3 Events
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Social and economic uses of creole languages
17th International Colloquium of Creole Studies (CIEC)
Who can truly contest the vitality of Creole languages? They are indeed young languages, born of the encounter between peoples of different civilisations, carriers of idiosyncratic visions of the world. In addition, they were effectively developed in different regions, but achieved similar results. Questioning the vitality of creole languages thus takes on its full meaning. How do the uses of creoles materialise in among the different social spaces of creolophone territories? Outside of the “classic” circuits of the language (schools, media, churches, etc.), do economic actors use language as a tool of economic market development? Our colloquium seeks to explore this key question of the social and economic uses of Creoles, their commoditisation in diverse domains.
Revue « Temporalités et sociétés »
This special issue aims to offer a critical assessment of the role of the social sciences in the response to the pandemic, as well as the challenges of post-Covid-19 societies. It welcomes (trans)disciplinary contributions using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed approaches. International comparisons are also encouraged.
NGOs in Haiti - towards new explanatory paradigms
La revue Chantiers, revue des sciences humaines et sociales de l'université d'État d'Haïti lance un appel à contribution portant sur les ONG en Haïti. Ce prochain numéro essayera de saisir les contours du phénomène, tant du point de vue ontologique, dialectique qu'historique. Il sera aussi question de voir son impact sur la société haïtienne dans sa globalité.
3 Events
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