

  • Saint-Étienne

    Call for papers - Representation

    Gender, Memory and Sources

    This conference will focus on the links that can be observed between gender and memory in textual and iconographic sources. This conference belongs to a cycle created by the  Structure Fédératrice de Recherche ALLHiS, and as such, will focus more specifically on the analysis of the sources used by researchers. This conference aims at questioning the ways in which memory and gender are represented, whether it be in written sources (manuscripts, literary or legal texts…), iconographic sources (photos, statues, paintings…) or immaterial sources (ethnographic data). The aim of such a study is to welcome works based on the study of as many different sources as possible, which will enable researchers to construct an interdisciplinary overview of these sources that aims at being diverse rather than exhaustive.

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  • Call for papers - History

    Edges of the sacred. Materializing thresholds, from Antiquity to the end of the Middle Ages

    Revue « Frontière·s »

    Art historians and archaeologists working on sacred monuments are not only interested in the architectural forms and techniques and the painted and/or sculpted decoration: they also try to reconstruct the ceremonies and circulations that took place around and inside the buildings they study. A sacred space is defined by a material or symbolic boundary that separates the building and its surroundings from profane space. This area, which belongs to the divinity, is bounded by a set of rules and customs that govern ritual practice, which is itself closely linked to space: gestures, sacrifices, prayers and paths take place in specific locations, the identification and function of which are often specified by architecture and decoration.

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  • Seminar - Information

    Médiamerica 2024-25

    Communication, Information, Politics and Culture in the U.S.

    Médiamerica is a seminar on American news media organized by researchers working in France. Its aim is to cultivate research on the links between communication, politics, culture, and the processes by which information is produced, circulated, and given form, focusing on the North American context. Médiamerica brings together researchers with varied backgrounds to explore these issues from both historical and contemporary perspectives. The seminar offers a space for scholarly reflection and debate, to consider emergent phenomena in news and communication, as well as the ways in which the academic community on both sides of the Atlantic conceptualize such phenomena. This initiative seeks to build bridges between anglophone studies and communication studies, encouraging dialogue between different methodological approaches and benefiting from an intercultural perspective.

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  • Call for papers - Representation

    Insects, “bichos” and other “bugs” in the literature of the Americas (19th to 21st centuries)

    “Amerika” n°29

    This call aims to bring together works that question the representation of insects and other “bichos” in literature aimed primarily at young people, in the Americas. Scrutinized especially through the prism of European culture, the insect appears small, repugnant, sometimes useful (the bee), sometimes an example of tenacity and courage (the ant). What about its place in the American space? Do indigenous cultures deploy discourses and images referring to a unique relationship to the world of “bugs”, different from or linked to those of European cultures? How does the study of “bugs” allow us to deepen our knowledge of the relationship with nature in the Americas and to identify avenues for educational action based on works published for young people?

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  • Paris

    Conference, symposium - Religion

    Thomas More, Erasmus & The Reformation

    Venant d’universités du Royaume-Uni, d’Italie, de Slovénie et de France, les chercheurs et spécialistes de Thomas More et d’Érasme aborderont les thématiques suivantes : leur rapport à la Réforme, avec des regards alternatifs sur son histoire ; leur inscription dans l’Humanisme, l’édition de leurs œuvres ; les alliés et les adversaires de leur travail ; l’héritage des Anciens qu’ils entretiennent ; des questions autour de la loi (dans l’œuvre de Thomas More).

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  • Budapest

    Call for papers - Modern

    Violence and Conflict in Ortega y Gasset’s works

    The Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence (PJCV) welcomes submissions that relate the work of Ortega y Gasset to conflict and violence. Ortega’s philosophical writings are the product of Ortega plus his circumstances, and Ortega’s circumstances were indelibly marked by conflict and violence. Produced during a period of unprecedented political and social upheaval in Spain and globally, Ortega’s philosophy promoted an agonistic and Protean view of human character and social relations. As a future-facing, change-seeking, conservative progressive, Ortega’s thought remains a paradox and his work demands reconsideration and re-evaluation by every subsequent generation.

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  • Call for papers - History

    Nationality Policies and the Migratory Experience in the Early 20th Century

    Revue “Diasporas. Circulations, Migrations, Histoire”

    This thematic issue of Diasporas. Circulations, Migrations, Histoire journal aims to examine mechanisms of loss and deprivation of nationality, as well as operations aimed at requalifying the boundary between nationals and non-nationals through citizenship rights, while paying close attention to the effects of these procedures on migrants’ experiences. We welcome interdisciplinary contributions that incorporate theoretical and methodological approaches from diverse fields such as law, political science, geography, anthropology, and sociology, enriching historical perspectives. Articles must adopt an empirical methodological approach. We welcome proposals that focus on non-Western contexts.

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  • Mont-Saint-Aignan

    Call for papers - Modern

    Herrmann/Horner: two Hollywood giants in the service of the emotional?

    This international symposium pays tribute to two Hollywood giants, Bernard Herrmann (1911-1975), who died on December 24, 1975 during post-production of Martin Scorcese's Taxi Driver, and James Horner (1953-2015), who was accidentally killed on June 22, 2015 while piloting one of his jets. This singular way of arousing visceral emotion or probing affects offers a possible convergence between these two Hollywood giants. Following the example of the emotional register, we could examine the various aspects of Bernard Herrmann's work that have received little attention, or focus in depth on the constituent elements of James Horner's style. These are just a few of the avenues open to us, but as this is first and foremost a tribute, the paths to be taken are multiple, depending on what the participants wish to highlight.

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  • Call for papers - Asia

    Cyber Strategy and Chinese Power: Emerging Threats and Geopolitical Issues

    En 2024, la Chine augmente son budget militaire de 7,2 %, atteignant plus de 231 milliards de dollars. La cybersécurité devient une priorité stratégique mondiale, soulevant des inquiétudes quant aux nouvelles menaces et enjeux géopolitiques. La Chine utilise ses capacités cyber pour affirmer sa puissance, posant des questions sur la sécurité internationale et l’équilibre des pouvoirs. Cet appel à contributions s’intéresse aux capacités offensives et défensives dans des domaines comme l’Intelligence artificielle, la robotique et le quantum computing. Il s’agit également de questionner les relations de la Chine avec les États-Unis, l’Union européenne, la Russie et ses voisins asiatiques dans ce domaine. La dépendance technologique, comme par exemple l'implantation de la 5G par Huawei en Afrique, soulève de nombreuses préoccupations. Enfin, les enjeux éthiques et juridiques en matière de surveillance et d'espionnage nécessitent une vigilance accrue.

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  • Call for papers - Ethnology, anthropology

    The double consciousness of quantification

    Ethnographic approaches to world representation with numbers

    Pour ce numéro spécial de la Revue Suisse d’Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle, nous proposons de reprendre un point soulevé par Alain Desrosières (2008) lorsqu'il souligne les contradictions, dans l’approche statistique, entre une perspective « réaliste » (servant d'outil de pouvoir, de gouvernement ou de critique) et une perspective « conventionnaliste » (dans laquelle la « mise en variables » est elle-même prise dans un processus de production de savoirs politiques et historiques). Selon lui, cela pose un problème de « double conscience ». Comment cette apparente contradiction est-elle vécue, comprise, voire résolue par les acteurs auxquels elle est présentée ? Quelles opérations cela implique-t-il ? Quels sont les compromis qui émergent ?

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  • Call for papers - Epistemology and methodology

    Environmental philosophy

    “Síntesis”, Philosophy Journal

    “Is there a need for a new environmental ethic?” asks the article by the Australian philosopher Richard Routley. This statement, rooted in the inaugural reflections of Aldo Leopold in 1973, signifies the starting point of a new philosophical and moral exploration of the natural environment. This emerging field of applied ethics gains traction in social, political, legal, and international debates, compelling an increasing demand for philosophical insights. It challenges established relationships with the natural, material, cultural, and animal realms, prompting a call for a fundamental reconfiguration of our politics, institutions, justice systems, ethics, and our understanding of the subject. The primary object of this special issue is to spotlight the ongoing philosophical reflections on the environmental crisis prevalent in the Anthropocene society. 

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - Religion

    Deciphering God’s historic plan for humanity. In memoriam Claude Geffré

    Deciphering God’s historical plan for humanity is a task to be taken up again and again. More than ten years after his last book (Le Christianisme comme religion de l'Évangile), we want to pay tribute to Claude Geffré by exploring the new directions taken by theological research on the subjects and themes that he himself worked on. Papers will be presented over four half-days.

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  • Saint-Denis

    Call for papers - History

    New Perspectives on Travel

    Cultural Networks, Knowledge, Circulations, and Material Practices (19th and 20th Centuries)

    In the last twenty years, there have been different approaches to the topic of travel from various disciplinary fields and perspectives. This symposium aims for a multidisciplinary approach to the topic of travel, understood as the deliberate movement of an individual through space, without being physically or psychologically forced or coerced. This symposium aims to be a space of dialogue and reflection about travel, its narratives, and its written and visual depictions. We aim to foster new approaches to travel understood in its specificity vis a vis the articulation of a disciplinary field (rather than its traditional understanding as a subsidiary object to other fields of study).

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  • Montpellier

    Call for papers - Representation

    Bodies in Action Films and TV Series in the Digital Era

    The idea for this conference arose from the renewed attention paid to the profilmic body in US-American audiovisual action productions since the mid-2010s, at a time when the transition to all-digital production favored the hegemony of other adventure genres centered on the prowess of virtual bodies. In the 1990s, action movies were largely characterized by the centrality of the physical body in motion, confronted with extraordinary constraints, and carried out by actors who performed the majority of their own stunts.

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  • Call for papers - History

    A cultural history of libraries worldwide

    "Revue d’histoire culturelle – XVIIIe-XXIe siècles" number 11

    The study of libraries is situated within cultural history at the intersection of social history, history of knowledge, the history of imaginaries, political history, and the history of cultural practices. Their forms, their projects, their uses, and their representations have evolved alongside the societies that have financed, built and supported them. This issue of the Revue d’histoire culturelle XVIIIe-XXIe siècles, devoted to “the cultural history of libraries worldwide”, will consider this history from three points of view : the place of the library in fiction and the arts ; the library as a collective project – or counter-project ; the library as a social practice.

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  • Call for papers - Middle Ages

    BUCEMA - Bulletin du Centre d’études médiévales d’Auxerre - Varia

    Numéro 28-2

    Following the principle of promoting open access research in progress, the Bulletin du centre d’études médiévales d’Auxerre (Bucema) emphasizes the interdisciplinarity between human and social sciences, as well as natural sciences and mathematics. It aims to publish contributions offering new methods, reporting on experiences in digital humanities and new technologies, and questioning the epistemological and conceptual implications of research on the Middle-Ages. It also features in-depth studies and reviews in the fields of archaeology, history and history of art, and offers insight on the most recent research.

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  • Beirut

    Call for papers - Representation

    Music in the Middle East after the digital revolution

    Journal “Regards”

    This issue of the journal Regards (Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth) proposes to investigate the dynamics of musical production and forms of dissemination in the contemporary Near East, particularly through the do it yourself practices that have emerged with the advent of home studios and low-cost listening platforms. The challenge of such a study is thus to confront the different aesthetics of today's music, blending diverse intellectual and cultural heritages, mobilizing the affects of nostalgia and those linked to the historical realities shared by the region's inhabitants. The question of understanding the articulation of musical dynamics with social, political and state boundaries and different contexts of conflict will be explored.

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  • Aubervilliers

    Call for papers - Representation

    Surrealism and the Americas: new historiographical perspectives

    Thematic workshop of the bi-annual Congress of the Institut des Amériques

    As we celebrate the one-hundredth anniversary of the first Surrealist Manifesto (1924), it is in fact appropriate to revisit this long historiographical tradition that considers this collective adventure as an exclusively French (if not Parisian) one, of the interwar period, centered around the charismatic figure of André Breton. By example of the Americas, we wish to propose a new theoretical definition of the movement in favour of its specific variations and manifestations in order to better question the very notions of centre, periphery, heritage or descendance and, in this way, bring to light the new actors of global Surrealism.

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  • Leuven

    Call for papers - Middle Ages

    Carthusians and Images. New Perspectives on Reli- gious Art and Devotional Culture in the Late Me- dieval and Early Modern Charterhouse

    Malgré les affirmations de simplicité des fondateurs de l’ordre des chartreux, images et œuvres d’art sont très largement présentes dans les monastères cartusiens, en particulier à la fin du Moyen Âge et durant la première modernité. Dans le cadre de cette conférence, nous souhaitons explorer plus avant de nouvelles pistes de recherche et ouvrir de nouvelles voies afin de mieux cerner le rôle des œuvres d’art et des images dans les chartreuses européennes.

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  • Montreal

    Call for papers - Political studies

    Music, Diplomacy, Propaganda: Towards New Definitions

    What is music diplomacy, what is music propaganda, and what makes it possible to distinguish one from the other – not only from the internal perspective of players involved, but also and primarily from research’s external perspective? Organized as part of an interdisciplinary research project aimed at (re)thinking the distinction between music diplomacy and music propaganda, the purpose of this 2-part participatory workshop is to offer a space for group reflection on these fundamental questions. 

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