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  • Oran

    Call for papers - Economics

    “Algerian Journal of Islamic Finance”

    Algerian Journal of Islamic Finance (AJIF) is a biannual international refereed scientific journal and free of charge, published by Oran 2 University in Oran (Algeria). The journal publishes original and innovative scientific research papers in three languages (Arabic, English and French) in all fields of Islamic Finance as Islamic economics, Islamic law, Insurance, Markets, Islamic Social Institutions …

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  • Aubervilliers

    Call for papers - Sociology

    L’Amérique latine dans la glace. Antarctiques latino-américains

    Cahiers des Amériques latines

    Nous invitons les chercheurs de sciences sociales et humaines à contribuer à un dossier des Cahiers des Amériques latines sur l’Amérique latine et l’Antarctique dans une perspective disciplinaire ou interdisciplinaire. Nous accueillerons les contributions axées sur les relations entre ces deux régions dans des approches disciplinaires variées : anthropologie et archéologie, études culturelles, économie, humanités environnementales, histoire, relations internationales, droit international, science politique, littérature, études sociales des sciences et technologies, ou écologie politique.

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  • Call for papers - History

    Commons and economic inequality in rural Europe (1500-1800)

    European Rural History Organisation Conference 2025

    Recent years have seen a flourishing of studies which have added considerably to our knowledge of inequality dynamics in preindustrial times. Scholars focused also on the determinants of these dynamics and some of these suggests a direct connection between the growth of economic inequality and the functioning of the public finances (i.e. Alfani and Di Tulio in their book on the Republic of Venice). Basically, the argument is that regressive taxation would have fostered this phenomenon, but we still have little knowledge about the mechanisms beyond this process. Why did this happen? How did the public economy’s choices influence these dynamics? How did the management of the common pool resources and the level of municipal and state direct taxation affect the paths of wealth distribution? Which were the correlations and causations mechanisms between the different elements? 

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  • Dschang

    Call for papers - Africa

    Agriculture, ruralité et développement endogène en Afrique coloniale et post-coloniale

    Le développement de l’Afrique doit être envisagé à partir du secteur agricole et du monde rural. L’urgence de penser et d’impulser le développement endogène en Afrique impose justement de réfléchir sur les multiples apports de la ruralité qui est une réalité sociale complexe. Objet stimulant des travaux sur l’Afrique au cours des années 1960-1980, le village est depuis lors éclipsé par la ville et ses problèmes. Pourtant, il est le territoire de prédilection de la résilience et de l’innovation humaine. L’idée générale de cette rencontre scientifique est de montrer que le développement de l’Afrique peut être envisagé à partir des approches endogènes et singulièrement la mobilisation innovante du monde rural.

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  • Call for papers - Ethnology, anthropology

    Résilience des communs à l’heure de l’anthropocène

    Revue internationale des études du développement n° 259 (2025-3)

    L’entrée dans le XXIe siècle a été marquée par une multiplication de crises hétérogènes : des conflits armés, des soulèvements populaires, des désastres environnementaux ou encore des épidémies et des famines. La résilience n’est pas un état, mais un processus dynamique lié à la capacité à se relever après un choc ; pour d’autres, elle renvoie à l’agencéité dans la lignée des travaux d’Amartya Sen. Dans ce dossier nous souhaitons réfléchir : 1) aux usages et mésusages du terme résilience dans le champ du développement, 2) en mobilisant les savoirs et savoir-faire comme formes de résiliences dans des pratiques situées 3) pour questionner la gestion des biens communs en tant que nouvelle approche de la résilience 4) en ouvrant vers les mobilisations sociales et les transformations juridiques pensées comme d’éventuels leviers pour la résilience des communs.

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  • Call for papers - Geography

    Crises en Afrique

    Fondements defis stratégies et perspectives face aux enjeux mondiaux actuels

    L’Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) du ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche du TOGO, lance un appel à contribution dans le cadre d’un projet d’ouvrage collectif sur le thème : « Crises africaines : fondements, défis et perspectives face aux enjeux mondiaux ». Cet appel interroge sur la problématique de développement de l’Afrique. Comment comprendre que malgré d’innombrables potentialités naturelles et humaines, l’Afrique peine à se développer.

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  • Antwerp

    Call for papers - Law

    The Worlds of Pre-Modern Neutrality (ca. 1400-1800): Norms, Institutions and Practices

    This symposium aims to contribute new insights to the long-term history of neutrality, focusing on its "pre modern" dimension broadly understood (ca. 1400-1800). Indeed, the law of neutrality started to emerge in the Early Modern Age through the practices and beliefs of the European state system, but also from its interactions with non-European normative and cultural systems. Different but complementary angles of approach can be used to understand this phenomenon: e.g. diplomatic history, IR history, political history, economic history and legal history. Throughout history, polities as well as private actors have interpreted neutrality in flexible and divergent ways, e.g. proposing a proactive-assertive approach or a more passive and inward looking one. Benefiting from multiple disciplinary perspectives, the symposium takes into consideration both the theory and the practice of neutrality, advancing our knowledge of the often-contested conceptualisation of legal regimes at sea as well as on land. Such a conceptualisation depended on the interaction between situations of peace and diverged across different temporal and spatial coordinates.

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  • Nice

    Call for papers - History

    La Méditerranée à l’épreuve de l’histoire environnementale (XVIe-XXIe siècle)

    En juin 2025, la France accueillera à Nice la troisième Conférence des Nations Unies sur l’Océan, avec quelque 120 chefs d’État et de gouvernement, mais surtout des centaines de spécialistes et d’acteurs institutionnels et non-institutionnels. Ce temps de débat et de partage autour de l’avenir des océans est l’occasion pour la discipline historique de s’emparer de ces questions. L’objet d’étude de ce colloque international est la Méditerranée, non seulement la mer mais le monde méditerranéen dans son ensemble. Les études méditerranéennes sont intrinsèquement liées à l’« environnement » depuis les travaux pionniers de Fernand Braudel. Aujourd’hui, l’histoire environnementale n’interroge plus seulement le milieu braudélien mais l’ensemble des interactions des acteurs humains et non-humains avec l’environnement. Le but de ce colloque est donc de porter un nouveau regard sur la Méditerranée grâce à l’histoire environnementale.

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  • Pierrefitte-sur-Seine

    Call for papers - Early modern

    L’industrie textile en France : une affaire d’État ? (milieu XVIIe -XXIe siècle)

    Dans le cadre de l’exposition Made in France, une histoire du textile qui se déroulera du 16 octobre 2024 au 25 janvier 2025, les Archives nationales organisent un colloque de clôture centré sur le rôle joué par l’État dans l’encadrement et le soutien de l’industrie textile, de Colbert à nos jours.

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  • Bucharest

    Call for papers - Sociology

    Business Perspectives on Corporate Accountability for Human and Environmental Rights Violations

    The past twenty years have witnessed a multiplication of legislative initiatives, civil and criminal litigations, and concerted demands by social movements and NGOs across the world to hold economic actors accountable for human rights violations and environmental degradation. An important body of literature has examined these civil society mobilizations, and the ways governments envisage similar processes. Yet we know far less about the ways businesses understand their own rights and duties as legal persons, and their responsibilities as citizen. This conference aims to revisit the current academic scholarship on corporate accountability by providing a platform for socio-historical analysis of the variety of business actors and their (potentially fragmented and competing) ideas, strategies, and lines of action in terms of enhancing or undermining concrete responsibility for human rights violations and ecological degradation.

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  • Call for papers - Europe

    Women and the Liberation in Metropolitan France and the Empire, 1944-1946

    Organized by the Conseil scientifique et d'orientation de la Mission du 80ème anniversaire de la Libération, this conference focuses on the two or three years that make up the "moment" of the Liberation, from 1944 to 1946. Its aim is to examine the transformations that took place in women's lives and gender relations - in combat, in political life in the broadest sense and in their activities - in metropolitan France and the Empire. This international meeting will both review the current state of knowledge and highlight new aspects.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - Early modern

    Secularization of religious assets in Enlightenment Europe: urban development, architecture, and art works

    The suppression of the Society of Jesus in 1773 marks the last step of the Order’s progressive dissolution initiated fifteen years earlier, in Europe and in its colonies. This act of suppression was the culmination of a broader secularisation movement concerning religious congregations across Europe, from the 1760s to the French Revolution. Whether driven by reformatory or by economic interests, all acts of suppression and secularisation had the same consequences: a large number of movable assets and real property, estates and art works were either reallocated to other religious congregations or put on sale, when not confiscated altogether. Several studies have already investigated the dispersal of abolished congregations’ assets in different parts of Enlightened Europe, but a broader overview is yet to be drawn. 

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  • Zurich

    Call for papers - History

    Lawyers and Capitalism

    The History of Lawyers as Key Actors in the Development of Global Capitalism

    The legal profession has long been identified as a power broker between political, corporate, state-bureaucratic and academic elites. Recent research has focused on the emergence of new professionals who are willing and able to work across national frontiers. As professional go-betweens, lawyers have become essential actors of the emerging “transnational legal field”, coordinating strategies across jurisdictions and forming a strong component of professional services firms. The objective of this workshop is threefold. First, it aims to take stock of the ongoing international and interdisciplinary debates. Second, it intends to focus on the historical dimension and to deepen our understanding of the changes over time of the legal profession and its role in the development of global capitalism. Third, it endeavors to promote an actors-centered approach of the role of law and law firms as a key component in the business world. 

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  • Boulogne

    Call for papers - Europe

    Les actionnaires des compagnies françaises à l’époque moderne (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle)

    Raisons, motivations et engagements des investisseurs

    Le colloque portera sur la formation de l'actionnariat des compagnies françaises à l'époque moderne.

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  • Besançon

    Call for papers - History

    Exchanges, Mobility and Collaborations

    The World of Silk Between France and Italy, 16th-19th Century

    This workshop aims to consider Franco-Italian relations concerning silk from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century by fostering dialogue between research that has hitherto been separated by historiographical tradition, particularly combining history and art history. This interdisciplinary approach is all the more essential as it seeks to scrutinize through the same set of inquiries the entire silk production chain (from mulberry cultivation to fabric consumption, including thread manufacturing and preparation, pattern creation, and weaving). By revealing the importance of interdependencies among the various stages of the production and consumption process and the different actors within this industry, this approach leads to new considerations of the connections between the social worlds and the territories that silk interlinked.

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  • Call for papers - Political studies

    Liberalism, neoliberalism, illiberalism, and civil rights in the United States

    The March 2025 issue of the ORDA journal will be devoted to the history and analysis of Liberalism, neoliberalim, illiberalism and civil rights in the United States. This issue of L’Ordinaire des Amériques seeks to contextualize and exemplify what are often theoretical abstractions about liberalism, neo-liberalism, and illiberalism in the United States.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - Modern

    What counting means in an imperial and colonial situation

    This conference intends to open in new ways the file of accounting and statistical approaches produced in imperial and colonial context (thematic maps, surveys, statistical series etc.) to extract all the information that they are likely to provide on societies and situations that they are supposed to illuminate. Taking into account the numerous historiographical findings, the critiques of the different numerical elements used, their racialist and normative aims, it is as much a question of being interested in the conditions of their production, whether they are visible (investigators) or invisible (interpreters , village elites), than to analyze the reactions to their production, their distribution or to specify the expectations of the sponsors and the uses to which they give rise. The conference intends to encourage the crossing of the scales mobilized by the different supports of these accounting elements, starting from individuals and up to the relations between administrations or colonial companies and the Metropolis.

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  • Nogent-sur-Marne

    Call for papers - History

    Energy transitions and economic thinking in German-speaking territories, 1800-2000

    ETRANHET explores how economic ideas on energy have developed in various market-economy contexts around the world, since the first waves of industrialization at the turn of the 19th century. It particularly addresses three key questions: (1) How did past economists (broadly defined) conceive the connection between energy, growth, and development? (2) How did they consider innovation and technological change in energy affairs? (3) How did economic discourse on energy influence policymaking, and vice versa? Areas covered by the project include Continental Europe, the British Isles, North and Latin America, South-East Asia, and some areas under colonial control. This workshop will be an opportunity to look more closely at German-speaking territories within Continental Europe.

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  • Strasbourg

    Call for papers - Economics

    Boisguilbert en son temps. Morale, économie et politique

    Ce colloque a vocation à mettre à nouveau la lumière sur celui qui a été considéré par Marx comme le précurseur de l’économie politique française et à questionner l’apparent consensus relatif à ses écrits. Il s’agira aussi d’envisager d’autres voies d’interprétation de sa pensée et d’adopter une perspective pluridisciplinaire mêlant histoire de la pensée économique, analyse littéraire, philosophie, théologie et politique.

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  • Beirut

    Call for papers - Political studies

    "It's a rich man's world?"

    Financing humanitarian aid and development in the Middle East since the mid-19th century

    Cet atelier exploratoire abordera les ressources financières de l’aide transnationale, leur gestion et leur circulation, en examinant les pratiques, les discours et les stratégies mises en œuvre, de l'émergence de l'humanitaire moderne, autour de la crise de 1860 au Liban, jusqu’aux récents bouleversements tels que la guerre en Syrie. L’analyse sera menée à diverses échelles, avec une attention aux réflexions sur le temps long et aux interrelations entre le local et le global. Il s'agit de mettre en dialogue diverses approches des sciences humaines et sociales, ainsi que savoirs académiques et pratiques. Sont particulièrement bienvenues les propositions portant sur un cas d’étude, un corpus de sources, un retour de terrain, des outils techniques et méthodologiques.

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