

  • Gérone

    Colloque - Études urbaines

    Cathedrals and Mosques: Building Urban Memories and Landscapes in Southern Europe (12th - 14th centuries)

    This international conference will discuss interdisciplinary questions regarding the importance of cathedrals and mosques in the definition of memory and urban landscape in the medieval Mediterranean from the twelfth to the fourteenth centuries. Our research aims at analysing the role these two buildings played in configuring the urban fabric of the Mediterranean world. One of our primary objectives is to understand how these buildings defined medieval landscape and urban space. How did they modify and condition the social and functional organisation of their urban surroundings? What architectural features contributed to their place in civic memory (decoration, architectural style and building techniques)? We are interested in the place they occupy in their cities’ urban planning and topography.

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  • Francfort-sur-le-Main

    Colloque - Europe

    Nouvelles orientations pour les bibliothèques, les chercheurs et les partenariats

    Un symposium international

    Un symposium, New Directions for Libraries, Scholars, and Partnerships aura lieu le vendredi 13 octobre 2017 à la Bibliothèque nationale allemande lors de la Salon du livre de Francfort. Le symposium est organisé par le Collaboratif international des fonds documentaires en langue française (CIFNAL) et le partenariat germano-nord-américain sur les ressources (GNARP), deux projets de travail du Centre for Research Libraries (Chicago, États-Unis), avec le soutien de la Bibliothèque nationale allemande et autres partenaires français, allemands et internationaux. Les sujets de session comprennent : les collections et la collaboration ; érudition numérique ; la révolution de l'édition ; nouvelles dimensions du service aux étudiants et étudiants ; et de nouvelles stratégies pour les services et les partenariats.

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  • Heidelberg

    Colloque - Europe

    The Roll in Western Europe in the Late Middle Ages

    Rolls were used in all aspects of medieval society. Key areas in which rolls were utilized include administration, genealogies, poetry, liturgy and heraldry. Despite the significance of the roll as a form for medieval writing culture, it has not received as much attention in respect to its significance. The international conference The Roll in Western Europe in the Late Middle Ages focuses on the materiality and the praxeology of late medieval rolls (1200 – 1500), particularly in England and France. The presentations deal with questions regarding the purpose and function of the rolls, the advantages and disadvantages of the roll form and why it was preferred for certain texts over other forms, such as the codex.

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  • Oslo

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Peacemaking and the Restraint of Violence in Medieval Europe (1100-1300)

    Practices, Actors and Behaviour

    In high medieval Europe, conflict took a number of different forms, from large-scale battles, such as disputes over crowns, power and lands, to more local disputes over inheritance and property. In the absence of well-developed administrative structures which could limit conflict, cultural conventions, rituals and behavioural norms evolved to moderate violence within the elite community.

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  • Padoue

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Histoire

    European Research Council project "The Dark Side of the Belle Époque" research grants

    The Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World of the University of Padua (Italy) is offering 4 postdoctoral positions within the frame of the ERC-project "The Dark Side of the Belle Époque".

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  • Kalamazoo

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    Walruses, Whales and Narwhals

    Maritime Ivories in Western Europe, 900-1500

    Dans l'histoire de la sculpture sur ivoire, les mammifères marins ont souvent été éclipsés par l'éléphant, vu comme un ivoire plus noble dont le morse ou la baleine ne seraient que des succédanés. Mais cette vision historiographique n'est pas sans faiblesses. Non seulement la chasse au morse joua un rôle significatif dans l'expansion européenne vers l'Ouest, mais le commerce de ces ivoires s'étendit jusqu'au monde islamique voire à l'Extrême-Orient. Cette session du 52e International Congress on Medieval Studies, sponsorisée par le National Museum of Scotland, vise à étudier les ivoires maritimes sous tous leurs aspects, collecte du matériau brut, commerce, ateliers et valeur symbolique.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Histoire

    The Price of Peace: Modernising the Ancien Régime?

    Europe 1815-1848

    In many historiographic traditions, the so-called "Restoration" has been depicted as an awkward interval between the Napoleonic Wars and the age of nationalism. This international conference has the ambition of breaking down old myths and stereotypes about the ‘Restoration’ in order to think more broadly and openly about the key transitions and issues. The conference will revolve around the provocative historiographical issue of whether the post-Napoleonic order represented an attempt to reconcile the heritage of the Ancien Régime with a deeply transformed world. Topics explored by panels of invited experts from across Europe will include Rethinking the "Restoration", New departures in international relations, Constitutions vs. Charters, Rebirth of composite monarchies, Before and Beyond the Nation, Historicising the Ancien Régime?, New borders and old identities.

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  • Tours

    Colloque - Sociologie

    Invisible pesticides, invisible workers, invisible hazards

    International Conference on pesticides and occupational health issues in agriculture

    The aim of the international conference Invisible pesticides, invisible workers, invisible hazards is to gather researchers in humanities and social sciences from various background in order to foster collective discussions on the links between social context, methodological approaches and theoretical frameworks when dealing with occupational health issues related to pesticides exposure in agriculture.

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  • Colloque - Histoire

    Rethinking pictures

    A transatlantic dialogue

    On the occasion of the launch of Picturing, the first volume of the Terra Foundation Essays, a new publication series exploring themes of critical importance to the history of arts and visual culture of the United States, the Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte, Paris, and the Terra Foundation for American Art are jointly organizing a conference to further the transatlantic dialogue about what pictures are and what they do. This conference invites speakers to reflect on the differences and convergences between the intellectual traditions of visual studies and Bildwissenschaft. Are there ways to think about pictures anew by bringing these models more closely together?  Does the move away from visuality towards the material offer possibilities for overcoming early differences between these two approaches?

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Quels citoyens pour l'empire ?

    La citoyenneté française à l'épreuve de la colonisation dans la première moitié du XXe siècle

    Les dimensions impériales de la citoyenneté française sont à la fois bien et mal connues. Des travaux récents ont rappelé que la césure entre citoyens et sujets s’est construite de façon progressive et par ajustements entre les enjeux de pouvoir à l’échelle locale et impériale, les logiques juridiques et les revendications portées par des acteurs mus par des intérêts différents, sinon contradictoires. La multiplication des recherches d’histoire sociale, politique et culturelle de la colonisation permet désormais d’écrire une histoire plurivoque des dimensions impériales de la citoyenneté française en se demandant comment tous ces acteurs formulent la question qui sert de titre au colloque « quels citoyens pour l’empire ? » et quelles réponses ils lui apportent, ou comment ils font en sorte d’empêcher qu’elle soit débattue.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Droit

    Digital surveillance and cyber spying

    French-German perspective

    As a part of the “French-German doctorate program of comparative public law” and “HeiParisMax”, the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne organizes a colloquium about digital surveillance and cyber spying in a french-german perspective. The colloquium takes place on September 23th, 2016 in Paris and intends to gather junior researchers in particular in the field of legal sciences who deal with digital surveillance and cyber spying. 

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  • Cambridge

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    The Circle of Money

    Practices, Politics, and Policy in Premodern Societies (6th-17th Centuries)

    Money is at once elusive and concrete. As a mode of economic exchange it exists within a relatively fixed playing field, with clearly delineated boundaries of benefits and costs. However, poor handling, bad advice, or even a bad turn at a game of chance can swallow money up in one fell swoop. The workshop will investigate this wide array of pre-capitalist, western and non-western contexts from the English Isles, Flanders, France, Germany, Italy, and China between the Middle Ages and Early Modern times.

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  • Londres

    Journée d'étude - Europe

    Creating the Europe 1600-1815 Galleries

    This conference celebrates the opening of the V&A’s new Europe 1600-1815 Galleries. It will introduce some of the new patterns of living that laid the foundations for our modern world. The papers will be presented according to the three main themes that create a narrative structure for the displays and interpretation in the galleries: first, that, for the first time ever, Europeans systematically explored, exploited, and collected resources from Africa, Asia and the Americas in their art and design; second, that France took over from Italy as leader of fashion and art in the second half of the 17th century; and third, that ways of living came to resemble those we know today.

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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Fabrications: Designing for Silk in the Eighteenth Century

    Joubert de la Hiberderie’s Le Dessinateur d’étoffes d’or, d’argent, et de soie (1765) was the first book to be published on textile design in Europe.  In preparation for the publication of an English translation and critical edition of the text this one day conference calls for papers that will analyse, critique, contextualise, review or otherwise engage with the Le dessinateur in the light of its themes: production, design, technology, education, botany and art.  Joubert’s manual argues for both a liberal and a technological education for the ideal designer. Such a person must, he argues, have detailed knowledge of the materials, technologies and traditions of patterned silk in order successfully to propose new designs; he or she must also have taste and an eye for beauty, which call, he says, for travel in order to see both the beauties of nature and those of art gathered in the gardens and galleries of Paris and the île de France.  

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  • Villetaneuse

    Journée d'étude - Europe

    Vers un modèle de sociabilité britannique : dynamiques et conflits

    Dans le cadre du projet interdisciplinaire HIDISOC « History and Dictionary of Sociability in Britain (1660-1832) », la journée d’étude du 13 mars 2015, organisée par PLEIADE (université Paris 13) et HCTI (UBO Brest) vise à appréhender, dans une perspective comparatiste, l'évolution de la sociabilité britannique au cours du long dix-huitième siècle, sous l'angle des dynamiques et conflits entre pratiques et modèles nationaux de sociabilité.

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  • Bruxelles | Namur

    Colloque - Époque moderne

    Building techniques in writings on architecture between Italy, France and the Low Countries

    Les techniques constructives dans les écrits d’architecture entre Italie, France et anciens Pays-Bas

    La littérature sur les traités d’architecture à la renaissance est vaste et permet une lecture très approfondie de certains aspects épistémologiques, culturels et politiques de ce genre littéraire : la nouveauté d’une approche théorique par rapport aux écrits d’architecture médiévaux, la réception de Vitruve, la formation de leurs auteurs, leur public, leur influence dans la définition d’une image architecturale publique des princes. L’intérêt pour la culture technique est aussi croissant et depuis une dizaine d’années les études sur l’histoire de la construction se multiplient.

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  • La Rochelle

    Colloque - Europe

    Travel in France and Ireland: Tourism, Sport and Culture

    11th AFIS Conference, University of La Rochelle

    Travel is one of Man’s main driving forces. The sea is an important feature of the geography of both Ireland and France, so it is perhaps unsurprising that waves of migration have been such an important aspect of the history of both countries. In ancient times and still today, we travel through necessity (wars, persecutions, economic, political and climatic reasons), by vocation (religious and humanitarian) and for pleasure (tourism, culture and sport).

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  • Saint Andrews

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Turning Points in French History

    Society for the Study of French History 29th Annual Conference

    This is a call for papers for the 29th Annual Conference of the UK and Ireland Society for the Study of French History. This conference will take place at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK, on 28th-30th June 2015, and will be hosted by the university’s Centre for French History and Culture. The theme of the plenary sessions will be “Turning Points in French History”. This theme has been chosen because of the number of significant anniversaries that fall in 2015 (1415 Azincourt, 1515 accession of François Ier, 1615 closing of Estates General until 1789, 1715 death of Louis XIV and accession of Louis XV, 1815 end of the Napoleonic era, 1940 fall of France). 

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Contradictions: Envisioning European Futures

    2015 International Conference of Europeanists in Paris

    The Council for European Studies (CES) calls for proposals for its 22nd International Conference of Europeanists is organized around the theme "Contradictions: Envisioning European Futures". The CES invites proposals for panels, roundtables, book discussions, and individual papers that consider the many potential futures emerging from the European crisis. We encourage proposals in the widest range of disciplines, and, in particular, proposals that combine disciplines, nationalities, and generations.

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  • Paris

    Informations diverses - Époque contemporaine

    Edith Wharton and the Great War in France

    The talk is about Edith Wharton's commitment to Paris and to France from 1914 to 1918. A wealthy and famous expatriate American novelist, who had been living mainly in Paris since 1907, she used her fame, money, writing and influence in the service of France and dedicated her considerable energies (Henry James called her the great "generalissima") to persuading her American countrymen to enter the war.  In the anniversary year of the outbreak of the First World War, Edith Wharton's role in war-time Franco-American relations makes a dramatic story, well worth reconsidering. 

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