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  • École thématique - Histoire

    Whose Global History? Perspectives from the Global South and Beyond

    This online Summer School seeks to question what Global History is primarily about, who it is written by, and who it is written for. By questioning the epistemic inequalities and exclusionary processes that shape the field, and considering actors, conceptual tools and historical positions that originate from different parts of the world, we aim to outline a global history that is meaningfully shaped by perspectives from the Global South.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Mina Loy and Her Networks

    Following on the heels of the recent modernist celebrations of 1922, 2023 marks the centenary of the publication of Mina Loy’s first collection of poems Lunar Baedecker, published in Paris by Robert McAlmon in his Contact collection. This conference aims to prompt new perspectives on Loy scholarship, paying particular attention to her networks and her presence in French artistic circles and to the French reception of her work.

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Ukraine Under Fire: The Visual Arts in Ukraine and Abroad Since 2014

    To say that Ukraine has a complicated relationship with Russia is an understatement: the region was under direct rule in the imperial period, experienced a period of freedom after 1917, followed by repressive rule through large periods of the Soviet era, and then regained independence in 1991. Now, Ukraine faces Russian hostility and the violation of its territorial integrity, which began in February 2014 with the occupations of the Crimea and Donbas region. I solicit abstracts from scholars, critics, gallerists, and artists whose work reflects upon the role of the visual arts during the current conflict in this region. Their topics should explore how artists have dealt with the Russian invasion and other forms of hostilities in recent years.

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Decolonial Visualities: Indigenizing Visual Culture Studies

    Archivo Papers Journal — Volume 3, Issue 2, 2023

    The editors of Archivo Papers Journal are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for Volume 3, Issue 2: “Decolonial Visualities: Indigenizing Visual Culture Studies”. This issue aims to contribute to ongoing discussions in decolonial thought and visual culture studies regarding the potentialities of othered approaches to image-making beyond Western-centred conceptualizations of the image and its visualities. Drawing upon the ideas of decolonial aesthesis, the right to look, and Indigenous visual sovereignty, this issue welcomes submissions addressing the Indigenization of visual culture as a means for decolonizing the fields of visual culture studies and contemporary art studies.

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Histoire

    Museums and industry: Long Histories of Collaboration - Postdoc position

    The Laboratoire d’études et de recherche sur le monde anglophone, Aix-Marseille University (AMU), is shortly to commence a major academic research project, “Museums and industry: Long Histories of Collaboration” (MaILHoC). Working with partners in the UK, Spain, and Norway, the aim of the project is to explore the impacts of industrial patronage – with a particular focus on the ethical dimensions of this relationship – on European museums of science and industry in both comparative and historical context. The project will compare insights drawn from a wide spread of historical case studies with a range of contemporary workshops exploring the ethics of industrial patronage. This position is based at AMU’s Humanities Faculty in Aix-en-Provence. The successful candidate will carry out research in archives in France and Britain while also participating in events organised by the various partners.

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Revolution and Cinema: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Carnation Revolution

    The beginning of the 21st century has been marked by the deepening of social inequalities, the anachronism of authoritarian regimes and the political exhaustion of democratic systems. It should invite us to analyze the traces, myths, outbursts, failures, and eventual successes of past revolutions so we can attain a better apprehension of the links between cinema, art, and politics. This special section aims to contribute to the constitution of a “cine-geography” (Gray and Eshun 2011, 1) of the forms of “making” cinema and revolution. The aim is to update historical and aesthetic analyses that address the encounter between cinema and revolution.

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  • Cycle de conférences - Représentations

    The indigenous gaze – Decolonizing visual cultures

    This Webinar Series seeks to continue the ongoing discussions in decolonial thought and visual practices beyond Western-centred conceptualisations of the image. Throughout five sessions, scholars, artists, and curators, will critically approach the concept of the 'gaze' in visual culture, interrogating it from historical, cultural, and ontological standpoints, and addressing the Indigenisation of the image as a means for decolonizing the fields of visual culture and contemporary art studies.

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    « Postcolonial Cultures Journal. Studies and Essays » - Varia

    Call for papers on historical, social or political issues in Commonwealth societies for issue no.2 of Postcolonial Cultures Studies and Essays. The journal Postcolonial Cultures Studies and Essays is a peer-reviewed journal showcasing research on Commonwealth and postcolonial societies. Using an inter-disciplinary approach (history, sociology, political science, cultural studies, economics, cultural history), the idea is to compare social issues across the English-speaking world. These issues include indigenous rights, settler, postcolonial et decolonising identities, gender and sexuality, social class, minority rights, republicanism and monarchy, ecology and the shifting frontiers of globalisation.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Un temps après un échec : réverbérations persistantes de la Révolution des Oeillets

    Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal Nº 21

    À l’heure où les propositions de perspectives se multiplieront sur le cinquantenaire du 25 avril 1974, révolution marquée par une euphorie qui a dépassé la veille et qui a surpris le lendemain, dans un déblocage du futur, nous vous proposons un regard au seuil de plusieurs disciplines dans ce numéro transversal de Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal, entre les sciences sociales et humaines, les arts, la littérature et d’autres formes d’intervention dans la réalité, à travers quatre domaines.

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  • Bucarest

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Patterns of Miscommunication in Contemporary East-Central European Cinema

    We would like to invite scholars from the fields of film, media and communication studies, but also of linguistics, literary studies, political studies, anthropology, etc., to a joint reflection on East-Central European contemporary cinema. Much of East-Central European cinema after 1989 seems to thematize the issue of communicational barriers. If we posit, with Casetti, that films are sites of production and circulation of discourses, which can be interpreted as symbolic constructions referring to a cluster of meanings conveyed by a specific society at a moment of its existence, then what are the meanings transmitted by this cinematic reflection on communication blockage? What are the main cinematic discourses developed around miscommunication issues? To what extent do they create a common imaginary for this part of Europe? 

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Inhabiting Collectivity

    Guest editors Nele Aernouts (VUB), Emmanuelle Lenel (USL-B) and Christine Schaut (ULB) invite contributions for the themed issue of Clara 10 “Inhabiting Collectivity”. This issue of Clara pursues a twofold objective. At a larger scale, it aims at shedding light on the context within which collective housing is produced, on their underpinning architectural and spatial models, and on the interplay among the involved actors. At a smaller scale, it questions the intentions underlying this production by investigating its architectural and social mechanisms, and how these can foster or instead hinder certain uses and forms of sociability.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Public History in European Historical Perspectives

    According to international literature, public history emerged as a subfield of history in the United States in the 1970s. University programs, conferences, journals, grants, and networks of public history indeed flourished in North America in the last 50 years. However, some public historical practices have existed in Europe - without bearing the name of public history - long before the institutionalization of the field in the 1970s. It is this long history of public historical practices in Europe that this international conference aims to uncover. Proposals covering a wide range of public historical practices from different time periods (including Antiquity, Middle-Ages, and pre-Modern times) are welcome. 

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Aids before Aids

    This issue of Quaderni storici aims to focus on the transitional phase, so to speak, the one in which contagion emerges, manifests itself, and acts, causing sickness and death, but without yet being understood, nor known in its pathological characters, etiologies, and therapies. What are the social practices - including institutional practices in their contextual genesis - acting at this historical juncture in which the concrete experience of illness collides with the absence of terms and interpretations to counter it? What cultural and social processes are activated to deal with something that is both concretely active and culturally incomprehensible? How do these processes involve sexuality and the history of the way in which it has been thought of, signified, and governed?

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  • Strasbourg

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Paysages et sanctuaires

    La redécouverte des lieux de culte dans le bassin égéen et en Italie méridionale

    Le colloque international interdisciplinaire « Paysages et sanctuaires. La redécouverte des sanctuaires dans le bassin égéen et en Italie méridionale » s’adresse aux chercheurs travaillant sur la redécouverte des sanctuaires antiques, sur les rapports entre paysages et lieux de culte, ainsi que sur l’archéologie, l’histoire et à l’anthropologie des religions antiques. L’espace d’étude est limité à l’Italie méridionale et la Sicile d’une part, la Grèce continentale et le bassin égéen d’autre part.

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  • Montpellier

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Black Lives Matter: Political and artistic mobilization against systemic racism in the US and the UK

    Within the context of the Black Lives Matter movements in the United States and the United Kingdom in the 2010s and 2020s, this conference will examine antiracist mobilizations and their historical continuities, their transatlantic circulations, their political resonance, as well as the many responses they have elicited, particularly in the arts.

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  • Bologne

    Colloque - Études des sciences

    Studies on Ancient Plants

    Multidisciplinary Approaches and New Perspectives

    The aim of the workshop Studies on Ancient Plants: Multidisciplinary Approaches and New Perspectives is to offer an overview of the state of the art in the study of ancient plants by combining different methodologies related to various cultural settings (Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Syriac and Arabic world) and disciplines (medicine, botany, history of art and technology, experimental archaeology, etc.). 

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  • Constanţa

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Cooperation and Controversy. The 14th Annual International Conference on Baltic and Nordic Studies

    The purpose of the conference is to shed light on cooperation and controversy aspects in Scandinavia, the Baltic Sea Region, and beyond. It examines the two topics through the lens of cultural and literary studies (including arts such as drama, theater, cinema, etc.), history, economic and trade analysis, political science, military analysis, and international relations, among other multidisciplinary angles. We thus invite researchers from all of these fields to submit proposals for panels and individual papers, thereby facilitating inter-disciplinary dialogues at the conference.

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  • Sibiu

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Fear and Literature

    Lucian Blaga Yearbook / Caietele Lucian Blaga

    The actuality of this type of theme, fear and literature, is born out of the experience of the past years, when the pandemic brought about various reformulations, including of literature, but also out of the mutations which have arisen throughout the cultural ages under the influence of fear, analysed from a philosophical, literary, or cultural point of view in relation to all cultural products.


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  • Rio de Janeiro

    Informations diverses - Études urbaines

    What is an egalitarian city?

    In this roundtable, professors Jonathan Wolff (University of Oxford) and Avner de-Shalit (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) will discuss their work in progress, focused on the topic of urban injustices. Employing a methodological approach merging normative expertise with applied reflections, supported by data from interviews with over 180 people worldwide, Wolff and de-Shalit set out to conceptualize a city in which individuals relate to each other as equals.

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  • Milan

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Promoting the Made in Italy Brand (1948-1960)

    Histories of Italian craft and design for the 21st century

    The conference Promoting the Made in Italy Brand (1948-1960) will reflect on the meaning of 1950s Italian design on a global scale and from a multi-disciplinary perspective. It aims to highlight the presence of an Italian creative heritage spanning all aspects of design (including architecture, fashion, furniture, product and graphic design, and transport). It will examine the many ways to experience Italian design both inside and outside the museum through the lens of a post-pandemic world.

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