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6 Events
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Les relations culturelles européennes au sein du Triangle de Weimar
Constellations – jalons – tournants – perspectives
La troisième édition du colloque international Les relations culturelles européennes au sein du Triangle de Weimar se concentre sur les constellations culturelles, historiques et politiques qui permettent et favorisent le transfert culturel entre la France, la Pologne et l’Allemagne. Une attention particulière sera accordée aux jalons et césures dans l’histoire jusqu’à nos jours, ainsi qu’à leurs répercussions sur la coopération européenne dans un contexte trinational. En mettant en avant des perspectives qui peuvent être historiques, contemporaines et/ou tournées vers l’avenir, le colloque souhaite être une plateforme de discussion autour des défis socio-politiques influant sur la réalité quotidienne des citoyen·ne·s européen·ne·s, pour lesquels il s’agit de trouver des solutions supranationales.
Information visualisation in Humanities
The previous edition of the visualization of information took place in 2015 and was related to computer science. In 2017 we focus on the use of visualization in the humanities, and in particular book- and information sciences, history, cultural studies and the arts. The purpose of this event is to increase awareness about the importance of scientific communication in graphical form among Polish humanists, and integration of academic community for experience exchange in the field of the art of visualization.
The Florian Znaniecki Scientific Foundation founded in 1989 plans to publish a volume, as part of the Sociological Monographs series, with a working title “Contemporary migrations in the humanistic coefficient perspective. Florian Znaniecki’s thought in today’s science”. Therefore, we would like to invite you to send us the original, previously unpublished, English-language works devoted to the application of Florian Znaniecki’s thought in contemporary migration research.
Study days - Epistemology and methodology
Por uma Ciência Humboldtiana entre Polônia, Brasil e Alemanha
Um simpósio transareal
O evento dedica-se a Alexander von Humboldt, bem como aos contextos e circunstâncias de uma Ciência Humboldtiana entre Polônia, Brasil e Alemanha. O nome Humboldt evoca aqui tanto o objeto partilhado entre diversos trabalhos no âmbito das ciências da cultura, quanto o modelo de uma ciência transdisciplinar e transareal. Grupos de pesquisa que assumem para si o desafio transareal precisam contar não apenas com a competência intercultural dos pesquisadores e pesquisadoras em particular, mas também com a efetiva colaboração entre instituições, para além do intercâmbio bilateral.
The digital revolution is resulting in social, economic and political transformations. These changes are often conceptualized using the term "digital ecosystem" – understood/conceived as infosphere enriched by social and economic values. We propose the notion of "digital ecosystem" as the starting point of analysis for new interdisciplinary approaches, both theoretical and applied. Are the contemporary environments of work, economy, science, culture, politics and information becoming digital ecosystems?
Summer school: creation and the use of corpuses of Medieval texts
The COST “Medioevo Europeo” Working Group 3 (Dictionaries and texts) is organising a six-day training school that will provide an introduction to the creation and use of textual corpora in the historical and linguistic research.
6 Events
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- Summer School (1)
- Europe (5)