AccueilCatégoriesPériodesÉpoque contemporaineXIXe siècle

AccueilCatégoriesPériodesÉpoque contemporaineXIXe siècle

  • Reading

    Colloque - Histoire

    The War within: finance and morality in early-modern Europe (1630-1815)

    While many historical studies have shown that the funding of international warfare had a profound impact on institutional and economic developments, less work has been done on the ways in which European polities responded to the "War within" that pitted those who benefited from war expenditure against those who paid for the military effort. A series of case studies on Spain, Venice, the Dutch provinces, the Austrian Low Countries, Prussia, France, Britain and Sweden will analyse some of the conflicts that arose when the needs and methods of financing war met social demands for morality and accountability. These are fundamental questions that still resonate and have relevance today as governments and societies try to move on from the Global Financial Crisis.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    After the Crash. Individuals Coping With the Bursting of Speculative Bubbles (XVIIth-early XIXth century)

    The starting point of the workshop is the assumption that relatively few and oftentimes socially connected persons were directly involved in early modern financial bubbles and that stock trading was mostly limited geographically. The workshop intends to examine how people dealt with the bursting of the bubbles in the local context.

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  • Munich

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Animals at Court

    A growing curiosity about the history of animals invites further study and an interdisciplinary approach to animals at court.

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  • Lyon

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Defining and defying the concept of deviance and degeneration in the British Isles and North America in the 19th century

    This one-day conference aims at exploring the definition(s) and contours of deviance and degeneration as it was conceived in the British Isles and North America in the 19th century. PhD students, postgraduate students and junior scholars whose research pertains to the study of deviant groups, whether self-defined or not, are particularly welcome to participate. Speakers will be invited to focus on the processes of definition of the standards of normality – whether religious, social, political, legal, medicalor sexual – as well as what those processes entailed for those who were labelled ‘deviants’. The role of scientists, doctors but also political authorities is of considerable interest in this respect, as are the ways in which normative standards were circumvented and challenged.

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  • Vienne

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Mapping Multilingualism in XIXth-Century European Literature: Closing the Gap between Past and Present

    International Comparative Literature Association XXIst Congress

    This section of International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA – July 2016, Vienna, Austria) proposes an investigation into XIXth-century European literary multilingualism, particularly into the period from 1800 to 1880. All areas of European literature will be considered. The term "multilingualism" as used in this section includes all kinds of code-mixing, either in single literary texts or in multiple texts produced by the same author.

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  • Vienne

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    How Are Science and Technology Engaged in Eco-Innovations?

    3rd ISA Forum of Sociology: joint Session RC23 and RC24

    The aim of this joint session organized during the 3rd ISA Forum is to explore the various ways in which eco-innovations are studied at the intersection of environmental sociology with the sociology of science and technology. The session invites scholars who improve our understanding about the technical resolution of environmental issues. By so doing, we would like to open new paths for analysing the production, the adoption and the institutionalisation of ecoinnovations, but also the mobilization of skills and knowledge.

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  • Gand

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Collecting Cases: Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries Visions of Society

    During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries case studies focusing on deviant behaviour (such as crime, suicide or mental illness) and exceptional situations became an important part of both popular culture and the emerging human sciences. The goal of this workshop is to explore how these collections of cases, through their inclusions, exclusions and narrative and rhetorical strategies, comment on and convey an image of the society of their times or of the (recent) past. The long-term aim of this project is to publish an edited volume exploring these issues.

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  • Gand

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Tracing Types: Comparative Analyses of Literary and Visual Sketches (1830-1860)

    This call for papers deals with nineteenth-century sketches (sometimes referred to as "panoramic literature"). It seeks to focus on the comparative analysis of these sketches, both texts and images, and trace how representations of specific types vary across sketches from different places, media and editorial contexts. 

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  • Oxford

    Colloque - Histoire

    Rethinking Right-Wing Women

    Gender, Women and the Conservative Party, 1880s to the Present

    This two-day international conference explores the relationship between women and conservatism since the late 19th century. In the media frenzy and the re-enactment of the visceral political divisions of the 1980s that greeted the death of Margaret Thatcher in April, 2013, it soon became clear that Britain’s first woman Prime Minister was being portrayed as an aberrant figure who had emerged from a party of men.  It appeared that the media and the public had not been well enough served by academics in making sense of and contextualizing the Thatcher phenomenon and, more broadly, the paradoxical sexual politics of the Right.

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  • Villetaneuse

    Colloque - Histoire

    La marge et les historiens : de l’Amérique du Nord aux anciens empires

    En s’intéressant aux « marges », les organisateurs engagent les participants à s’interroger sur les discussions actuelles à propos de l’écriture de l’histoire et ses représentations fictionnelles ou artistiques comme sur les rapports complexes entre histoire professionnelle et mémoires, entre histoire critique et mises en scène muséographiques et commémorations.

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  • Amalfi | Sorrente

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Travel and Sojourn in the Early Nineteenth Century

    Beyond Naples, toward Amalfi and Sorrento

    During the first half of the nineteenth century traveling and sojourning in Europe reflected a cultural climate marked by both resistance and enthusiasm. The conference is intended as well to cast light on the evolving changes in travel and sojourn in Naples and localities along the gulf during the first half of the nineteenth century, not failing to draw comparisons with other areas of Mediterranean Europe.

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  • La Haye

    Cycle de conférences - Histoire

    Friend or Foe: Art and the Market in the Nineteenth Century

    The attitudes towards art dealers in the nineteenth century are rather diverse. The aim of this conference is to bring together case studies from a wide variety of (inter)national, chronological and artistic contexts which critically examine both the (alleged) impact of nineteenth-century art dealers on the art world and the sites of resistance towards this impact.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Captives, recruited, migrants: Empires and labor mobilization

    From XVIIth century to present days

    This workshop starts from the hypothesis that warfare and labor are strongly connected in Empire building and their evolution, to begin with war captives in early modern Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas and to continue with the various forms of recruitment in land and maritime empires in all those areas. Captives as well as local peasants were soldiers, seamen, and colonists at the same time. Forms of forced recruitment were still important in the XIXth century (the press system in Britain and its variations in the Empire, recruitments in Russia) and continued in the XXth century, in Europe during the wars, outside of Europe during and after colonization and decolonization up through nowadays children soldiers.

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  • Augsbourg

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The Bonds That Unite?

    Historical Perspectives on European Solidarity

    The concept of “solidarity” is in many respects fundamental to the European project. While pro-European intellectuals had long applied it as a more or less abstract reference, the concept evolved into a solid cornerstone of European unity after the Second World War. The notion of a European solidarity union was essential to validating the integration process and had always been a component of redistribution policies on the supra-national level. Nevertheless it remained context-sensitive and open to interpretation and consequently was always the outcome of complex negotiation processes. The conference will examine various manifestations and interpretations of the solidarity concept in the course of the 19th and 20th centuries. 

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  • Appel à contribution - Europe

    Le social avant la sociologie. Comment relire la pensée sociale du XIXe siècle

    Numéro thématique de L'Année sociologique sous la direction de François Vatin. Volume 67, numéro 2, 2017

    On situe communément l’avènement de la sociologie dans les dernières années du XIXe siècle. Le cas français est particulièrement significatif, avec la publication en 1895 des Règles de la méthode sociologique d’Émile Durkheim. À tort ou à raison, le geste fondateur durkheimien, plus ou moins transposé dans les autres traditions intellectuelles nationales, a conduit à rejeter dans les ténèbres d’une « préhistoire » de la sociologie, la pensée sociale qui l’avait précédée sous des noms divers : science sociale, physiologie sociale, philosophie sociale, physique sociale, etc. L’objet de cet appel à contributions n’est pas de réhabiliter des traditions oubliées, de nier la rupture qui s’est opérée à la fin du XIXe siècle ou de minorer l’importance de l’enquête dans l’investigation sociologique. Il est de réfléchir à la pertinence que peut avoir, pour le sociologue contemporain, la lecture des œuvres qui précèdent le moment conventionnellement admis de la naissance de la sociologie.

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  • Montpellier

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The Many Faces of Slavery: non-traditional slave experiences in the Atlantic World

    By the 18th century, racial slavery had matured into a fully-fledged, firmly established, profitable form of labour in the Atlantic World. In slave societies, the development of the plantation unit led both to the geographical concentration of the slave population and to a growing homogenization of the activities bondsmen performed. However, throughout the Atlantic World, the existence of phenomena such as urban slavery, slave self-hiring, quasi-free or nominal slaves, domestic slave concubines, slave vendors, slave sailors, slave preachers, slave overseers, and many other types of “societies with slaves,” broadens our traditional conception of slavery by complicating the slave experience. This conference does not aim to challenge the significance of the plantation system, but, by using it as a paradigm, seeks to assess the extent and nature of non-traditional forms of slavery in the context of the historical evolution of labour in the Atlantic World.

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  • La Haye

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Friend or Foe: Art and the Market in the Nineteenth Century

    International conference organized by the European Society for Nineteenth-Century Art, the Netherlands Institute for Art History (RKD) and The Mesdag Collection, in conjunction with the exhibition on the artist, collector and gentleman-dealer Hendrik Willem Mesdag and the Dutch Watercolour Society, at The Mesdag Collection in The Hague, the publication on this illustrious artist and his different roles within the art world, and the digital reconstruction of the art collection owned by Mesdag, carried out by the Netherlands Institute for Art History.

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  • Gand

    Appel à contribution - Études des sciences

    Academic entrepreneurship in History

    An international survey of current research

    The Departments of History of Universiteit Gent, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Université Lille 3 and Università di Bologna are jointly organizing the international conference “Academic entrepreneurship in history” on 12-13 March 2015 at the STAM city museum in Ghent, Belgium. The aim of the meeting is to bring together an international group of scholars engaged in research on the notion and practice of academic entrepreneurship from the mid-nineteenth century to the end of the twentieth century. The focus will be on the range of actions, behaviors and qualities of academic scientists and their employing institutions which can be seen as entrepreneurial in at least one of the many senses in which the entrepreneurship term has been used in the economics and business history literatures.

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  • Mayence

    Colloque - Europe

    Regional producers or global players? The internationalization of companies in the 19th and 20th centuries

    An international conference on economic history dealing with the question "Regional producers or global players ?" will take place in Mainz on October 6-7 2014. Until now neglected, research on the economic history of the Rhineland-Palatine area will be presented. However, the conference is not limited on the history of this region - in fact, companies from this origin will be compared to producers from other regions and countries. The increasing internationalization of companies is currently an important field of research among historians. From the second half of the 19th century to World War I, the interdependence of the West European economy grew strongly. In the second half of the 20th century, we can observe another globalization push. We were able to win internationally renowned researchers for the papers. Conference language is predominantly German, partly English. Please notify us in advance of your coming via email (

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  • Leyde

    Colloque - Langage

    Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Philological Encounters

    The conference brings together scholars from various regions and disciplines (including Arabic, Turkish, Hebrew, Sanskrit, as well as European languages) to explore the personal (and especially self-reflective) dimensions of academic knowledge production by studying scholars (i.e., producers) and their contexts (i.e., institutions and societies) in relation to their objects of study. The conference outlines an avenue of research dedicated to the study of tensions, antagonisms and polemics - as well as fascination, cooperation, appropriation and friendship - that transpired as a consequence of the meetings of different scholars and their dissimilar modes of textual scholarship, made possible through international cooperation in the form of conferences, journals, academic associations and student exchange.

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