

  • Istanbul

    Call for papers - Geography

    International migration in the XXIst century–II

    The second conference organized by the Research Center of Global Education and Culture of Yeditepe University will be conducted on the theme “International Migration in the XXIst century” with the participation of academicians and international migration specialists. The conference will take place on the 10-11 October 2017, in the Yeditepe University in Istanbul.

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  • Istanbul

    Call for papers - Geography

    International migrations in the 21st century

    The first conference organized by the Research Center of Global Education and Culture of Yeditepe University will be conducted on the theme “International Migration in the XXIst century”. The topics of the conferences will be: international migration, the refugee problem, international migration and the security problem, illegal migration, smuggling of migrants, migration policies (at state and institutional level), brain drain, forced migration, labor migration, migration and culture, the integration of migrants, women migrant, diasporas and minorities, migration and development, etc.

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  • Paris

    Conference, symposium - Asia

    Uyghur study week

    Parij Uyghurshunasliq Heptiliki

    Les Ouïghours sont un peuple vivant dans l’Ouest de la Chine, au sein de la région autonome ouïghoure que traversait jadis la route de la soie. L’exceptionnelle richesse de leur culture est un domaine d’étude que privilégient les universitaires de nombreux pays. La semaine d'études ouïghoures à Paris (INALCO, EPHE / GSRL / CNRS, Sciences-Po / CERI / GRAC et université Paris 7) aura lieu du 18 au 22 novembre, et sera l'occasion d'un colloque international, d'ateliers (lectures, calligraphie, cuisine et danse), de dégustation de la cuisine ouïghoure et de deux concerts.

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  • Istanbul

    Call for papers - History

    Not All Quiet on the Ottoman Fronts

    Neglected Perspectives on a Global War, 1914-18

    As World War I was the central founding experience of the twentieth century and thus needs to be discussed in relation to various segments of society and on several levels, we believe that its 100th anniversary is the appropriate moment to bring together recent research on the Ottoman theater of the war based on the various traditions of this new military history established in the last 30 years and assess where we stand today in our knowledge of the World War and where we are headed. We therefore invite papers that develop existing approaches and questions to a further level. On this basis these papers will aid us in entering into a comparative, and where possible transnational, perspective of the war.

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