemporary urban dynamics at the local scale in Southeast Asian cities. In particular we will address mechanisms of urban change, as they can be seen at the neighborhood level. With the ongoing transformations, both in city centers and in the peripheries, are there new forms of urban practices, of resistance? What is the role of the people at the grassroots in such transformations? These interactions can be read from such scales as the home, the street and the neighborhood. From this viewpoint, how can we consider urban oppositional processes, for instance a formal sector to an informal one, public actors to private ones, the authorities to citizens?

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