AccueilLieuxAmérique du SudBrésil

AccueilLieuxAmérique du SudBrésil

  • Lisbonne | Rio de Janeiro

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Sensory Explorations, Ambiances in a Changing World

    5th International Congress on Ambiances

    This conference gathers scientific contributions from academics, practitioners, artists, and doctoral students engaged in the study of architectural and urban atmospheres. Together, they illuminate the diversity of themes and issues within this field, presenting the latest research, projects, and methodological approaches. This Congress on Ambiances explores current concerns, debates, theories, policy issues, and cultural practices, drawing on multidisciplinary expertise from areas such as anthropology, architecture, landscape, computer science, cultural studies, design, engineering, geography, musicology, psychology, sociology, urban studies, and more.

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  • Salvador

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    IX Colóquio de Cinema e Arte na América Latina

    A comissão organizadora do IX Colóquio de Cinema e Arte na América Latina (COCAAL) tem a satisfação de informar que está aberta a chamada de trabalhos para o evento, que acontecerá na cidade de Salvador, entre os dias 19 e 22 de setembro de 2023, na Faculdade de Comunicação da Universidade Federal da Bahia. O tema do COCAAL 2023 é Latinidades Afro-ameríndias e o prazo para envio de propostas de mesas pré-constituídas e comunicações livres é até o dia 30 de abril. Serão aceitos trabalhos em português e espanhol.

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  • Rio de Janeiro

    Informations diverses - Études urbaines

    What is an egalitarian city?

    In this roundtable, professors Jonathan Wolff (University of Oxford) and Avner de-Shalit (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) will discuss their work in progress, focused on the topic of urban injustices. Employing a methodological approach merging normative expertise with applied reflections, supported by data from interviews with over 180 people worldwide, Wolff and de-Shalit set out to conceptualize a city in which individuals relate to each other as equals.

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  • São Paulo

    Colloque - Études urbaines

    Urban Injustices: Normative Ideas and Practices

    Hosted by the Centre for Metropolitan Studies (CEM) at the University of São Paulo (USP), this event aims to create a forum for novel academic debates by combining reflections on concepts and theories in contemporary political philosophy with empirical claims by groups that suffer from such injustices, along with normative justifications that support fairer and more egalitarian cities.

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  • Belo Horizonte

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Contemporary Aesthetics: Dialogues through Art, Culture and Media

    By choosing the topic “Contemporary Aesthetics: Dialogues through Art, Culture and Media” as its main theme, the organizing committee of the 22nd International Congress of Aesthetics (ICA 22) aims at the increasing and deepening of the discussion by today’s practitioners of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art, about the modes, through which this field of knowledge could contribute to enhance peaceful and fruitful contacts among the most different people and cultures of the world. 

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  • Belo Horizonte

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Sédimentation : vers une archéologie du texte et de l'image

    XIIIe congrès international de l’« International association of word and image studies » (IAWIS) / Association international pour l’étude des rapports entre texte et image (AIERTI)

    Le XIIIe congrès international l’Association international pour l’étude des rapports entre texte et image (AIERTI), qui se déroulera en bimodal du 28 août au 01 septembre 2023 à l’université fédérale du Minas Gerais (Brésil), a choisi pour thème la sédimentation. Il vise à articuler une réflexion autour de l’archéologie du texte et de l’image. Ce terme, dans le sens littéral et métaphorique, permettra d’aborder les questions historiques, théoriques et thématiques qui traversent les productions culturelles, littéraires et artistiques, tout en considérant les tensions, les articulations et les oscillations entre le mot et l’image.

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  • Belo Horizonte

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Le remploi, l’appropriation, la répétition : transferts entre la littérature, le théâtre et le cinéma

    Reutilização, apropriação, repetição: transferências entre a literatura, o teatro e cinema

    Les déplacements, les appropriations et les hybridations, enfin, les recyclages et les remplois, constituent des traits distinctifs d’une partie importante des productions culturelles, au moins dès le début du XXIe siècle. Dans la littérature comme dans le cinéma, on perçoit des pratiques et procédés qui visent à réélaborer, remployer, modifier, transcrire, arranger par la répétition. Nous invitons les chercheuses et chercheurs à proposer des communications en privilégiant la répétition comme axe de réflexion autour des pratiques médiatiques entre littérature, cinéma et théâtre.

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  • São Carlos

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Sociologie

    Forest citizenship for disaster resilience: learning from COVID-19

    Postdoctoral fellowship of the Research Project Trans-Atlantic Platform (FAPESP/ESRC/NSF)

    The Project “Forest citizenship for disaster resilience: learning from COVID-19” and the Department of Sociology at Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) are receiving applications for one postdoctoral (PD) scholarship to develop research on forest citizenship in Amazonia. This scholarship is associated with the Trans-Atlantic Platform, supported by FAPESP Grant 2021/07558-3, directed by Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Constante Martins in Brazil, Luke Parry in the United Kingdom, and Peter Newton in the United States. The main goal of this postdoctoral fellowship, which was pre-approved by the Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), is to investigate how forest peoples, notably rural communities and riverine populations, have made use of specific practices and actions to face the pandemic of COVID-19, and how the strategies adopted by these social groups - outside the established institutional circuits - have been constituted as important instruments for the maintenance of their ways of life.

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  • Belo Horizonte

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Contemporary Aesthetics: Dialogues through Art, Culture and Media

    ICA22 - 22nd International Congress of Aesthetics

    The 22nd International Congress of Aesthetics (ICA 2022) Belo Horizonte aims at the increasing and deepening of the discussion by today’s practitioners of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art, about the modes, through which this field of knowledge could contribute to enhance peaceful and fruitful contacts among the most different people and cultures of the world.

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  • São Paulo

    Appel à contribution - Information

    Symposium international de cinéma et analyse filmique

    Son objectif premier sera d'approfondir les échanges de recherche autour de l’analyse filmique, en rapprochant différentes perspectives, développements théorico-méthodologiques et ses emplois en multiples disciplines. Il nous intéresse l’étude des images et sons en mouvement, les définitions d’analyse filmique, les études de cas, les transformations tout au long des temps, les approches les approches au-delà des frontières du cinéma, ainsi que les dialogues avec d’autres arts et domaines des Sciences Humaines.

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  • Rio de Janeiro

    Colloque - Histoire

    Relações Luso-Brasileiras: gentes e paisagens em movimento

    X colóquio do Polo de Pesquisas Luso Brasileiras

    Este colóquio multidisciplinar terá como tema as Relações Luso-Brasileiras: Gentes e paisagens em movimento. O Polo de Pesquisas Luso-Brasileiras - PPLB está sediado no Real Gabinete Português de Leitura, Rio de Janeiro. Para marcar esses 20 anos, reúnem-se no X Colóquio, virtual, de 26 a 30 de abril de 2021, palestrantes nacionais e internacionais de grande relevância crítica ao lado de jovens docentes e pesquisadores, para abordar as seguintes temáticas: Estudos sobre o Real Gabinete; Estudos geográficos, ecológico e turísticos; Estudos linguísticos, literários e interartísticos; Estudos históricos, políticos e do patrimônio cultural; Estudos interdisciplinares de diversidade e inovação; Estudos sobre deslocamentos, migrantes, exilados, retornados, refugiados.

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  • João Pessoa

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    História e cultura material da Era Viking

    IX Colóquio de Estudos Vikings e Escandinavos

    A nova edição do Colóquio de estudos Vikings e Escandinavos retoma uma perspectiva mais voltada aos estudos históricos e arqueológicos, imprescindíveis para uma compressão objetiva dos aspectos sociais e culturais envolvendo o período da Alta Idade Média na Escandinávia. A nova edição do evento busca se adequar nas atuais interpretações sobre a História e Historiografia do mundo nórdico, mas também reforçar o estudo das fontes materiais em seus variados aspectos, concedendo aos pesquisadores latino-americanos e falantes da língua portuguesa novas possibilidades de investigações, diálogos e perspectivas.

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  • Viçosa

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Transferts culturels

    Ce dossier souhaite approfondir la réflexion autour des transferts culturels, soit concernant la théorie littéraire, soit concernant les rencontres des littératures dans plusieurs domaines. Il souhaite aussi ouvrir, de la sorte, des perspectives nouvelles au sein de l’historiographie culturelle. Depuis des décennies, les études et les recherches des circulations culturelles sont un champ particulièrement riche des échanges entre les pays européens et aussi entre les divers continents.

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  • Viçosa

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Nouveaux regards sur la fantasy

    Revue Jangada #18 – Décembre 2021

    Le comité organisateur de ce numéro de la revue Jangada, de l’université fédérale de Viçosa, invite les chercheurs et chercheuses à soumettre des articles sur la fantasy, catégorie de grande présence dans la littérature contemporaine. Nous vous invitons spécialement à soumettre des réflexions sur les questions structurales et thématiques de ce genre, mais nous intéresserons également aux articles dont l’analyse est centrée sur des œuvres qui n’ont pas encore été étudiées, hors les contextes anglophones où la fantasy est apparue, et à l’articulation des relations entre les différents médias à travers lesquels elle s’est répandue. Les travaux en perspective comparée sont également encouragés.

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  • São Carlos

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Challenges, Trends and Research: Audiovisual Screenwriting

    From connoisseurs, amateurs, consecrated authors, curious people, to people interested in professionalizing, we have seen the growing interest in Screenplay Writing for Cinema and Audiovisual products, in the last twenty years, in Brazil. Initially, slowly, but then at an exponential pace as a result of market changes, the new perspectives provided by technologies, the possibilities for new expressive and participative experiences, the diversification of distribution formats and platforms and, mainly, the easy access to information on the topic that has fueled this trend. In the professional aspect, the consolidation of ABRA, Brazilian Screenwriters Authors Association - in 2017, resulting from the merger of two previous associations, elevated the professional screenwriter from a previously unstable status and highlighted him towards his autonomy.

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  • Rio das Ostras

    Séminaire - Pensée

    Encontro de estudos sobre Michel Foucault: História da sexualidade e biopolítica

    Realizado pelo Grupo de Estudos “Introdução ao Pensamento de Michel Foucault”, da UFF – IHS – RPS, projeto de extensão vinculado ao Laboratório de Estudos sobre Subjetividade, Ética e Política da UFF-RPS.

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  • Recife

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    1956-1958 : une époque de révolutions qui changèrent l’Afrique (et le monde)

    The objective of this panel is to compare the various social mobilizations that took place in Africa during the years 1956-1958 and which arguably constitute a historical watershed. The main aim of the panel is not the making of an abstract comparative analysis, but the analysis, based on the testimonial material collected, of how the memory of these events has been structured over time. Moreover, we are interested in understanding what the impacts of these social movements were on the structuring of states and what continuities can be found between the mobilizations of that period and the ary social mobilizations that have shaken the continent in the last ten years, from the ‘Arab Spring’ of 2011 onwards.

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  • São Leopoldo

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    In Search of Rights: social movements, judicial institutions and public policies

    Ciências Sociais Unisinos Vol. 56, nº 3 (september - december 2020)

    The global expansion of the judiciary and access to justice has highlighted institutions of the justice system that focus on defending social rights. Realizing the judicial path as an important way in the search for access to health rights, education, social assistance, among others, social movements began to equip themselves legally to work with judicial institutions. Judicial and also extrajudicial appeals, without the so-called judicialization, are increasingly frequent. The proposed Dossier aims to present the debate on the effects of interaction between social movements, judicial institutions and public policies, theoretically and empirically discussing questions about how social movements mobilize law and judicial institutions to claim and guarantee access to rights? How does this interaction impact the production of public policies? How do mobilizations through judicial institutions affect the different stages of public policy? What are the new governance standards installed from these interactions? And, on the other hand, what are the effects of the use of judicial strategy on social movements?



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  • São Leopoldo

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Institutions, Public Policies and Development in Times of Global

    Ciências Sociais Unisinos

    Ciências Sociais Unisinos is published three times a year by Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos/Brazil) and prints unpublished articles that contribute to the reflection and the interdisciplinar study of Social Sciences. 

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  • João Pessoa

    Appel à contribution - Droit

    Direito e crise em tempos de pandemia: a emergência de novos marcos regulatório

    Número especial da «Prim@ Facie», revista do PPGCJ/UFPB

    O Conselho Editorial e os Editores da Prim@Facie informam que está aberto o processo de seleção de artigos, de pesquisadores nacionais e estrangeiros, para integrar o volume 19 (ano 2020), os quais comporão o número especial «Direito e Crise em Tempos de Pandemia: a emergência de novos marcos regulatórios». O dossiê propõe-se a problematizar, a partir do campo da investigação do Direito e do Desenvolvimento, as questões emergentes da situação mundial atual, contribuindo para o avanço da pesquisa jurídica e suas implicações na resolução de problemas emergentes, nos mais variados campos das Ciências Jurídicas.

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