

  • Mons

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Au cœur de la Grande Guerre

    L'individu au croisement du civil et du militaire

    Le thème des journées d’étude est davantage une ligne conductrice, une piste de réflexion qu’un sujet délimité. Il nous amène à nous questionner sur la manière dont l’individu, soldat, civil de l’arrière ou occupé, intègre et concilie la dimension militaire d’un côté, qu’il s’agisse de son expérience au front ou de la présence de soldats allemands dans les rues de son village, et la dimension civile de l’autre. Au-delà donc d’une rencontre entre le « monde » civil et le « monde » militaire, qui seraient deux sphères séparées, il convient de penser l’individu comme étant au croisement des deux dimensions, qui le construiraient de manière conjointe.

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  • Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Pouvoirs et médias, pouvoir des médias

    Regards sur les Amériques

    A l’occasion de son 11ème numéro, RITA propose d’interroger dans sa section théma les liens entre pouvoir et médias dans les Amériques. Plusieurs pistes de réflexion peuvent d’ores et déjà être évoquées sans pour autant êtres exclusives. Des articles qui porteront sur l’analyse critique des médias officiels ou sur les médias d’opposition, dans des contextes historiques et géographiques variés, seront naturellement les bienvenus. D’autres contributions pourront porter sur les effets des différentes formes de traitement médiatique réservées aux mouvement populaires. Des analyses critiques sur les relations entre médias et pouvoirs économiques sont également encouragées. Le dossier pourra également intégrer des réflexions sur la diversification récente des médias d’information, en se focalisant par exemple sur l’émergence des médias « alternatifs » sur Internet, ou traiter également du pouvoir des fake news dans la construction des représentations collectives. 

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    The museum reader: what practices should 21st century museums pursue, how and why?

    The international conference The Museum Reader, organised by the Art History Institute of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and the National Museum of Contemporary Art – Museu do Chiado, aims to propose thematic lines and noteworthy points to stimulate thought, reflection and debate of new realities, practices and working conditions identified in museums in the 21st century. 

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Études du politique

    Student movements and (post-)colonial emancipations

    Transnational itineraries, dialogues and programmes

    This one-day conference investigates the role of student movements in individual and collective emancipations, from the struggle for colonial liberation to the challenges posed by contemporary globalisation. This conference seeks to bring these various approaches together, in order to discuss the transnational and connected history of student engagements in colonial liberations and the critical reflection on the multilateral management of conflicts in the postcolonial period. It will investigate internal and external tensions, and the reorganisation of these movements in relation to pacifism, revolutionary struggle, conflict prevention and peace making. 

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  • Florence

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The author – Wanted, dead or alive

    New perspectives on the concept of authorship, 1700-1900

    The goal of this conference is to reassess, challenge, and enlarge the concept of authorship, by giving the author a post-mortem of sorts. To do this, we want to bring together fresh and critical historiographical perspectives on the concept of authorship, and challenge participants to think in comparative and transnational frameworks. Ideally, we seek to draw together work from a wide variety of sub-disciplines, creating a dialogue which connects often-separated fields such as book history and literary history.

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  • Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    In Honor of Stuart Hall

    Hybridizing and Decolonizing the Metropole: Stuart Hall, Caribbean Routes and Diasporic Identity

    The Editors of African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal (Routledge) announce a Call for Papers  on “Hybridizing and Decolonizing the Metropole: Stuart Hall, Caribbean Routes and Diasporic Identity.” Focusing on theme of hybridizing the metropole, Caribbean routes and diasporic identity, the Guest Editors seek contributions that illuminate the ways in which Stuart Hall made fundamental contributions to the study of politics, popular culture, media, race, diaspora, culture, postcolonialism and related fields since his arrival in the metropole.

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  • Belfast

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    The Future Canadian Soldier and Enhancement of Human Performance

    A Research meets Policy

    This workshop, entitled "The Future Canadian Soldier and Enhancement of Human Performance: A Research meets Policy" will gather scholars and policy experts from multidisciplinary fields to assess the merits of various current developments in military-focused Human Performance Enhancement.

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  • Berlin

    Colloque - Histoire

    Criminal Law and Emotions in European Legal Cultures

    From the 16th Century to the Present

    This two-day conference seeks to historicize the relationship between law and emotions, focusing on the period from the sixteenth century to the present. It aims to ask how legal definitions, categorizations and judgments were influenced by, and themselves influenced, moral and social codes; religious and ideological norms; scientific and medical expertise; and perceptions of the body, gender, age, social status. By examining the period between the sixteenth century and the present day, this conference also seeks to challenge and problematize the demarcation between the early modern and the modern period, looking at patterns and continuities, as well as points of fissure and change, in the relationship between law and emotions.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Cold Warriors

    The Cultural Avant-Garde of the Bipolar Struggle

    For most of the second part of the twentieth century, geopolitical issues remained at the center of the historiographical debate on the Cold War. Culture and ideology, however, have gained more and more attention in recent historiography. New emphasis has been placed on the role of ideas and language, as well as on the agency of specific individual and collective actors. In this perspective, the concept of the Cold Warrior appears crucial.

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  • Appel à contribution - Éducation

    Quality Assurance and Value Management in Higher Education

    Quality et conduite de la valeur pour l'enseignement du supérieur (pédagogie, organisation etc.)

    This book will aim to provide identified and relevant proposals of good practices to promote the outcomes and favor the issues of Higher Education providers; proposals that integrate all stakeholders dialogic expectations (the clients: trainers, trainees, companies and society) in a resolutely innovative optical within the sense of sustainability and the EFQM Excellence model. Within theoretical results into perspective by the concrete practice work, clues will be presented to help quality through design process, pedagogy, organization and management for WIL in Higher Education. Value management principles and standards are considered as a global framework to develop such trainings to achieve success in a European Environment (European Standards and Guidelines) but not only: facing uncertainties and constraints. Obviously strategy, policy and leadership have to be considered.

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  • Sasso Marconi

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Immigration: Fear and the Media

    Magazine Africa e Mediterraneo No. 82

    The issue 82 of Africa e Mediterraneo wants to investigate the challenges brought about by media and political communication, considering as focuses of analysis the communication processes within the European society (both of local media and migrants’ initiatives) and those activated in the African Countries, being aware that the circulation of ideas, images and cultural practices is more and more leading to a growing deterritorialization of the media and their messages and to the consequential crossing of national borders.

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  • Reims

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The circulation of popular culture between Ireland and the USA (18th-21st centuries)

    Dans le système de culture mondialisée qui caractérise les sociétés contemporaines, l'organisation d'un colloque international invite à concentrer l’attention sur un cas d’étude, la circulation des diverses formes de culture populaire entre Irlande et États-Unis. L’ancienneté, la constance et de l’intensité des échanges culturels entre les deux nations sont en effet largement antérieurs à la mondialisation culturelle ultra-contemporaine. Cette singularité inscrite dans la longue durée permet de mettre en perspective les phénomènes contemporains tout en les interrogeant.

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  • Berlin

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Art history for artists: interactions between scholarly discourse and artistic practice in the 19th century

    The conference seeks to examine the shaping of art history as a discipline during the 19th century in relation to artistic training and exchanges between artists and scholars. The development of art history has been associated with an array of socio-political and economic factors such as the formation of a bourgeois public, the politics of national identity and state legitimacy or the needs of an expanding art market. This conference aspires to explore yet another, less studied dimension: the extent to which the historical study of art was also rooted in an intention to inform contemporary artistic production.

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  • Vienne

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    The central bank balance sheet in a long-term perspective

    How to construct it, how to read it, what to learn from it

    The purpose of the workshop is to gather scholars who have worked with historic central bank balance sheets to put these current debates into a longer-term perspective. We particularly welcome contributions that highlight the challenges posed by analyzing balance sheets both in a cross section and over time, notably by potentially different meanings of balance sheet categories and changes in the underlying operations.

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  • Lyon

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Defining and defying the concept of deviance and degeneration in the British Isles and North America in the 19th century

    This one-day conference aims at exploring the definition(s) and contours of deviance and degeneration as it was conceived in the British Isles and North America in the 19th century. PhD students, postgraduate students and junior scholars whose research pertains to the study of deviant groups, whether self-defined or not, are particularly welcome to participate. Speakers will be invited to focus on the processes of definition of the standards of normality – whether religious, social, political, legal, medicalor sexual – as well as what those processes entailed for those who were labelled ‘deviants’. The role of scientists, doctors but also political authorities is of considerable interest in this respect, as are the ways in which normative standards were circumvented and challenged.

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  • Amsterdam

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Denim on stage

    University meets industry at Denim City in Amsterdam

    The aim of this one-day conference is to explore the evolution of denim from its origins in the French town of Nîmes, through the American invention of the modern blue jeans, to the contemporary global manufacturing and marketing of denim and jeans. Blue denim jeans are the most worn garments in the world. Even though denim is often perceived as a symbol of American culture, the denim fabric originated in Europe and has a long history. Yet it was only when denim trousers were riveted that the first modern pair of jeans were created in the late XIXth century. Since this invention, jeans have made grand transformations from a worker’s garment, through a uniform of non-conformity and youth protest, to an item of fashion design. Recently, the Netherlands has become an international marketing cluster for the global denim industry.

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  • Villetaneuse

    Colloque - Histoire

    La marge et les historiens : de l’Amérique du Nord aux anciens empires

    En s’intéressant aux « marges », les organisateurs engagent les participants à s’interroger sur les discussions actuelles à propos de l’écriture de l’histoire et ses représentations fictionnelles ou artistiques comme sur les rapports complexes entre histoire professionnelle et mémoires, entre histoire critique et mises en scène muséographiques et commémorations.

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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Radical Americas Symposium 2015

    The aim of the event is to bring a range of disciplinary and geographical perspectives to bear on radicalism throughout the Americas. Our definition of radicalism is a broad one, encompassing both political radicalism as an object of study, and radical analytical approaches to the societies and cultures of the Americas. We welcome proposals that deal with any aspect of radicalism, from the democratic and republican radicalisms of the nineteenth century; to the socialist, anarchist, communist, and populist radicalisms of the twentieth century; as well as contemporary identity politics, social movements, and twenty-first century radicalisms.

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  • Bruxelles

    Colloque - Asie

    Unlocking Sound and Image Heritage. See, Listen and Share

    SOIMA 2015 International Conference

    The conference is based on the collective experience of ICCROM’s multi-partner programme on Sound and Image Collections Conservation (SOIMA), which organized five capacity building initiatives (four international and one regional) in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America during 2007-2014. Building on SOIMA’s global insights from bringing together 89 sound and image professionals from 55 countries to date, the 2015 conference is making a strong case for looking beyond professional and institutional boundaries, actively listening to each other and sharing strategies to ensure a safe and creative tomorrow for sound and image heritage. The conference aims to promote the sound and image heritage held by diverse and lesser-known cultural and research institutions, as well as individual collectors.

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  • Bourse, prix et emploi - Amériques

    Charles C. Eldredge Prize 2016

    The Smithsonian American Art Museum is now accepting nominations for the 2016 Charles C. Eldredge Prize. Single-author books devoted to any aspect of the visual arts of the United States and published in the three previous calendar years are eligible.

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