HomeSubjectsMind and language

HomeSubjectsMind and language

  • Call for papers - Middle Ages

    Between Art and Life: the Gargantuan World of Medieval Laughter

    For this special issue of Vox medii aevi, dedicated to the modern interpretations of medieval humour, comedy, and laughter, we invite original research addressing the subjects of perception and appropriateness of laughter in the eyes of the church and lay authors and authorities; laughter as a form of mystical experience; ritualized laughter; laughter as a didactic weapon; laughter as an instrument of social control; and gendered experiences of laughter.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - Language

    Minority languages spoken or signed and inclusive spaces

    The objective of this international conference is to question the way social “inclusive” spaces (schools, universities, cultural centers, public services…) take into consideration minor languages (or not). It aims at fostering original and innovative initiatives in their psychological, social, glottopolitical, anthropological, linguistic, pedagogical, didactical and digital dimensions, and discussing those topics.

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  • Saint-Denis | Nanterre

    Call for papers - Modern

    1917-2017: Comparative Looks on the Soviet Artistic Avant-Gardes

    The Soviet artistic avant-gardes have been raising a specific interest for a long time. For instance, their multiple practices, their theoretical apparatus, their opuses as well as the influences they exerted have been largely surveyed by the academic world. Ever since the 1990’s a reappraisal of the multiple reuses and reinterpretations of those “avant-gardes” have been carried out. Our international symposium aims to question and put into context that reappraisal and the renewal it induces in the field of scholarly research. The year 2017 as an historical landmark, the centenary of the Russian revolutions, offers a conducive environment for such reflections and thoughts. While evocating various and contradictory narratives, this centenary leads to rethink the vast array of meanings embodied by the revolutionary events as well as to shed a new light on the opuses they produced or lived through.

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  • Bordeaux

    Call for papers - Europe

    From Bordeaux to Saint Petersburg, Marius Petipa (1818-1910) and the "Russian" Ballet

    The great academic ballet, known as « Russian ballet », is the product of a historical process initiated in 18th century in Russia and completed in the second part of 19th century by Victor-Marius-Alphonse Petipa (1818-1910), principal ballet master of the Saint Petersburg Imperial Theatres from 1869 to his death. The Bordeaux symposium will launch a wide range of events which will culminate in 2018 in Marseilles, Marius Petipa‘s hometown, where the bicentenary of his birth will be celebrated. 

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  • Paris

    Study days - Europe

    Passé, présent, avenir de l'Islam en Russie : entre la recherche et le discours public

    La situation politique, économique et sociale de la Russie a été marquée depuis le milieu des années 2000 par une remontée de la xénophobie, dans son expression islamophobe en particulier, dont maints observateurs donnent pour raison l’intensification récente des migrations de travail en provenance du Caucase (Nord et Sud) et de l’Asie Centrale anciennement soviétiques. Ces trois dernières années, en outre, les lendemains de “printemps arabes” créaient dans l’opinion russe l’impression, entretenue par le pouvoir politique et les média, d’une coalition d’intérêts antirusses au Proche-Orient alliant puissances occidentales et pays de la péninsule Arabique soutenant l’aile la plus religieuse des mouvements révolutionnaires sunnites actuels.

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  • Call for papers - History

    Communications and media in the USSR and Eastern Europe

    Technologies, politics, cultures, social practices

    In the social sciences, communications are considered fundamental to the constitution of any society. The technologies and infrastructures for communications are also social institutions in their own right, with their own specific historical trajectories.  With this in mind, we can assume that political regimes that abuse their control of communications engender social atomization, the rupture or weakening of social ties, in that attempts to maintain these ties via communications media may be met with repression.  At the same time, however, it is social relations — “useful” connections – that allow individuals to engage in mutual assistance and to exchange goods and services in the economies of shortage typical of many authoritarian regimes.

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