HomeSubjectsMind and languageLanguage

HomeSubjectsMind and languageLanguage

  • Nicosia

    Call for papers - Education

    Language Acquisition Methodology. Innovation: why and how?

    Ces dernières décennies ont vu émerger et mettre en place de nouvelles méthodes didactiques et pédagogiques (approche communicative, perspective actionnelle, exploitation intensive des TIC(E), perspective socioconstructiviste) de l’apprentissage des langues. Des besoins nouveaux de formation linguistique liés à la mondialisation, de nouvelles possibilités offertes par les technologies de la communication ont pu conduire à la réforme de politiques éducatives (fédéralisation des politiques linguistiques, refonte de programmes nationaux d’enseignement des langues, modernisation des systèmes de certification en langues) ou à la production de matériels d’apprentissage novateurs.

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  • Igoumenitsa

    Call for papers - Language

    Foreign Language Teaching in Tertiary Education IV

    Business and Foreign Languages

    The economic crisis has led to high unemployment in Greece and in the European South in general and therefore many young people leave their country in order to work in businesses either in Europe or on other continents. This mobility however, if regarded as a factor that promotes the professional competitiveness of young people, enriching their knowledge and skills abroad and allowing them to transfer their interlingual and intercultural experience to other businesses or back to their country, leads us to the conclusion that the knowledge of one or more foreign languages is one of the pillars of young people’s creativity and adaptation in the workplace.

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  • Thessaloniki

    Call for papers - Language

    Theoretical, methodological and technological novelty in language didactics

    Revue Syn-Thèses n°7

    Recent theoretical, methodological and technological innovations encourage  advances in language didactics. In its 7th number, the journal intends to publish  contributions presenting results obtained through original research, strategies and  practices.

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