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  • Barcelone

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Global Cities and Cosmopolitan Dreams

    Part of the Research Program on: Space, Time and New Technologies of the Self, 1st International Symposium

    This project is interested in exploring the changing ideal of the city, exploring its ideological foundations, its physical construction, its social and political significance, its aesthetic value and its metaphorical meaning.

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  • Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Migration, mobilités et développement en Afrique

    Le cycle de conférences MIGDEVRI entend établir des échanges approfondis entre chercheurs, praticiens et agents publics dans le domaine des migrations et de la mobilité sous régionale au sein de l’espace communautaire CEDEAO. Il est focalisé sur les mobilités Sud-Sud quelque peu délaissées par la recherche scientifique. Cinq axes de recherche sont proposés en priorité, tant pour les participants aux Ateliers de recherche MIGDEVRI que pour les candidats aux bourses de résidence junior.

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  • Poitiers

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    Migrations and new local governance

    Migrinter research lab at the University of Poitiers, in cooperation with the Integrim program – Marie Curie Actions, and Mobglob, invite scholars working on international migrations and local governance in the Global North and the Global South to share their on-going research works. This call addresses scholars as well as early-stage researchers and Phd students from all fields (geography, sociology, anthropology, political sciences, demography and more).

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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Radical Americas Symposium 2015

    The aim of the event is to bring a range of disciplinary and geographical perspectives to bear on radicalism throughout the Americas. Our definition of radicalism is a broad one, encompassing both political radicalism as an object of study, and radical analytical approaches to the societies and cultures of the Americas. We welcome proposals that deal with any aspect of radicalism, from the democratic and republican radicalisms of the nineteenth century; to the socialist, anarchist, communist, and populist radicalisms of the twentieth century; as well as contemporary identity politics, social movements, and twenty-first century radicalisms.

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  • Montréal

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Do responsiveness and accountability matter at the municipal level

    The objective of this colloquium is to explore the mechanisms of responsiveness and accountability at the municipal level. An edited book is planned following the colloquium. The following topics will be addressed: The criteria that influence the decisions of local elected officials; The influence of citizens or other stakeholders on municipal decisions; The determinants of municipal election results; The process of municipal election campaigns; The performance of municipal governments.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Droit

    Conférence droit et limites

    Annual International Conference / Sciences Po Paris / May 19th and 20th 2014

    La conférence cherche à réunir des jeunes chercheurs et doctorants qui travaillent sur les questions aux confins du droit et des autres disciplines. Le projet a été initialement conçu comme une réponse au silence de la discipline juridique s’agissant des causes, des effets, et des solutions à apporter à la récente crise économique. Plus généralement, nous souhaitons mettre en place un cadre permettant de débattre sur la manière dont les juristes européens peuvent s’approprier les problématiques posées par la gouvernance globale. Cette année la conférence se tiendra à sciences politiques Paris les 19 et 20 mai 2014.

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  • Grenoble

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    La montagne comme fournisseur global : nouvelles formes de disparités entre montagnes et pôles métropolitains

    Les recherches socio-économiques sur la montagne se concentrent très souvent sur la description, l’interprétation et la gestion de leur dépeuplement et de leur déclin. Avec le dossier thématique sur l’immigration de nouvelles populations coordonné par Federica Corrado , c’est une autre vision qui se fait jour, principalement centrée sur une approche sociodémographique. Ce dossier thématique de la revue JAR / RGA cherche à traiter ces deux entrées d’un point de vue théorique et empirique, dans le but de documenter le débat autour des avantages et des inconvénients d’un développement des zones de montagne fortement spécialisé, tout en posant les questions de la « justice spatiale » et des pistes potentielles de développement alternatif.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Schengen: people, borders and mobility

    In the era of globalization, which benefits the implementation of policies of both stimulus or repression for the movement of people, academics have been fostering discussion around topics and concepts related with migration, borders and mobility. This epistemological basis enables us to apprehend the complexity of the European area and invites us to examine the boundaries or lack of it that separate territories. The conference also seeks to analyze the changes in the concepts of border and border control; to understand how residents in the Schengen Area – “native” or immigrants – build their national and transnational identity; to assess the evolution of mobility within the Schengen Area, which in turn allows us to perceive the relations between regions, states and individuals and to explain the various impacts of the Schengen agreements in the territories, people and societies and their border experiences.

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  • Bruxelles

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Policing Empires. Social Control, Political Transition, (Post-)Colonial Legacies

    Call for Papers International Conference

    The 2-day International Conference "Policing Empires: Social Control, Political Transition, (Post-)Colonial Legacies", to be held in Brussels in December 2013, will be the last in a series of events convened by the GERN Working Group on (Post-)Colonial Policing. Building on previous explorations of policing, surveillance and security experiences in colonial contexts, the aim of this final conference is to promote a multi-sited and comparative approach to colonial policing practices and their legacies in the postcolonial world.

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  • Naplouse

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Vivre, consommer et agir dans une Palestine glocale

    La réalité palestinienne, marquée par le conflit, a le plus souvent été analysée au seul prisme de sa spécificité politique ou culturelle. Or, de nouvelles manières de vivre, de consommer et d’agir inscrites dans un registre global ont vu le jour ces dernières années et sont largement restées inexplorées. Le colloque réunira essentiellement des chercheurs et doctorants en sciences sociales et humaines travaillant sur la Palestine mais sont aussi sollicitées des recherches sur d’autres terrains (Maghreb / Moyen-Orient / Europe) dans une dimension comparative. Ce colloque entend par ailleurs confronter des approches différentes : entre art et science, recherche et action, il fera dialoguer les sciences sociales avec les travaux d’artistes, d’architectes, les pensées et modes d’action de collectifs militants et citoyens.

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  • Lille

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Policies and their publics: discourses, actors and power

    10th International Interpretive Policy Analysis (IPA) conference

    The Lille Center for European Research on Administration, Politics and Society (CERAPS, CNRS / Université Lille 2), together with Lille 2 University, Science Po Lille and the European Social Sciences and Humanities Research Institute (MESHS) will host the 10th International Interpretive Policy Analysis (IPA) conference under the title "Policies and their publics: discourses, actors and power" in Lille (France) from 8 July 2015 to 10 July 2015.

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  • Lille

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Policies and their publics: discourses, actors and power

    10th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis

    Anti-austerity protests in Southern Europe, the Occupy Movement in North America and Europe, to say nothing about the Vinegar Movement against the costs of hosting the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, are recent examples of spectacular contestations against government programmes which are paradoxically justified as being in the public interest. In a somewhat different vein, the widespread promotion of participatory democracy, at all levels of government, has spurred heated scholarly discussions regarding the 'democracy of the publics' (Manin, 1995). As such, the tenth IPA conference is devoted to studying public policies through their publics. The latter can best be understood as beneficiaries, recipients, and targets of public policies but also as stakeholders or participants in policy-making. In other words, publics are products as well as policy actors insofar as they inform public judgment (Dewey, 1927).

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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Power and Change in the Americas in the Modern Era

    The UCL Americas Research Network invites doctoral students and early career researchers of the Americas (Central, South, and North America, as well as the Caribbean) from across the humanities and the social sciences to submit their proposals on the theme Power and Change in the Americas in the Modern Era. We welcome research that ranges both geographically and temporally, encouraging interdisciplinary conversations on national, regional and local topics and those whose focus is comparative, transnational and global. By facilitating a space for debate, this conference aims to create an ongoing platform for collaborative exchange.

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  • Prague

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    The Second Global Forum of Critical Studies

    Asking Big Questions Again

    The Euroacademia Global Forum of Critical Studies aims to bring into an open floor the reflexive and questioning interaction among academics, intellectuals, practitioners and activists profoundly concerned with evaluative understandings of the world we’re living in. The focus of the forum is to initiate an arena where no question is misplaced and irrelevant as long as we acknowledge that evaluation, critical thinking and contestation are accessible trajectories to better understand our past, present and alternative scenarios for the future.

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  • Dakar

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Politiques publiques et pratiques de développement mobile

    Opportunités, contraintes et rôle des acteurs

    Ce panel envisage interroger d’une part la place des politiques publiques (ou leur absence) à travers le rôle de l’État et des organes de régulation, et d’autre part les pratiques concrètes de développement d’applications mobiles pour le développement (santé, éducation, économie, agriculture etc.). On insistera sur les contraintes, les opportunités, les expériences concrètes de divers groupes formels ou informels de développement d’applications mobiles.

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  • Florianópolis

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    In Dreams Begin Responsibilities: The Consequences of Gay Rights Without Social Justice in the Transnational Sphere

    Doing Gender 10 – Current Challenges of Feminisms, Thematic Symposia n°076

    Historically, the Gay Liberation Movement emerged as a collective wish for social transformation regarding sexual practice, sex roles, gender prescriptions and the privitization/commodification of relationships. The movement was situated in a context of other movements for visionary social change regarding race, citizenship, women’s autonomy, children’s rights, national identity, regional self-determination and a revolution in the distribution of wealth. The AIDS crisis propelled a profound transformation of the LGBT community from a political movement to a consumer group. Abrupt changes in media representation, psychological consequences of the mass death experience, and the impact of widespread loss of generations and individuals in traumatic and sudden ways resulted in the grassroots Gay Liberation Movement fading into history, to be replaced by a Gay Rights Movement, controlled from the top down by national organizations with paid staff and LGBT individuals situated within ruling political parties, lobbying from within the cultural frameworks of those constructions. This confluence of Rights and Nation States, lead to what Rutgers Professor Jasbir Puar called “Homonationalism”, the granting of Gay Rights in the service of state interests rooted in supremacy ideology about race, gender, class and ethnicity.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Planning / conflict. Cities and citizenship in times of crisis

    This event is organized in the framework of the activities of the Planning / Conflict Thematic Group of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP). The conference aims at bringing together different perspectives on conflicts around urban planned developments, with a focus on the role planning practices may play both in defining/framing and in possibly solving/reframing conflicts.

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Drug places between knowledge and representations

    Drug and Alcohol Today

    The aim of this special issue on drug places is to focus on the spatiality of drug and alcohol practices and policies, in order to question how researchers do explicitly or implicitly spatialise practices and policies.

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  • São Leopoldo

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Institutions, Public Policies and Development in Times of Global

    Ciências Sociais Unisinos

    Ciências Sociais Unisinos is published three times a year by Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos/Brazil) and prints unpublished articles that contribute to the reflection and the interdisciplinar study of Social Sciences. 

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Heated identities: differences, belonging, and populisms in an effervescent world

    XI Portuguese Congress of Sociology

    To discover the configurations of contemporary identity processes, in their confrontations and complexity, is the goal of the XI Portuguese Congress of Sociology, titled Heated identities: differences, belonging, and populisms in an effervescent world, which will be held in Lisbon, 29-31 March, 2021, in person and on line under the local organization of ESPP/ISCTE-IUL and ICS-ULisboa.

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