HomeSubjectsSocietyPolitical studies
Call for papers - Political studies
The International Recognition of the Armenian Genocide
Memorial, Political, and Geopolitical Stakes of a Decades-Long Unfinished Struggle
The central aim of this international conference is to study how and why, since the end of the Second World War and more significantly since the 1960s, international actors have positioned themselves on the matter of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide—as well as how and why their respective positions have evolved over time. A principal concrete goal will be to analyze and compare the processes of recognizing (or refusing to recognize) the Armenian Genocide across a number of state governments, national and international stakeholders, and institutions at the local or provincial level, in order to understand when, why, and how some adopt clear positions in favor of recognition while others remain ambivalent. Diplomatic relations and geopolitical engagement with Turkey is often cited as a major determinant in navigating these processes; while this is an important factor, it should not mask or overshadow the recognition processes themselves, which are often deeply complex and balance the interests of a multiplicity of stakeholders on the issue.
Call for papers - Political studies
Financing humanitarian aid and development in the Middle East since the mid-19th century
Cet atelier exploratoire abordera les ressources financières de l’aide transnationale, leur gestion et leur circulation, en examinant les pratiques, les discours et les stratégies mises en œuvre, de l'émergence de l'humanitaire moderne, autour de la crise de 1860 au Liban, jusqu’aux récents bouleversements tels que la guerre en Syrie. L’analyse sera menée à diverses échelles, avec une attention aux réflexions sur le temps long et aux interrelations entre le local et le global. Il s'agit de mettre en dialogue diverses approches des sciences humaines et sociales, ainsi que savoirs académiques et pratiques. Sont particulièrement bienvenues les propositions portant sur un cas d’étude, un corpus de sources, un retour de terrain, des outils techniques et méthodologiques.
Call for papers - Political studies
« À l’évidence, l’Asie est la région la moins francophone du monde ». Ce constat, dressé il y a 15 ans, semble toujours d’actualité et particulièrement valable pour l’Asie du Nord-Est. Faudrait-il pour autant en conclure qu’il ne se passe rien ou pas grand-chose concernant la francophonie dans cette région du monde ? Ce serait assurément aller trop vite en besogne. Mais peut-être faudrait-il d’abord poser les termes du débat et expliquer ce qu’on entend par « Asie du Nord-Est » et la « francophonie » dans cette région.
Call for papers - Representation
How can we look at Iranian cinema and the visual arts in relation to Iran today when the country has been experiencing an important episode of uprising and resistance, since September 16, 2022? Indeed, as in 1979, 1999, and 2009, and as in 2017 and 2018, it is obvious that images play a decisive role in the constitution of events. Iranian artists and filmmakers are indeed demonstrating an exceptional mobilization and effervescence in order to bear witness to the ongoing protests, but also to support them and mobilize international public opinion.
George Town
Social Changes in Contemporary Southeast Asia
Exploring New Forms of Labour Regimes
As social, ethnic or religious, identity or position in the political hierarchy is more often pronounced in Southeast Asian societies, labour is rarely at the centre. In particular, labour does not often appear to be at the root of the formation of inequalities. In reality, the labour factor - including migrant labour - clearly fuels the regional dynamics of growth, and enables trade specialisation just as its mobilisation has, in the colonial past, enabled insertion into the international division of labour. This conference seeks to bring labour back in at the centre of the analysis. Offering a rare opportunity to pay tribute to the main oeuvres and pioneering authors in the field in Southeast Asia, it will open space to recent ongoing research on social changes with respect to labour relations, working conditions, labour norms, and wages.
Call for papers - Political studies
Premier colloque biennal d’études françaises contemporaines (société, culture, politique, économie)
(همایش دو سالانه مطالعات فرانسه در دوران معاصر (جامعه، فرهنگ، سیاست و اقتصاد فرانسه
Nombreux sont les domaines dans lesquels peuvent investir l’Iran et la France, dans leurs relations scientifiques et culturelles. De l’enseignement à la gastronomie, il existe un vaste éventail de secteurs qui se présentent aux coopérations culturelles et scientifiques entre les deux pays. Le colloque international des « Études françaises contemporaines », organisé par l’université de Téhéran, se veut une occasion privilégiée de rencontres et de discussions entre les chercheurs et scientifiques qui sont invités à discuter de la France contemporaine dans tous ses aspects.
Sociological Perspectives on Synod and Synodality in the Roman Catholic Church
37e conférence de la Société internationale pour la sociologie des religions
L’objectif de cette session est de réunir des chercheurs travaillant sur les synodes catholiques contemporains et la synodalité dans une perspective sociologique. Les contributions de ceux qui travaillent sur les questions de gouvernance religieuse, de changement institutionnel et de relations entre l’Église et la société, à tous les niveaux d'analyse, de la paroisse à la curie, sont les bienvenues.
Eurasian legal systems in a world in transition
Economic prosperity or disparity, and the return of politics in international law
The pace of history has accelerated in recent years and even months, well beyond a new cold-war dynamic. Trading nations entertain friendly commerce relations but they also engage in trade- and information-wars, thereby mixing regional construction and inter-regional deconstruction; that is, merging economic integration and political disintegration. Eurasia, with half of the world population, would represent, if economically and regionally integrated, the greatest consumer market and productive capacity on earth. Considering this geo-political/economic background, the question is simply whether such a Eurasian economic integration is achievable or not. Here, the “return of politics” through the neo-role played by States in Covid-management and, from 2022, in international economic law and other wider issues, is proving a challenge for analysts of the ‘legalisation’ of regions.
Musaffah City
Impact and prospects of the Abu Dhabi declaration for the living together of Christians and Muslims
While it is difficult to assess fully something that is still unfolding, PLURIEL 4th International Congress aims to provide a forum for the discussion and evaluation of the reception of the Document on Human Fraternity on the occasion of its 5th anniversary. What has been the impact so far of the Document on Human Fraternity concerning the coexistence of Christians and Muslims around the globe? As in previous editions, the Congress will bring together the perspectives of scholars of multiple disciplines. It will be organized according to three main areas of analysis, while allowing for overlaps: sociojuridical, geopolitical, theological-dialogical.
« Arts » – Special issue
This special issue of Arts aims to explore this notion of autonomy across all art forms and politics and the ways that we might both reassert and critique the autonomy of art from social purpose; to paraphrase Adorno, perhaps the social function of art is not to have a social function. We welcome papers that address these key debates and critiques.
Aubervilliers | Delhi
Conference, symposium - Political studies
Engaging with categories in South Asia: processes, challenges and implications
22nd International Workshop by the Youth Association for Indian Studies
As researchers in social sciences, we are constantly confronting categories. While categorization is an inevitable process, the division and classification of the social world is not neutral. It entails choices and has implications. Some of these choices may be determined by institutions, others informally emerge within society, and still others are made by researchers for analytical purposes. In any case, categorisation can leave a lasting imprint on social and political structures, as in the South Asian context.
Scholarship, prize and job offer - Sociology
Post-Doctoral Research position at the Centre for social sciences and humanities (CSH - UMIFRE)
The Centre for social sciences and humanities (CSH) invites applications for a Post-Doctoral research position in social sciences. Reputed multidisciplinary research centre in social sciences on South Asia, the CSH is engaged in research in all disciplines of the social sciences (anthropology, economics, geography, history, political science, sociology, urban studies, etc.).
Understanding Gradients of Political Engagements
Citizenship and Identity in South Asia
Historian and political scientists of South Asia have been dealing with the ascent of postcolonial state and the form of citizenships in South Asia. The meteoric rise of postcolonial theory, subaltern school of historiography to be precise made efforts in bringing the role of ideas and culture in shaping state, community and political narratives. Notwithstanding these insights still this literature failed to bring in one very important thing; a comparative lens to study informal politics in the region. The social transformation and process of democratization has appeared to be inching ahead across the region from Nepal to Bangladesh. Therefore, increasingly a cross country perspective is required combining interdisciplinary approaches and methodologies (qualitative, quantitative) to develop a comparative perspective of way social and cultural factors influence informal politics in South Asia.
Conference, symposium - Religion
True acceptance of otherness in a globalized and pluralistic world allows us to measure the capacity of religious, philosophical or political thought to fit in and assume the contemporary societal dynamics inherent to globalization (Taylor). This acceptance is not devoid of resistance that stem from the rise of entrenched identity expressions founded in particularly on a vision of equality that is based on the “similar” which assumes a historical-ethnic or religious identity. (Pierre Rosanvallon, La Société des égaux, Paris, Seuil, 2011.). The congress “Islam and Otherness” proposes to reflect on how Islam fits into this societal movement beyond identity resistance.
Patrimoine et environnement dans l’espace urbain
École doctorale GIS MOMM / Institut français d’études anatoliennes
Le groupement d’intérêt scientifique Moyen-Orient et mondes musulmans (GIS MOMM, CNRS UAR 2999) et l’Institut français d’études anatoliennes (IFEA) organisent une école doctorale sur le thème « patrimoine et environnement dans l’espace urbain ». Cette école doctorale s’adresse aux étudiantes et étudiants inscrit-e-s en doctorat, année préparatoire au doctorat (APD) ou dernière année de master-recherche dans la perspective de préparer un doctorat ; dans toutes les sciences humaines et sociales (sociologie, science politique, géographie, ethnologie, anthropologie, histoire, histoire de l’art, architecture, urbanisme, droit) ; et dont les travaux sont consacrés aux aires géographiques turque, centrasiatique, kurde, ottomane et post-ottomane (méditerranéenne, balkanique ou caucasienne).
The judicialization of social and environmental issues in Japan
Continuities, transformations, evolutions
This special edition aims to gain insight into how the use of the legal system and litigation have evolved. In Japan, recourse to the courts is relatively rare, but litigations have increased since the end of the 1980s in areas such as labour, consumer protection, family law and, more recently, climate change. Is a process of “judicialization” (shihōka) underway in Japan?
Call for papers - Epistemology and methodology
Social sciences and Humanities: between constant/static and changing/change
This forum represents a process of developing the field of social and human sciences, as it is a gathering of disciplines and addresses an important problem in scientific research, which is the way the researcher sees the curricula used in this field with different specializations (political gloom, international relations, economics, law, advertising and communication, Sociology, psychology, history, geography, archeology, anthropology, literature, linguistics, sports sciences), and what they represent in terms of relativity according to the background of the vision, subjectivity and objectivity of the researcher, and the extent to which, he is able to enforce the theoretical framework of the various purities since they depend on the complexity of In terms of understanding, analyzing and interpreting the phenomenon, and in terms of intertwining between disciplines, one phenomenon is cross-disciplinary and overlaps between them.
Social sciences and Humanities: between constant/static and changing/change
This forum represents a process of developing the field of social sciences and humanities, as it is a gathering of disciplines and addresses an important problem in scientific research, which is the way the researcher sees the curricula used in this field with its different specializations (political sciences, international relations, economics, law, media and communication, Sociology, psychology, history, geography, archaeology, anthropology, literature, linguistics, sports sciences), and what they represent in terms of relativity according to the background of the vision, subjectivity and objectivity of the researcher, and the extent to which he is able to explain the theoretical framework of different phenomena since they depend on the complexity of In terms of understanding, analyzing and interpreting the phenomenon, and in terms of intertwining between disciplines, one phenomenon is cross-disciplinary and overlaps between them.
Da Nang
From the Port to the World. A Global History of Indochinese Ports (1858-1956)
In order to pave the way for the writing of a global history of Indochinese ports under colonial rule, a two-day international conference will be held October 27-28, 2022 at the University of Đà Nẵng in Việt Nam. By bringing together researchers from Việt Nam, France and beyond, this conference will aim to establish the current state of research on a question that remains largely unexplored. It will address the ports of the Indochinese Union (Việt Nam, Laos, Cambodia) in all their aspects (colonial and imperial, economic, social and cultural, military and strategic, etc.), at the crossroads of different historiographies, different disciplines, and with a comparative approach in mind
Call for papers - Epistemology and methodology
Le 4 août 2020, à 18h07, au Liban, une double explosion secoue le port de Beyrouth. 2 700 tonnes de nitrate d'ammonium partent en fumée, dévastant sur leur chemin des quartiers entiers. Plus de 200 morts, plus de 6000 blessés, plus de 7000 familles se retrouvant sans abri : tel est le triste bilan de cette catastrophe. En prenant appui sur cet évènement mais sans vouloir s’y limiter, ce numéro d’InteraXXIons se propose d’interroger cette thématique à la lumière des sciences humaines. À travers l’histoire, plusieurs catastrophes semblables ont eu lieu (à Toulouse, à Fukushima, à Gênes, à Tchernobyl…). Au-delà de la lamentation, de la fascination, de la sidération, de la déploration, du ressentiment, que diffuse la catastrophe ?
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